The benefits and harms of red onions for the human body

Red onion is a unique product of its kind with a rich chemical composition and a range of beneficial properties. It is attractive in appearance and has a sweet, pleasant taste.

Yalta onion is a product of the breeding work of Crimean engineers. It is devoid of the sharpness and bitterness inherent in ordinary turnips, so it is given even to children. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of red onions, ways to use them in folk medicine and cooking.

Features of red onion and its chemical composition

The benefits and harms of red onions for the human body

Red onion - a variety of the usual turnip with yellow husk and white flesh. The bulb is covered with a husk of a rich garnet or red-violet color. The pulp is colored purple.

Reference. After the founding of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in 1811, by decree of Emperor Alexander I, its collection was replenished with several new species, which became the progenitors of the “Crimean” (“Yalta”) sweet onion. It contains no pungent substances that impart a recognizable pungent aroma and bitterness.

Various varieties are cultivated on the territory of Eurasia varieties, but only Yalta has a pleasant sweet taste and juiciness. The bulb consists of seven layers, the inside is painted white.

The vegetable contains phytoncides - special substances that suppress the development of pathogenic microflora.

The table shows the chemical composition of red onion per 100 g.

Name Content Norm
Beta carotene 0.001 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B4 5.5 mg 500 mg
Vitamin B5 0.1 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B6 0.1 mg 2 mg
Vitamin B9 23 mcg 400 mcg
Vitamin C 10 mg 90 mg
Vitamin E 0.2 mg 15 mg
Vitamin H 0.9 mcg 50 mcg
Vitamin K 0.3 mcg 120 mcg
Potassium 119 mg 2500 mg
Calcium 20 mg 1000 mg
Silicon 5 mg 30 mg
Magnesium 9 mg 400 mg
Sodium 8 mg 1300 mg
Sulfur 65 mg 1000 mg
Phosphorus 27 mg 800 mg
Chlorine 25 mg 2300 mg
Aluminum 400 mcg
Bor 200 mcg
Iron 0.8 mg 18 mg
Iodine 3 mcg 150 mcg
Cobalt 5 mcg 10 mcg
Manganese 0.1 mg 2 mg
Copper 85 mcg 1000 mcg
Nickel 3 mcg
Rubidium 476 mcg
Selenium 0.5 mcg 55 mcg
Fluorine 31 mcg 4000 mcg
Chromium 2 mcg 50 mcg
Zinc 0.85 mg 12 mg


Nutritional value of the product per 100 g:

  • calorie content - 32 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 7.6 g;
  • fiber - 0.9 g;
  • water - 91.24 g.

Beneficial properties for the body

The benefits and harms of red onions for the human body

Red onion has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Freshly squeezed juice has an antiseptic effect on the skin. When taken orally, it kills most bacteria, viruses and fungi known to science.
  2. Regular consumption of the product regulates the acidity of the stomach and stimulates the functioning of the entire digestive tract.
  3. The vegetable accelerates metabolic processes in the body, significantly improves well-being, and gives a boost of energy. Normalizing metabolism stimulates weight loss.
  4. Onion juice dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. This property is often used to treat insufficient blood supply to the skin, accelerate hair growth and fill the skin with moisture.
  5. The juice has an anthelmintic effect - it creates a destructive environment for parasites.
  6. The product reduces the risk of developing cancer in the stomach and prevents tissue atrophy. It is enough to eat one medium onion daily.
  7. With frequent use, excess nitrogen is eliminated, reducing the risk of blockage of blood vessels, the development of atherosclerosis, and impaired blood circulation.
  8. Fresh juice thins viscous mucus in the bronchi and lungs. This property is useful for smokers. Phytoncides reduce the negative effects of cigarette smoke, the risk of developing cancer of the larynx and lungs, and reduce the frequency of coughing attacks.
  9. Chromium contained in onions stimulates the production of insulin in the pancreas, therefore it is recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes.
  10. The active substances anthocyanin and quercetin have a general strengthening effect, support the immune system, prevent the accumulation of fluid in tissues, and have an antiallergic effect.
  11. Red onions are rich in sulfur, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and controls blood composition. With the participation of sulfur, amino acids are synthesized, which help in the overall cleansing of the body. It is necessary for the body to form connective and cartilage tissues.

Red onions contain 20% of the daily value of vitamin C, 8-11% of fiber, folic acid and manganese.

For men

Red onion is good for the male reproductive system. Regular use of the product restores testosterone production, maintaining male strength, increases libido, increases sperm motility, and prevents premature death of hair follicles.

Attention! The beneficial effect on the body is noticeable after a month of eating the vegetable.

For women

Red onion also has a positive effect on women's health: it eliminates low-grade inflammation in the pelvic organs, prevents the formation of fibroids and cysts, and normalizes hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle.

Doctors recommend using it during pregnancy if there are no contraindications.The product replenishes vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, necessary for the normal development of the fetal neural tube. Onions are useful for a pregnant woman during the cold season due to the high content of ascorbic acid.

During lactation, it is better to avoid consuming the product due to changes in the taste of milk and the presence of substances that cause intestinal colic. It is returned to the diet when the child is six months old. By this time, his digestive system will be stronger.

For children

What are the benefits of red? onions for a child's body? Pediatricians recommend using it during the period of changing baby teeth, because it helps the formation of strong bone tissue.

Onions increase the body's defenses during peak activity viral infections, improves the body's adaptive abilities, which is especially important when visiting kindergarten or school for the first time. The product helps cope with stress and calms the child's nervous system.

