A practical guide on the topic “How to sprout peas” from experienced summer residents

Many people think that peas are sprouted only before planting in the garden. Nothing like this. It turns out that sprouted peas are eaten, but its beneficial properties cannot be immediately counted.

Read on to learn how to sprout peas at home, how they are useful and what they are eaten with. In the article you will also find instructions for planting and caring for peas.

Benefits of sprouts for men and women

A practical guide on the topic How to germinate peas from experienced gardenersPeas contain a large number of useful substances: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc. And in the seedlings of this crop, their composition doubles. In addition, sprouted peas are absorbed by the body better than grains without sprouts and do not cause flatulence.

How do pea sprouts affect the body? They lower blood cholesterol, have a positive effect on the digestive system and improve brain activity. Sprouted peas useful for diabetes mellitus, as well as for people with a predisposition to this disease. It helps regulate blood glucose levels and reduces the risk of disease.

Sprouted peas are useful for men because they have a positive effect on the functioning of the male reproductive system. It reduces the risk of prostatitis and other genitourinary diseases.

Sprouts are also very beneficial for women. Note to those losing weight: sprouted peas are a low-calorie product, which at the same time gives a feeling of fullness and promotes fat burning.It has a rejuvenating effect and removes toxins from the body.

Carefully! The main thing with consuming sprouted peas is not to overdo it. To avoid unpleasant side effects, introduce it into your diet gradually. Start with one teaspoon per day and increase the dosage to 70 grams per day over two to three months.

Benefits for children

It's understandable with adults. What about children? Can they have sprouted peas? Can. But here it is also important to monitor the amount of sprouts consumed.

In addition to the micro- and macroelements listed above, sprouted peas contain vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C and A. So, in reasonable quantities, sprouted peas will be a healthy food for a child.

Consumption of sprouted peas by raw foodists

Every living organism needs protein to be strong and healthy. Most protein is found in animal foods, which vegetarians and raw foodists avoid. Legumes can easily replace meat as a source of protein and other elements necessary for the body., and especially sprouted peas.

Calories and nutritional value

The energy value of 100 grams of sprouted peas is 124 kcal/519 kJ. Proteins – 8.8 g; fats – 0.7 g; carbohydrates – 27.1 g.

Soak peas before planting

A practical guide on the topic How to germinate peas from experienced gardenersThere are two diametrically opposed opinions on whether to soak pea grains before landing. Seeds soaked before planting germinate faster than dry ones and also produce a larger yield. But caring for them is a little more difficult. Since these legumes love water, they need deep and consistent watering.

Dry peas will be able to survive in dry soil if you are unable to water them constantly. Pickled grains without the proper amount of moisture will die.

First you need to select the right seeds. They must be whole and healthy. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt in 1 liter of warm water and dip the peas into the solution. We will plant only those grains that have sunk to the bottom.

Now we can move on to soaking. There are two common options for germinating peas before planting: in water and in damp gauze.

First option: Fill the peas with water at room temperature so that it covers the seeds completely. For 12-16 hours, change the water every 3 hours. This time is enough for the peas to swell and sprout a little. Next, we drain all the water, place the peas on a dry cloth, and let them dry a little.

Second option: Wrap the peas in gauze and fill with water for 3 hours. After this, keep the grains in damp gauze for 3-5 days. Our peas are ready to be planted in the ground.

For the first 3 hours, peas can be soaked in a special solution. The most common of them: "Gumate", "Epin", "Rizotorfin" and "Nitragin".

Planting and caring for peas

A practical guide on the topic How to germinate peas from experienced gardenersPeas love the sun. Therefore, it needs to be planted in a sunny place, preferably protected from the wind.

The bed for planting must be prepared in the fall. To start – dig to the depth of the fertile layer (22-25 cm). You can fill the soil with compost and ash, or superphosphate and potassium salt.

In spring, we cultivate the bed as early as possible: loosen the soil to a depth of about 10 cm. Add ash and 10-15 g of urea per 1 sq.m. to the soil. The latter can be replaced with 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate.

Pea seeds can be sown quite early – starting from the 20th of April. Planting early ripening varieties can be produced until mid-summer (around July 10).

The day before planting, the bed needs to be leveled and watered thoroughly. Immediately before planting, water the soil again. We will plant the peas to a depth of 4-6 cm. The distance between the rows should be at least 20 centimeters. Every 8-10 cm we plant two peas at once, or one every 4-6 cm. We cover the holes with peas with earth and compact them a little.

