The most effective recipes for potato eye masks
Delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes requires special treatment and care. She is constantly exposed to harmful influences: the use of cosmetics, the influence of the external environment, stress. Modern cosmetology offers a wide variety of eye masks in abundance. Their cost varies depending on the manufacturer, and expensive products do not always produce the expected effect. A properly prepared and aged mask at home from natural products can significantly improve the situation.
For those who are interested in how to moisturize the skin around the eyes, give it a fresh look, get rid of swelling, bruises, and smooth out fine wrinkles, we recommend paying attention to potatoes. In the article below we will discuss why a potato eye mask is useful, when and who needs it, as well as its possible harm and contraindications, general rules of preparation and use.
What are the benefits of potatoes for the skin around the eyes?
Potato tubers grown without the use of pesticides contain vitamins and minerals, including beta-carotene, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, vitamin B4, starch, proteins, potassium, aluminum, boron, copper, iron, dietary fiber, and organic acids. Potatoes are used to treat many diseases, especially skin diseases, because the vegetable has a number of beneficial properties.
What are the benefits of potatoes for the skin around the eyes:
- strengthens and softens the skin;
- smoothes out small wrinkles;
- stimulates the production of collagen fibers, making the skin firmer and more elastic;
- enriches muscles with glycogen, which has regenerating and nutritional properties, enhances the effect of other active components of the composition;
- improves complexion;
- reduces itching and irritation, has a calming effect;
- tones;
- neutralizes swelling, lightens dark circles.
Effect of potato starch and other components
Vitamins, micro- and macroelements determine the physiological value of potatoes. First of all, you need to pay attention to the starch contained in the composition (16-18 g per 100 g of product). It normalizes metabolism in cells, stimulates the production of elastin, accelerates the healing of wounds and cuts, ensures restoration of the dermis, and slows down aging.
Other components of the chemical composition of potato tubers also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin around the eyes:
- Vitamin B4 (choline). It has a rejuvenating effect, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous and fatty glands, regulates the secretion of sebum, reduces the risk of inflammation and acne formation.
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Serves as a powerful antioxidant, protects cells from the destructive effects of free radicals, inhibits oxidative processes, brightens and evens out the complexion, forms a protective lipid barrier, which prevents transdermal loss of moisture.
- Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol). Delays aging, normalizes blood circulation, evens out skin color, retains moisture in dermal cells, relieves inflammation, acts as a barrier to ultraviolet rays.
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene).Takes part in the formation of new cells, enhances the secretion of steroid hormones, which makes it a powerful tool for the treatment of skin diseases and allergic reactions. In addition, it reduces pigmentation of the skin of the face and under the eyes, increases the elasticity of the dermis due to the production of collagen and elastin.
- Iron. Stimulates cellular respiration, takes part in hematopoiesis processes, saturates cells and tissues with nutrients.
- Potassium. It is necessary to maintain normal skin hydration, prevents the evaporation of moisture from cells, which is necessary for the respiratory, protective, receptor, excretory and other functions of the skin.
Potato masks for the face and eyes are highly valued for the presence of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). It keeps the skin healthy, rejuvenates, and moisturizes well. A lack of this substance in the body is accompanied by pale and dry skin, and its excess can cause skin rashes. Vitamin PP provides a rejuvenating effect due to the ability to dilate blood vessels in the peripheral part of the circulatory system, saturate tissues with sufficient oxygen, increase the outflow of fluid and harmful toxic substances and radicals from skin cells.
Advice. To prepare potato masks, you cannot use green, old or sprouted tubers. They contain solanine, which is toxic to the human body, which can cause irritation, redness, peeling of the skin, and itching.
Indications for the use of potato eye masks
Potato eye masks are necessary for people of any age and with any skin type.It is especially important not to neglect them for women after 30 years of age, when the skin begins to change due to the biological aging process. Also, procedures are indicated after prolonged exposure to the sun or solarium.
Potato eye masks are necessary in the following cases:
- if the skin looks bad, dry and flaky;
- to restore skin after wind, cold, frost, scorching sun;
- with dullness, uneven color;
- when dark circles appear under the eyes;
- if bags under the eyes, swelling appear.
Those who have healthy skin under the eyes should use potato masks as a preventive measure: in cold weather, apply moisturizing and nourishing compositions once every 5-7 days, in warm weather - once a week to moisturize the dermis.
General rules for preparing and using masks
Each homemade eye mask usually includes several components, which are mixed together and applied to cleansed and dry skin under the eyes. Depending on the composition, you can achieve different results: eliminate dryness and tightness, saturate cells with nutrients, stop aging, give a healthy color and radiance, make the skin elastic and toned, get rid of dark circles under the eyes, swelling. As a rule, masks perform several functions at once, so this division is very arbitrary.
The main component is raw tubers or boiled jacket potatoes. Shredded raw potatoes must be used immediately, since after 40-60 minutes they lose their beneficial properties for the body. Boiled potatoes in the peel, when it has cooled a little, you need to peel, crush, if necessary, mix with other ingredients and apply to the lower eyelid.
