How to sow buckwheat in the Kemerovo region: optimal timing and seeding rates
Buckwheat is a valuable plant that is used in many areas of production. From the fruits, kernels, prodel and Smolensk grits are obtained. Leaves and flowers are used for medicinal purposes. Buckwheat is the main honey plant in many regions of Russia. Straw and grain waste are not thrown away, but used as food for domestic animals. The husk is processed into potash. Let's figure out how to properly sow crops in the Kemerovo region so that it produces a large and healthy harvest.
Buckwheat sowing dates in the Kemerovo region
Of the total number of ripened flowers, only 15% produce valuable grain. In this regard, determining the sowing time is a very important point. It is important to choose it so that the stage flowering did not coincide with drought, and grain germination occurred in winter.
Reference. Buckwheat - light-loving plant. Sunlight is one of the key factors contributing to crop productivity. In dark places, the plant develops more slowly, reduces the number of inflorescences and consumes carbon dioxide worse.
In the Kemerovo region, buckwheat is sown in 2 terms. If spring is warm and early, the ideal time for sowing is the third ten days of May. During this period, rowan trees bloom and fluffy white heads of dandelions appear. If spring is late and cold, it is better to sow from June 1 to June 10. At this time, ears of winter rye appear and viburnum blooms. It is important to take these factors into account in order to get a high buckwheat yield.
Seeding rate
Seeding rates vary over a wide range.Their increase does not in any way affect the increase in yield. At low rates, the plant turns out to be the strongest and healthiest; at high rates, it develops poorly and produces a small harvest. Indicators also depend on the climate zone. For the Kemerovo region the norms are as follows:
- at sowing in one row - 70–90 kg per 1 ha;
- with wide-row sowing - 50–60 kg per 1 ha.
In small areas, it is best to sow buckwheat in wide rows. There should be 50 cm of space between them. With row sowing, row spacing is 15 cm.
How to sow buckwheat in a vegetable garden or garden plot
The plant belongs to the green manure plant, therefore it increases the fertility of any soil. Because of its beautiful flowering, buckwheat is used in landscape design.
Soil preparation
Ideal conditions for buckwheat are lighted areas that are protected from dry winds. Loamy or sandy loam soil is suitable for the crop. The optimal pH is 5–7.5. If the soil is highly acidified, slaked lime is added to it (0.5 kg per 1 m²). In the fall, the area is plowed or dug up, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are always applied. To ripen 100 kg of grain, a plant requires 2–4 kg of phosphorus and 5–6 kg of potassium.
Reference. The ideal soil moisturizer is a barrier that holds snow. It can be constructed from any materials.
In the spring, the top layer of soil is loosened and nitrogen fertilizers are applied (3–5 kg per 1 centner of grain). Digging is required only if the soil is very compacted or there is too much moisture in it.
Seed selection and preparation
To obtain a high-quality harvest, take into account the area in which the buckwheat will be grown. grow. All varieties of plants are suitable for the Kemerovo region because they are not susceptible to drought.
It is important to prepare the seeds before sowing:
- select only large and heavy specimens;
- treat with fungicides (Vincit, Vitavax and Quinto Duo) to protect plants from fungi and bacteria;
- treat with microfertilizers that contain molybdenum ammonium or boric acid;
- 5 days before sowing, heat using the air-thermal method (sprinkle the seeds on a dry surface in a lighted, dry place and stir them periodically).
If you strictly follow all the points, the chances of a good harvest will increase significantly.
Planting scheme
How to plant buckwheat in the garden, depending on the quality of the soil:
- If the soil is depleted in minerals and there are no weeds, sowing is done at a distance of 7.5–15 cm between rows.
- If the soil is fertile enough, a lot of weeds grow on it; up to 45 cm are left between the rows. This gap allows the area to be cultivated, which, in turn, helps to increase the yield.
The depth of planting seeds depends on the type of soil. If it is heavy and often swims, the seeds are buried 3–5 cm; if loose and dry - by 5–8 cm. After all the seeds are planted, water the entire area generously, dig in and level.
5 days after sowing, furrows are made across or diagonally to the seeds. This helps remove the crust that forms from watering and helps draw moisture to the seeds. As a result, seedlings will appear faster and buckwheat will develop evenly.
Crop care
If all sowing rules are followed, buckwheat germinates in about a week, and after 6 days its first leaves grow. It is very important to water the plants during this period. Soil moisture is maintained within 70–80%. Water consumption is 350–450 m³ per 1 ha.
