Amazing properties of onion-garlic "Suvorov" ("Anzur")

Recently, a vegetable such as onion-garlic, or Anzur, has begun to appear in gardens. The most popular variety among lovers of this unusual plant is Suvorov’s onion. In the article we will tell you whether it is edible or not and what are the secrets of growing and caring for onion-garlic.

Description of the variety

From the point of view of biological classification, this is a plant of the Onion genus, which is part of the Onion subfamily of the Amaryllidaceae family. Latin name: Allium suworowii.

Often Suvorov's onion and several closely related (and therefore easily hybridized with it) varieties are called the collective term "Anzur", which translated from the Tajik language means "mountain onion".

Origin and development

Anzur is a wild onion that is found naturally in the Tien Shan mountains and surrounding areas. Suvorov's onion is endemic to the Western Tien Shan. Hybrids, often grown in flower beds and vegetable gardens, also come from other onions that grow in mountainous areas.

Amazing properties of onion-garlic Suvorov (Anzur)Anzur - perennial bulbous plant. Its mountain origin left its mark on its biological characteristics: accelerated germination with a long dormant period.

Suvorov's bow often confused with Aflatun and Dutch. They are similar and come from approximately the same places. But the difference between them is significant: Aflatun and Dutch onions are often grown only as ornamental plants, and Suvorov onion-garlic is a food and medicinal crop, although it also blooms beautifully.

Numerous varieties of Anzurov often have such an intricate pedigree that only DNA analysis can determine which species of mountain wild onions they originated from. There are often resistant hybrids that do not have Mendelian splitting in the second generation (that is, their seeds are suitable for further cultivation of the vegetable).

Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins

Suvorov's onion is extremely rich in vitamins. It contains 5 times more vitamin C than onions. It also contains a lot of vitamins B, E and mineral salts.

The exact composition depends on the growing conditions and soil: like all onions, Anzur accumulates substances from the soil.

Beneficial properties for the human body

Amazing properties of onion-garlic Suvorov (Anzur)

Anzur has long been used in folk medicine in Central Asia. It is believed that with regular use of mountain onions, vision becomes sharper, headaches go away, and hand tremors decrease.

When Anzur is included in the diet, nonspecific immunity is strengthened and the functioning of the cardiovascular system is improved. This onion is used to treat vitamin deficiency.

Harm and contraindications for use

The wealth of essential oils and biologically active substances that make Suvorov's onion useful in folk medicine also has a downside: this onion is a strong allergen. A considerable number of people have a congenital intolerance to Anzur.

The sharpness of mountain onions can adversely affect the course of gastrointestinal diseases. In particular, with ulcers or erosion of the walls of the stomach or intestines, it is absolutely contraindicated.

Important! Only the young leaves of onion-garlic are eaten raw. Eating an onion that has not been processed cooking, pickling or baking, is undesirable even for healthy people: the concentration of essential oils is so high that there is a possibility of poisoning.

Ripening period

Suvorov's onion grows slowly. In the first year after forcing the cotyledons, the plant goes into a dormant state and forms small bulbs only before winter. In the second year, the bulbs increase in size, but do not split yet. And only in the third season after wintering does it become suitable for consumption.

Reference. If seeds, rather than bulbs, were planted, the ripening period increases to 4 years.


Since Suvorov onions are not grown on an industrial scale, yield tests were not carried out. However, according to gardeners’ estimates, this crop’s yield is low: from 1 m² of bed in the third year of cultivation, 5-6 edible heads are obtained, weighing from 150 to 300 g. That is, the maximum yield of Anzur is 1.2-1.5 kg per 1 m².

Disease resistance

Anzur has the highest endurance and resistance to disease. It only suffers from rot and fungal diseases when it is over-hydrated.

Also, mountain onions have virtually no pests. Due to the high concentration of essential oils, insects and slugs avoid it.

