Subtleties of caring for the “Black Opal” eggplant variety and its advantages
Eggplant of the Black Opal variety is grown in home gardens and farmers' fields. It has an attractive presentation, juicy and rich taste. The pulp contains a large amount of vitamins A and B, which are necessary for humans to maintain immunity.
Let's take a closer look at how to grow eggplants of this variety and what to do to get a rich harvest.
Description of the eggplant variety
Cold-resistant eggplant is suitable for growing in any climatic zone of the country. The vegetable tolerates frosts and sudden temperature changes, and is resistant to crop diseases - stolbur, root rot, tobacco mosaic virus. Black opal can be cultivated both in open ground and under film covers. In protected conditions, the crop ripens earlier.
Distinctive features
The bushes are compact and spreading and require tying to a support.. The foliage is medium, dark green. The variety is late-ripening, harvested in 120–130 days. The vegetable is planted in seedlings.
Fruit characteristics and yield
Fruits are elongated, cylindrical in shape. Color black and blue. Eggplant weight is from 150 to 200 g, length - about 20 cm. The peel is dense, the surface is glossy. The pulp is light, the taste is neutral, there is no bitterness. From 1 sq. m, gardeners harvest about 4 kg of vegetables. Eggplant is universal in use; it is used for preparing first and second courses, and winter preparations.
Interesting! Regular consumption of vegetables reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents liver and kidney diseases.
How to grow a variety yourself
When growing the Black Opal variety follow traditional rules of planting and care: planted in nutritious soil, watered regularly, loosened the beds.
Other varieties of eggplant:
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Growing seedlings
The soil for seedlings should be neutral acidity, moisture-absorbing and loose. They improve the nutritional properties of the soil with the help of compost or ash - one part of these elements is added to the soil. Disinfect with a manganese solution or by freezing in a freezer. Then superphosphate or urea is added to the soil - they saturate the soil and create favorable conditions for sowing seeds.
Before sowing, eggplant seeds are disinfected: Place in a gauze bag and immerse in a solution of the drug “Fitosporin M” for 20 minutes. To improve germination, the material is treated with the Atlet growth stimulator. Plant the seeds in any convenient container.
Eggplants have a compact root system, so Seedling boxes or cassettes with pallets are suitable for planting. They are made of wood or plastic and are sold at any gardening store. It is easy to care for seedlings when they are all in one container. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse the container before planting and wipe it with a weak solution of manganese.
Pour soil into the container and make grooves 1-2 cm deep, place 2 seeds in each and sprinkle with a layer of earth. Water with warm, clean water and place in a sunny and dry place.
Important! Water the seedlings once every 4-5 days.Two weeks after planting, they are fertilized with liquid organic fertilizer, and after another two weeks - with ammonium nitrate or potassium salt. There should be at least 14 hours of daylight.
The bed for Black Opal should be in a sunny and protected from the wind place. If the soil is weak, it is dug up in the fall with the addition of straw cuttings or wood ash. To increase soil fertility, dry manure is added. Then level and water. For eggplant, a bed 30 cm high and 1 m wide is suitable.
The finished seedlings are moistened abundantly the day before planting.. Holes are made in the beds at a distance of 50 cm from each other with a depth of no more than 15 cm. Water is poured into the depressions, the seedlings are moved, and sprinkled with earth. The soil is compacted around the root and sprinkled with a layer of mulch or peat chips.
Further care
Eggplant Black Opal require regular loosening of the beds. The procedure improves the quality of the soil, making it lighter and looser, and more oxygen reaches the roots. Loosen the beds before watering.
Important! Moisten eggplants only with warm water. Water is directed to the root, avoiding contact with leaves and stems. It is recommended to water the plant in the morning or evening so that the moisture does not evaporate in the sun. 1–1.5 liters are consumed per bush.
During cultivation, eggplant needs three feedings. Summer residents alternate mineral and organic fertilizers to maintain nutritional balance:
- The first feeding is organized 15 days after planting. Use ash, nettle infusion, manure or liquid droppings.
- The second is carried out after another 20 days. Mineral complexes are used - “Kemira”, “Zdraven”, double superphosphate, potassium salt.
- The third procedure occurs at the beginning of fruiting.Nitrogen-containing substances are added, as they improve the taste and quality of the fruit.
Read also:
The favorite eggplant variety among summer residents is “Almaz”
Features of cultivation and possible difficulties
To get a rich harvest it is recommended to plant Opal eggplants after melons, carrots or greens. After potatoes and nightshades, these vegetables grow poorly. Failure to comply with crop rotation rules leads to the development of diseases.
