What to do if eggplants do not set in open ground and why this happens

Eggplants are fastidious plants. They are grown in greenhouses and open ground. Without creating optimal conditions, eggplants stop developing and growing fruit. The lack of ovaries is the main problem that needs to be solved quickly. Some believe that the plants do not have enough heat, others believe that there is a lot of nitrogen in the soil. The answer to the question of why eggplants do not set in open ground can be found in our article.

What is an ovary and why is it needed?

The ovary is the formation at the bottom of the pistil. It protects the ovules from the negative influence of the environment, additionally maintains the moisture content of the seeds, and helps them withstand temperature changes and pest attacks.

Reasons for the absence of ovaries, falling and lack of fruits in eggplants

What to do if eggplants do not set in open ground and why this happens

Often due to color fall ovaries are not formed. Sometimes a plant grows and blooms, but there are too few or no fruits. Let's look at the main reasons why eggplants don't have ovaries.

Temperature violation

The temperature favorable for plants is from +25 to +27°C. If it is below +15°C, growth slows down followed by color shedding. Such temperature changes occur after placement of seedlings in open ground and sudden cold snaps. Eggplants do not die, but the color and ovaries fall off.

Hot summers are bad for plants. At temperatures above +32°C, the pollen becomes sterile, and the empty flowers on the eggplant fall off.This occurs when the crop is grown in a poorly ventilated greenhouse.

Reference. Eggplant is a capricious plant that does not tolerate stress well. In the presence of constant drafts or sudden changes in temperature, ovaries do not form on it.

Improper watering

Eggplants are moisture-loving plants, so they die due to lack of water. They require timely watering, since the leaves instantly evaporate moisture. When fruit set and growth occurs, soil moisture should be 75-80%. Drying out the soil and watering with cold water leads to the loss of ovaries and color.

Excess nitrogen

What to do if eggplants do not set in open ground and why this happens

Nitrogen is an indispensable fertilizer for seedlings and crop development. Before flowering of eggplants, its amount is reduced, and potassium and phosphorus are increased.

Important! Excess nitrogen fertilizers cause increased growth of green mass and lack of flowering. If color appears on the plants, it will remain without an ovary.

Excess pollen

What to do if eggplants do not set in open ground and why this happens

Many eggplant varieties They are self-pollinating - the flowers are bisexual. But sometimes too much pollen is produced, which leads to it sticking together. This phenomenon is observed in a greenhouse with a humid environment. This is why eggplants bloom, but there are no ovaries. Experienced gardeners recommend pollinating the plant using a regular brush.

Fertilizer shortage

Plants love nutritious and light soil. Mineral deficiency causes absence of ovaries. A lack of phosphorus, boron or magnesium negatively affects the crop.

Close fit

The density of plantings prevents sunlight from penetrating to the ovaries. Strong shadow causes the plant to shed them.

Unsuitable soil

Plants prefer fertile and drained soil with neutral acidity.Dense, acidic and poorly heated soils interfere with the formation of fruits. This often happens in the presence of loamy and podzolic soils.

How to fix these problems

What to do if eggplants do not set in open ground and why this happens


  1. Drugs are used. If the eggplants do not form ovaries, they are sprayed or watered with “Bud”, “Gibbersib”, “Epin”. These products contain phytohormones that make plants grow and develop well.
  2. Pay attention to the amount of fertilizer used. If there is a lot of nitrogen in the soil, potassium and phosphorus components are added. If there is a deficiency of boron or magnesium, the bushes are sprayed with a complex solution. Recipe: 1 g of boric acid is dissolved in 1 liter of water, diluted with 10 liters of water and 1 g of magnesium sulfate is added. Feeding eggplants drugs "Agricola" or "Kemira".
  3. If there are pests, the plant is treated with “Confidor” and “Strela”. Insects damage the buds, which leads to the absence of ovaries.
  4. Peduncles on self-pollinating eggplants are gently shaken. Self-sterile ones are pollinated by hand with a brush.
  5. Monitor and regulate air temperature. The greenhouses are ventilated during the day and closed at night.
  6. Water the plants abundantly and in a timely manner - 2 times a week, 2 liters per bush in the absence of precipitation. Use only warm water - cold water inhibits the development of the bush.

Prevention measures and advice from experienced agronomists

What to do if eggplants do not set in open ground and why this happens

Experienced gardeners recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. Check the soil. For landings choose light and fertile soil with a neutral reaction. If plants are planted in greenhouses, prepare a mixture of 1 part turf and 2 parts humus.
  2. Choose the right place. It should be well warmed by the sun. In the shade, the crop will not bear fruit.
  3. Maintain crop rotation. Eggplants are not planted after tomatoes, potatoes, and physalis.
  4. Use high-quality seed material. For this purpose, zoned varieties are selected. Planting material is processed to prevent various diseases.
  5. Forming bushes. Remove bad ovaries and leaves that interfere with the buds.
  6. Pluck off the yellow leaves and the remains of the corolla from the flower. Otherwise they will cause the fruit to rot.
  7. Set the recommended temperature. When the temperature drops at night, cover material is used. The greenhouses are ventilated daily, and in hot weather the green mass is cooled by surface watering.
  8. Water the plants once a week, in hot weather - 2 times. For 1 sq. m area, about 40 liters of water are poured.
  9. Regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds. Try not to damage the root system.
  10. Fertilize 3 times during the growing season. Nitrogen fertilizers are used 14 days after the appearance of plants, during the flowering period - complex fertilizers, and during the fruiting period - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. It’s good if the products contain macro- and microelements.

Experienced gardeners recommend choosing the right eggplant varieties for growing in a specific region. The best of them are:

  • Almaz - for all regions of Russia;
  • Banana - for central Russia, the Urals and Siberia;
  • Epic F1 - for the southern regions;
  • Black beauty - for regions with cold climates.

To obtain high-quality soil, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied in the fall. The area is being dug up. In the spring, the procedure is repeated, but without applying fertilizer.


If an eggplant sheds flowers and the ovary falls off, it means that it lacks high-quality fertilizers or an unfavorable microclimate has been created.Such problems can be eliminated if you follow the recommendations and advice, as well as properly care for the crop from the moment the seedlings appear.

For stable fruiting, it is necessary to choose zoned varieties, monitor air temperature and soil moisture, consistently water the beds, fight pests, and apply fertilizers at different stages of growth.

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