Characteristics of the bulb, description of appearance, taste

Amazing properties of onion-garlic Suvorov (Anzur)

External characteristics of Suvorov's bow:

  • bulb about 3 cm in diameter in a gray shell;
  • the shape of the bulb is almost round, slightly elongated upward;
  • stem ribbed, up to 1 m high;
  • leaves are bluish-green, about 3 cm thick, rough and veiny below;
  • the umbrella is dense, from semicircular to round, diameter is about 8 cm.

The plant reproduces by seeds (then reaches full maturity in 3-4 years) and slices from a ripened and split bulb, but the bulb is not divided in the first year.

Young leaves of the first 2-3 weeks after germination, young shoots and the bulbs themselves are eaten. Before eating, anzur is soaked in salt water or pickled - this removes the excess bitterness imparted by essential oils.

The taste of pickled onions Anzur resembles sour-salted cabbage stalks, which have a delicate garlic aroma that stimulates the appetite. In traditional Uzbek cuisine, pickled onions have long been used as an additional seasoning for pilaf and meat dishes. Russian gardeners rate them as an excellent snack for strong alcohol.

In addition to soaking and pickling, garlic onions are boiled in honey and baked over coals.

For which regions is it best suited and what are the climate requirements?

Amazing properties of onion-garlic Suvorov (Anzur)

The high mountain origin endowed the garlic onion with the following properties:

  • the highest frost resistance - it can freeze out only in Oymyakon, it easily tolerates frosts down to –35°C in the soil;
  • short growing season - within a couple of months after germination, the stems and leaves dry out, and the plant falls into a dormant state.

Growing Anzur is possible in any climate, including the Far North.

Important! In nature, Suvorov's onion grows like a weed. Until recently, it was widespread, but as a result of mass procurement and processing it has become rare. Now in Uzbekistan it is included in the Red Book, and only garden plants are eaten.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Benefits of onion-garlic:Amazing properties of onion-garlic Suvorov (Anzur)

  • specific, interesting taste;
  • high content of vitamins;
  • decorative - it can be grown to decorate a site; the huge purple inflorescences look festive and unusual;
  • low maintenance - although Anzur is recommended to be dug up after going dormant and replanted before winter, it can simply be left in the garden and forgotten for 3-4 years;
  • medicinal properties.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • low yield - Anzur cannot be grown in significant quantities for food in the garden, it will remain an exotic delicacy;
  • impossibility of eating raw - unlike onions and garlic, the raw Anzura onion is not suitable for food;
  • the leaves are suitable for cutting and eating for a short period, after which they become tough;
  • Anzur does not tolerate high humidity: his homeland is hot (and frosty in winter), but dry mountains; if the summer is rainy, they provide drainage beds.

What is the difference from other varieties

There are many differences from other varieties of onions. Key for the gardener:

  • low maintenance requirements;
  • low yield and short life cycle, more reminiscent of tulips or gladioli;
  • high decorative potential;
  • impossibility of eating the onion raw.

Features of planting and growing

When growing mountain onions, they focus on the agricultural technology of winter garlic, but there are some peculiarities.

Preparing for landing

Suvorov onions are planted in two ways:

  1. Seeds. They are sown before winter shortly before frost. Before planting, the seeds are washed in a solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate to protect them from fungi. Stratification may also be required - freezing the seed in wet sand.
  2. In slices. They are planted at the same time, using the same treatment.

Soil requirements

Suvorov's onion-garlic is not picky about ground. It prefers loose black soil, but can grow in any soil. Soil characteristics for Anzur:

  • humidity – Anzur tolerates dryness better than excessive moisture;
  • acidity - Suvorov's onion prefers a neutral environment, so liming is carried out on acidified soils.

Dates, scheme and rules of planting

Amazing properties of onion-garlic Suvorov (Anzur)

Seeds are planted 2 cm deep at a distance of 25 cm from each other. When planting small bulbs or segments, they are planted 5 cm deep, also in a square-cluster pattern with a distance of 25 cm from the nearest hole. Small bulbs are planted in the soil no later than November so that they have time to take root.