Until the seedlings appear, the bed can be covered with film to protect the seeds from birds and retain moisture and warmth. With the first shoots, the film must be removed.

The first shoots should appear 6-15 days after planting.

Caring for peas is not difficult. The main thing is regular watering, weeding and timely harvesting. A separate item that peas need is support. As peas grow, they need something to cling to to keep them from falling to the ground.

Building a support is very simple. We insert pegs 1-1.5 m high into the ground. The distance between the pegs can be 50-100 cm. Between them we stretch a large mesh or several rows of rope to form a “fence”. Our peas will wrap around it.

Depending on the variety, peas begin to bloom 30-60 days after planting. A month after this, you can harvest the first harvest.

Germinating pea seeds for food: instructions

A practical guide on the topic How to germinate peas from experienced gardenersTo sprout peas for food, we will need sprouting pea seeds, a colander, a container and warm water. First, place the peas in a colander and rinse thoroughly with warm water for 1-2 minutes.

Next, distribute the peas evenly along the bottom of the container and fill with water at room temperature so that its level is about 1 cm higher than the peas. Cover with a lid so that air enters the container.Place in a warm place for 12-15 hours.

After this time, thoroughly rinse the peas and container again. Leave a little water at the very bottom and loosely close it with a lid. Every 2-3 hours we spray the peas with water from a spray bottle so that they do not dry out.

After 6 hours, wash the peas again, spray them and put them in a warm place. Repeat spraying every 2-3 hours for 12 hours.

After 12 hours, wash the peas again and completely drain the water. We put the sprouted peas in the refrigerator - they are ready to eat.

Important! Sprouted peas can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 5 days, so do not sprout peas in large quantities at once.

Seed selection and preparation

Stores sell special pea seeds for germination. You won’t be able to germinate peas and cereals, but seeds cannot be eaten for planting.

The peas should be whole, well dried, small, yellow or green.

Before germination, be sure to rinse the seeds several times with warm water.

Conditions for growing peas at home

You can grow ripe, sweet, real green peas in winter. Right on your windowsill.

To do this, we will need deep boxes or spacious pots and support for future shoots. Choose a bright place, provide the plantings with access to oxygen and stable watering.

Preparing grains for planting at home is no different from preparing for planting in open ground.

Tricks for growing peas on a windowsill

A practical guide on the topic How to germinate peas from experienced gardenersFor sprouts to sprout, it is recommended to plant peas at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other in a common box. As soon as the seedlings form two leaves, they must be transplanted into individual pots (300-500 ml), or plant wider in a common box, increasing the distance between the sprouts.

Peas need light at least 12 hours a day. In winter, it is impossible to provide it with natural sunlight for such a period of time, so fluorescent lamps are used. They need to be placed at a distance of 50 cm from the pot.

Before flowering, it is enough to water the peas generously 1-2 times a week. During flowering and fruiting, increase watering up to 3-4 times a week. After each watering, do not forget to loosen the soil.

Remember that arrows that reach 10-15 cm in size need support. Pegs with a net or rope stretched between them are also suitable here, but they need to be placed at a smaller distance from each other.

During flowering, it is necessary to fertilize several times with a solution of potassium salt and superphosphate (10-15 g per 10 liters of water).

You need to harvest the crop every 1-2 days so as not to interfere with the ripening of the next crops. pods.

Pea sprouts in cooking

Sprouted peas are eaten in their pure form and also added to a variety of dishes: salads, soups, purees, smoothies, stews with vegetables and meat.

Sprouted pea salad recipe

A practical guide on the topic How to germinate peas from experienced gardenersSalad:

  • radishes - 5-7 pcs.;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • feta cheese - 60 g;
  • pea sprouts - 50 g.


  • juice of 1/2 orange;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • mustard - 1/2 tsp;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the radish and cucumber into small cubes. Coarsely chop the feta cheese and add it to the vegetables along with the sprouted peas. Mix all the ingredients for the dressing. Season the salad and mix well. Let the dressing soak in for about 30 minutes.

Bon appetit!


Peas are a useful and unpretentious crop to grow. Sprouted beans double their benefits for the body.The main thing is to observe restrictions on the consumption of sprouted grains. Anyone can grow peas: both in the garden and on the windowsill. It does not require much effort from the gardener, and the harvest will please you soon.

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