Important! If the soil for planting is highly acidic, it should be limed. A mixture of lime and dry wood ash is added to the ground. You can use chalk, limestone, dolomite flour.
It is important to monitor the plantings. It is recommended to remove excess ovaries and shoots, leaving 6–8 pieces on the plant. Shaping allows you to get more eggplants. If many large fruits have grown on one bush, they are tied to a support. This supports the stems and prevents them from breaking under the weight of the vegetables.
Diseases and pests characteristic of the variety
The Black Opal variety is resistant to diseases and pests, however Possible fungal or viral infections:
- Late blight - a fungal disease that actively develops in conditions of high humidity and heat. Appears as yellow and brown spots on the leaves and stem. Late blight can be prevented by following the rules of crop rotation and watering. Infected bushes are removed from the beds, healthy plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.
- Gray rot appears during periods of rain, fog and dew. The base of the stem becomes covered with a gray coating, the plant becomes lethargic and weak. For prevention, eggplants are sprayed with the preparation “HOM” and the beds are sprinkled with wood ash.
- Blackleg affects the roots.They become covered with a dark coating, and the plants stop developing. The reasons for the appearance of the stem are weeds and hard ground that does not allow air to pass through. To avoid disease, the seeds are disinfected before planting, and during the growing process the soil is regularly loosened and weeds are removed.
Among the pests found in garden beds are Colorado potato beetles.. Both adults and their larvae are dangerous for eggplants. Insects can live in the soil for up to three years; they can easily tolerate cold and frost. The beetle feeds on leaves, which disrupts the plant's metabolic processes. The pest is capable of destroying the entire crop. A reliable way to get rid of a beetle is to collect it from bushes in a bottle of kerosene. There are also chemical means of control - the drugs “Typhoon” or “Tornado”.
Harvesting and application
Black opal eggplants are harvested at the stage of technical maturity. During this period, the vegetable does not taste bitter, the flesh is dense and elastic. A glossy shine appears on the fruits, the peel acquires a black-blue tint. Eggplants are cut with garden pruners along with the stalk. For long-term storage, select smooth, small fruits without scratches or dents. There is no need to wash them, just wipe with a dry cloth. Vegetables are packed in a plastic bag with holes and put in a cool place. The optimal storage temperature is +2°C.
Eggplants are used to prepare winter preparations: caviar, salads and appetizers. They combine harmoniously with herbs and spices, other vegetables and vinegar. The fresh harvest produces delicious dishes that are served as an addition to side dishes and soups.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Advantages of the Black Opal variety: high commercial quality, fleshy pulp, lack of bitterness.The variety is resistant to crop diseases and tolerates frost and rain. Black opal shows stable productivity and is unpretentious in care. The fruits are used in cooking; they make tasty and healthy winter preparations and vegetable salads.
However Eggplants should not be kept in the garden, otherwise they will lose their taste, become bitter and hazardous to health. Gardeners carefully monitor the sowing time and harvest at a certain time.
Reviews from gardeners
Black opal is grown by gardeners all over the country. Here are a few reviews.
Dmitry, Volgograd: “Black opal is an excellent variety! I like its compact size and non-bitter pulp. I harvest at the end of August, make caviar and salads from it. I’ve been using this variety for 5 years now.”.
Olga, Ufa: “I planted Black Opal in the greenhouse. The bushes grew poorly for the first two weeks, but then they quickly bloomed and the first eggplants appeared. It does not require much time to care for, which is a big plus. And the yield is excellent, 5–7 fruits ripen on one bush.”.
Sergey, Novosibirsk: “I planted Black Opal using seedlings. I fertilized the beds and dug them up before planting. Two weeks later I noticed the Colorado potato beetle. We managed to get rid of him. By autumn I got beautiful shiny fruits. There was enough harvest to eat right away and to store for the winter.”.
Black Opal eggplant is suitable for growing by both novice gardeners and experienced gardeners. The variety is rightfully recognized as tasty and easy to care for. Compact fruits ripen together and have a pleasant taste. If stored properly, they will not spoil for a long time.
The fruits are universal in use; they are used to prepare stuffed and baked dishes, snacks and salads.By following simple rules of agricultural technology and harvest time, you will receive vegetables with excellent taste and no bitterness.
Due to its resistance to temperature changes, Black Opal is popular among gardeners throughout the country.