Landing is carried out:

  • in spring after winter stratification;
  • in autumn 1-2 weeks before frost.

Features of cultivation

Once the garlic onions are sown, they only need the following:

  • regular watering without crust formation;
  • timely digging after the onset of dormancy, if this is not done, the yield will decrease;
  • removing seed sprouts - they take away resources from the bulb (this is done if they grow Anzur onions for food).

Nuances of care

Anzur does not require special care. Regular watering without waterlogging, which is detrimental to the crop, and applying organic or complex fertilizers to the soil 2-3 times is sufficient.

Watering mode

Amazing properties of onion-garlic Suvorov (Anzur)

Suvorov's onion does not need frequent watering. If the weather is dry, water once a day - in the morning or late evening, when the sun is not high.

The norm for watering is considered to be the situation when a lump of soil taken from the garden bed easily sticks together and also easily crumbles when pressed.

Loosening the soil and weeding

Like any bulbous plants, for good yield, mountain onions need regular loosening and weeding. Weed as weeds appear, and loosen at least once a week.

Top dressing

Suvorov's onion does not need specific feeding. It is enough to add a set of fertilizers for winter planting - humus and 20-30 g of superphosphate per 1 m². When fertilizing in the spring, more calcium and phosphorus fertilizers are added than potash fertilizers. Overfeeding with saltpeter can lead to the fact that the green mass will be powerful, but the bulb will not.

Disease and pest control

Onions and garlic are not afraid of diseases and pests, but for prevention, seeds and cloves are treated against fungi with copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.

After planting, the bed is watered with a solution of Fitosporin-M.

Harvest and storage

Stages of harvesting onion-garlic:

  • digging (usually using a fork to avoid damaging the bulbs);
  • withering in the sun and draft;
  • clearing soil, trimming roots and stems.

How and when to collect

Collect the bulbs after the leaves and peduncles (if they are left) have completely dried. For use The largest specimens are selected, and the small ones are left for pre-winter planting.

Storage features and keeping quality of the variety

Storing Suvorov onions is no different from onions and garlic. At a temperature of +2...+4°C and a humidity of 80%, the bulbs are stored in a dark room for 3-4 months.

What difficulties may there be when growing

Amazing properties of onion-garlic Suvorov (Anzur)

There are no special problems with Suvorov’s onion-garlic. Pay attention to:

  1. Timely removal of flower stalks. The arrows are left if mountain onions are grown for beauty. But if food bulbs are needed, the arrows are cut out.
  2. Compliance with the watering regime. Suvorov's onion rots when over-watered.

Advice from experienced gardeners

Experienced gardeners advise the following:

  • use more phosphorus than potassium fertilizers;
  • do not allow thickening - it is better to dig up small bulbs and store them until planting before winter than to leave them in the soil.

Reviews about the onion-garlic variety Suvorov

This is what gardeners who have tried to grow this unusual garlic onion in their plots say about this plant.

Inna, Barnaul: «A good variety, suitable for decoration and seasoning. I haven’t tested the medicinal properties.”

Irina, Orsk: “The plant is unpretentious, give it free rein - it will fill the entire area. But why it is needed is unclear. I admire the umbrellas, they are big, like in the photo, but I don’t eat them – the onions are bitter and tasteless.”

Ekaterina, Novotroitsk: “Very tasty seasoning! We sowed it for beauty - and now every year we take out 5-6 onions for food and add a piece to pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. It’s just a pity that a lot of small things perish during digging: you can’t leave them, they degenerate literally within a year. We haven’t planted seeds yet – I don’t have enough patience.”


Suvorov's onion-garlic, also known as Anzur, is a non-standard plant in the garden. It cannot replace traditional onions or garlic, but it will be an interesting addition to winter preparations. It will be especially appreciated by gardeners who are interested in the beauty, and not the yield, of their plot.

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