Vegetable shown for allergy sufferers, because it significantly reduces the negative impact of external stimuli on the body. Frequent use of the product reduces the frequency of acute allergic attacks, and in some cases allows you to completely eliminate the pathology.

In what form is there and how much?

The benefits and harms of red onions for the human body

Nutritionists advise eating red onions raw, because this is the only way the body will receive the necessary portion of nutrients. Unfortunately, during heat treatment the product loses most of its vitamin C. But this does not mean that it cannot be fried, cook or bake. By reducing processing time, it will be possible to preserve most of the vitamins and minerals.

The product goes well with any vegetables, meat, poultry, fish and cereals.

Healthy people are advised to eat no more than 100 g of raw red onion per meal.

Use in cooking

Professional chefs prefer red onions for their attractive appearance and pleasant sweet taste. Dishes with it look presentable and elegant. This onion is added to vegetable salads, appetizers, pizza, and stews. Grilled red onions are especially tasty.

We offer recipes for interesting salads with the addition of this product.

The benefits and harms of red onions for the human body

Salad "Glekhurad"

The main highlight of this dish is the nut sauce.


  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • radishes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • red “Yalta” onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • walnuts - 30-50 g;
  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • extra virgin olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. Wash, peel and cut the peppers into strips.
  2. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into large slices.
  3. Cut the radishes into strips.
  4. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  5. Chop the dill with a sharp knife.
  6. Grind the nuts into fine crumbs, mix with oil and vinegar. Add garlic passed through a press and chopped herbs. To stir thoroughly.
  7. Combine vegetables in a deep bowl, add salt and pepper and season with nut sauce. Leave to set in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Salad with pomegranate

This fresh, juicy and flavorful dish will wonderfully complement red meat cooked in the oven or over the fire.


  • red onion - 2 pcs.;
  • pomegranate (large) - 1 pc.;
  • sumac - 1 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Wash the pomegranate and remove the seeds. Squeeze the juice out of half.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Soak in salted water for 10-15 minutes, place in a sieve, and let the water drain.
  3. In a deep bowl, combine the onion, pomegranate seeds, add salt, sumac and season with juice.Stir and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes.

Sumac (sumac) is a wine-colored oriental spice with a sour taste and a slight astringent effect, without a pronounced aroma. It is prepared from red berries growing on a bush, otherwise called “vinegar tree”.

Used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of diseases

Official medicine does not deny, but, on the contrary, confirms the beneficial effects of red onions on the human body. Doctors recommend using it as an additional therapy for colds, alopecia, fluid retention, prostatitis, hypertension, constipation, and liver diseases.

The benefits and harms of red onions for the human body

Disease Treatment
  • Finely chop one onion, mix with 4-5 cloves of chopped garlic, one lemon minced, 200 g of granulated sugar, 500 ml of cold boiled water.
  • Leave the mixture in a cool, dark place for ten days.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day half an hour before meals until complete recovery.
Fluid retention
  • 200 g of chopped onion, 100 g of honey, pour 1 liter of dry red wine.
  • Leave for 15 days in a dark place.
  • Then strain and take 2 tbsp. l. morning and evening 30 minutes before meals until the condition improves.
  • Chop two red onions with a knife and add 500 ml of water at room temperature.
  • Leave for 6-8 hours, strain and take 100 ml three times a day for a month.
  • Take a break for two weeks. It is important to monitor your blood sugar levels and keep in touch with your doctor.
Liver disorders
  • Grind 500 g of onion in a meat grinder, add 200 g of sugar and put in the oven.
  • Simmer the mixture until it acquires a yellowish tint.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach for 10 days.
  • Fill a liter jar 2/3 full with chopped onions and add vodka.
  • Leave for ten days in a dark place.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Prostatitis and dropsy
  • Pour 200 g of chopped red onion into 500 ml of dry white wine.
  • Leave for 12 days, strain and take 2 tbsp. l. three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • The course of treatment is 3 weeks with a break of 10 days.
  • Bake one large red onion in the oven and mix with honey in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Apply the paste to the sore spot three times a day until the condition improves.
  • Finely chop one onion, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 1-2 hours.
  • Take 100 ml once a day for a week.
Fungal skin lesions Lubricate the affected areas with onion juice until the signs of the disease completely disappear.
Joint pain and sprains
  • Chop the onion, mix with 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar, grind in a mortar.
  • Put the mixture in gauze and apply it to the sore spot, secure with a bandage.
Purulent wounds, abscesses Wrap the baked onion pulp in gauze or cotton cloth. Apply to sore areas until complete recovery.
Alopecia Rub onion juice into your scalp 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Harm and contraindications

Red onions also have negative properties. The juice has an irritating effect on the digestive tract, so the product should not be consumed if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer, hyperacidity or pancreatitis. Onions are excluded from the diet in case of kidney disease and during lactation.

In case of exacerbation of skin diseases, it is unacceptable to get onion juice on the affected areas.

The benefits and harms of red onions for the human body


Red onions are a type of onion.It is characterized by a rich chemical composition and, when consumed regularly, has a beneficial effect on human health. The product normalizes the body’s condition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and genitourinary system, improves reproductive function, normalizes hormonal levels, increases sperm motility, and helps fight viruses, fungi and bacteria.

Onions are widely used in folk medicine and cooking. It goes well with vegetables, meat, fish and cereals. Red onions are devoid of the sharpness and bitterness common to onions, so they are consumed fresh, without pre-processing.

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