What crops are best to plant peas next to?

When growing various vegetables in the beds, you can notice that some of them give a rich harvest, some would like more results, while others do not grow at all, despite the efforts made. This is due not only to proper care, but also to cultural compatibility.

Experienced gardeners must take this factor into account. It plays a vital role in protecting plants from diseases, and also has a beneficial effect on their growth and flowering.

What is crop compatibility and how does it affect productivity?

When planting plants, it is important to consider what crops they will be adjacent to. You also need to know what vegetables grew in a particular area of ​​the garden before (a year or two before the current season).

Many cultures are incompatible and can oppress each other. For example, cucumbers are suppressed by tomatoes, beans - by onions. It is also necessary to take into account the size of the plants and the way they grow.

And vice versa: there are examples of favorable neighborhoods between cultures, when they not only do not oppress each other, but also have a beneficial effect:

  • peas have a positive effect on potatoes and carrots;
  • mustard - for peas;
  • potatoes - for beans and corn;
  • chicory - for onions;
  • onions - for chicory and beets.

Some plants have protective properties. It is known that beets, cabbage, parsley, lettuce, carrots and dill inhibit the development of late blight.Phytoncides of onions, radishes and garlic have a detrimental effect on conidia and spores of late blight, ascochyta fungus, and causative agents of cabbage vascular bacteriosis.

Other crops, on the contrary, contribute to the spread of diseases. For example, tomato, quinoa, cucumber, cherry, sorrel and pumpkin have a beneficial effect on the development of late blight.

There are plants that secrete substances that are harmful to insect pests of other crops. For example, vegetables from the cabbage family are affected by the cabbage fly. In turn, she is afraid of the substances released by onions.

It is also known that pests can be controlled with the help of insects that parasitize them. For example, a ladybug lays eggs in the body of an aphid and feeds on its larvae. To attract ladybugs, dill and tansy are planted. Predatory insects flock to the parsnip and destroy the pests.

When cultivating the same crops in one place for a long time, pathogens of bacterial and fungal diseases can accumulate in the soil, which will affect subsequent harvests.

Due to this It is necessary to alternate the crops grown. For example, potatoes and eggplants cannot be planted in the place where tomatoes grew, since they belong to the nightshade family and have the same set of pests and diseases.

What crops are best to plant peas next to?

It is important to understand the impact a particular crop has on soil fertility. They can be roughly divided into three groups:

  1. Very demanding - all types of cabbage and celery.
  2. Less demanding are most root vegetables.
  3. Fertility-improving crops are legumes.

Vegetables from the nightshade and pumpkin families, all types of onions and lettuce, spinach and corn occupy an intermediate place between “very” and less demanding.

Reference. To avoid soil depletion, you should alternate vegetable crops so that all three groups are replaced within three years. The most favorable sequence is the following: in the first year, the most demanding crops are planted, in the second - legumes (to restore nitrogen reserves), in the third - less demanding ones.

Taking into account the compatibility of plants according to different criteria, a mixed planting of vegetables in the garden is formed, which allows you to fight pests and increase productivity.

Are peas compatible with other crops?

Peas belong to the legume family. It saturates the soil with nitrogen. Also, its roots are able to penetrate deep into the soil and extract nutrients from there. This has a beneficial effect on neighboring plants.

In this regard, it is useful to use peas as an inter-row crop. In this sense, it is a very good neighbor for potatoes. It is enough to sow peas between the rows, and they will additionally saturate the potatoes with the necessary nutrients.

Important! Peas react sensitively to crops that grew in the soil before them. Good predecessors: tomatoes, cabbage and potatoes. It is advisable to re-sow it in the same place after four years. It can also be safely planted after strawberries - provided that all of its old bushes are dug up and the weeds are removed.

What to plant next to peas

Let's figure out what we can do plant peas. The best neighbors for it: cucumber, carrots, potatoes, radishes, corn, herbs, white cabbage, lettuce and spinach. It is believed that they go well together.

Pea germination Among the beds of these crops, it saturates the soil with nitrogen.

What crops are best to plant peas next to?

If you plant peas next to corn, it will also be a wonderful support for it.And herbs, with their pungent odor, mask the location of vegetables, making it more difficult for pests to find them.

Is it possible to plant peas next to tomatoes? Tomatoes are individualistic plants, but many successfully combine them with other crops. Their smell helps fight insects. They have a negative attitude towards proximity to potatoes, dill, fennel and kohlrabi. Melissa and basil improve the taste of tomatoes, but they are neutral to the rest.

Mustard is a real “doctor” for peas; it repels the pea codling moth from planting. Peas do not like to be near garlic and onions. He doesn't do well around beans or any variety of beans. It goes well with other vegetables.

Read also:

Features of growing green peas.

How to prepare peas for seeds.


Peas are not only a tasty and healthy product, but also a wonderful neighbor for the plants they grow next to. When planted correctly in the garden, you will not only save space, but use its biological characteristics for the benefit of other crops.

With proper rotation and taking into account the compatibility of plants, you can successfully plan sowing and planting, get an excellent harvest and minimize the use of chemicals.

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