Fertilizers and fertilizers
Buckwheat loves fertilizers very much. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers have the best effect on plants, but they act differently on different types of soil:
- phosphorus fertilizers are suitable for chernozem;
- For podzolic, gray and leached chernozems, nitrogen and phosphorus compositions are ideal.
The bulk of fertilizers are applied in the fall:
- for chernozem - 300–500 kg per 1 ha of phosphate rock or 150–200 kg per 1 ha of superphosphate;
- for podzolic, gray and leached chernozems - 400–600 kg per 1 ha of phosphate rock, 300–500 kg per 1 ha of ash or 100–150 kg per 1 ha of potassium salt;
- for loamy and sandy loam soil - mineral fertilizers: N (45 kg per 1 ha), P2O5 (60 kg per 1 ha), K2O (60 kg per 1 ha);
- For depleted soil, manure or compost from peat and manure is used along with mineral fertilizers - 15–20 tons per 1 ha.
For buckwheat, all organic fertilizers are applied exclusively in the form of compost.
Mineral fertilizing is used in the spring, at the cultivation stage. Granular superphosphate is well suited in an amount of 50–70 kg per 1 ha.
Advice! To increase productivity, microfertilizers are used. The most effective among them are based on boron. They are applied simultaneously with other types of fertilizing in an amount of 50–60 kg per 1 ha.
During the flowering period, buckwheat needs nutrients most of all. At this stage, fertilizing with ammonium nitrate (60–80 kg per 1 ha) is best suited. Superphosphate is used together with it (100–150 kg per 1 ha). The products are buried to a depth of 8–10 cm at a distance of 10 cm from the rows of plants. The use of phosphorus-nitrogen compounds increases the amount of nectar produced in flowers. As a result, insect pollination improves and harvest volume increases.
Weed control
The most effective method of protecting buckwheat from weeds is the use of chemicals. In autumn, continuous herbicides are used to help remove perennial weeds:
- from thistle, thistle, creeping wheatgrass - “Glyfogan”, “Hurricane Forte” or “Roundup”;
- against annual dicotyledonous weeds - “Desormon” or “Gesagard”;
- for breeding knotweed and odorless chamomile - “Butizan 400”.
- to eliminate cereal weeds - 2,4-D amine salt (4 kg per 1 ha).
Be sure to follow the dosage of herbicides for a specific type of soil. Otherwise, they will destroy the buckwheat itself.
Harvesting in the Kemerovo region
Establishing exact calendar dates is impossible. Approximately the collection occurs in August – September. The main sign of ripeness is the darkening of more than 75% of the grain.
Buckwheat takes a long time to ripen - 25–35 days after the start of flowering. If the weather is humid, ripening is delayed. During drought, fruits stop growing completely until humidity levels increase. Grain harvesting begins at the moment when 2/3 turns brown.
How to collect correctly
Full maturation of all plants is unacceptable, otherwise the best first shoots will fall off. It is advisable to harvest the crop using a separate method:
- Mow the rows with a header or by hand.
- Dry the grain and let it ripen in windrows.
- A few days after mowing, thresh with a combine or thresher.
The cutting height when mowing should be within 15–20 cm. This allows the windrows to dry completely.
When harvesting buckwheat from a scythe, the windrows are left to lie for a day. Then they tie them in sheaves no larger than 50 cm in girth, and place them in stacks of 4 sheaves each.In this case, it is recommended to move the stems apart at the base to give greater stability to the mop.
Threshing is also done manually. To do this, the top of the sheaf is placed in a bag and forcefully tapped on it with a strong stick.
Optimal timing for sowing buckwheat in Mordovia
Unlike the Kemerovo region, Mordovia is located in western Russia. The optimal time for sowing buckwheat in this region is the end of May, when the soil warms up to +12...+15°C at a depth of 8–10 cm. These are ideal conditions for planting the crop.
Many people consider buckwheat to be a capricious plant that is difficult to care for due to its heat and moisture-loving nature. It is quite possible to grow a crop both in Mordovia and in the Kemerovo region. This is facilitated by the climatic location of the regions. The average monthly precipitation is 50–70 mm, the average temperature is +17…+18°C, which is favorable for the plant.
Buckwheat grows in almost any type of soil. It is grown not only in large fields, but also in vegetable gardens or garden plots. It is important to comply with sowing dates, properly feed and care for the crop. If all the requirements are met, the plant will certainly delight you with a good harvest.