You can make potato masks at home 1-2 times a week, the exposure time varies between 15-30 minutes. But complete care should be comprehensive and include cleansing the skin in the morning and evening, skincare procedures, taking vitamin complexes, and a sufficient amount of free fluid in the diet.
What else do you need to know about potato mask? Before starting the procedure, you need to cleanse your face of dirt and makeup. Ideally, apply the mask in the morning, since rested skin absorbs the active ingredients more actively, and accordingly, the effect will be better. The procedure performed before bedtime is also useful. After applying the mixture to your eyes, you need to lie down and relax to enhance the effect of the composition.
For reference. The reaction of the dermis to the components of the mask will be more pronounced if, before applying it, you rinse your face several times, alternating cold and warm water. Contrast washes stimulate blood flow and metabolic processes at the cellular level. Such procedures themselves have a beneficial effect on the skin: improve complexion, tone muscles, smooth out fine wrinkles.
Precautionary measures
Before using potatoes under your eyes, you must rule out the possibility of an allergy to the product. Otherwise, the use of the product threatens peeling, redness of the skin, itching and rashes.
It is necessary to combine the components of the composition with caution. When using a large number of ingredients, an allergic reaction may also develop and the condition of the skin may worsen.
Before using the product for the first time, you should assess the degree of sensitivity.To do this, the components are applied to the inside of the forearm and the reaction is observed. Even if the product is well tolerated, but after applying the mask you feel discomfort or burning, the product must be rinsed off with warm water and a soothing cream applied.
Best Recipes
There are many potato eye masks. Depending on the desired effect, different components are added to the product: milk, flour, cucumber, parsley, oatmeal, olive oil. Each of them complements potatoes and potentiates the therapeutic effect. Below we will look at the most effective and affordable potato eye masks at home.
For reference. After 30 years, it is advisable to supplement skin care around the eyes with cosmetics, alternate between different recipes, and use a wide range of ingredients for masks.
Grated potatoes for circles and bruises under the eyes
If dark circles under the eyes, swelling and bags become a cosmetic problem, raw potato tubers will come to the rescue. Classic option: peel the fruit, cut into slices, apply to the area of the lower and upper eyelids for 15-20 minutes.
Another option is grated raw potatoes. Remove the peel from the potatoes, chop on a coarse grater, place in gauze, folded in several layers, and place under the eyes. Keep for 15 minutes.
Anti-edema mask made from potatoes, milk and flour
You need to take one fresh potato, peel it and grate it. Next, add 1 tsp to the pulp. flour and 1 tbsp. l. milk. Mix everything well. Distribute the mixture evenly on the skin of the lower eyelid. Keep for 15 minutes.
The proteins contained in milk nourish cells, and a complex of vitamins and minerals destroys aggressive radicals.As a result, the skin acquires a healthy color and radiance.
Potato and cucumber mask
This mask moisturizes and smoothes the skin well. Tocopherol, present in both products, restores damaged skin, normalizes cellular metabolism, and whitens. Cucumber contains vitamin K, which neutralizes swelling.
The mask contains fresh cucumber and potatoes. Grind cucumber with peel and potatoes and combine in equal proportions. Cool the mixture in the refrigerator, then apply to the skin under the eyes. After 20 minutes, remove the remaining mask with a damp cloth and wash with cool water.
With olive oil and parsley
The mask is effective for any skin type, as parsley has a diverse beneficial effect on the skin: smoothes out shallow wrinkles, takes part in the formation of new cells, inhibits inflammatory processes, makes the skin smooth and even, and lightens age spots. Olive oil helps renew the epidermis and provides protection from negative external influences.
To prepare the mask you will need grated fresh potatoes, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tsp. chopped parsley. Add wheat or oat flour by eye to achieve a sour cream-like consistency. Apply the mask in a thick layer to the lower eyelid and leave for 20 minutes.
With beans
In home cosmetology, beans are not so widespread. However, in combination with potatoes it shows good results: it nourishes, tones and moisturizes the skin, and has a pronounced lifting effect.
You need to boil the potatoes in their skins and mash them with a fork. Mix with 1 tbsp. l. puree made from boiled beans, add 2-3 drops of olive oil.Apply to the skin around the eyes, leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water.
For bags under the eyes
Any of the above recipes can be used to eliminate puffiness under the eyes. The combination of fresh cucumber and potatoes copes especially well with the problem. The potato honey mask for bags under the eyes received rave reviews.
The recipe is simple: peel fresh potatoes, grate them, mix with 1 tsp. honey Distribute the composition evenly over the lower eyelid. Keep for 15-20 minutes depending on individual sensations. Remove the residue with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.
Advice. It is advisable to choose natural honey. Then there will be more benefits for the body and skin, and the risk of allergies will be less.
With oat flakes
Oatmeal cereal helps cleanse the face of dead cells, tighten pores, saturate the skin with moisture, and slow down the aging process. The citric acid contained in the composition reduces pigmentation and tones, manganese relieves inflammation.
You need to take one small potato, boil until tender, remove the skin and, using a potato masher, grind until pureed. Add 1 tbsp. l. milk, dry oatmeal and the same amount of vegetable oil (can be replaced with nourishing face cream). The mask should sit for 5-10 minutes, after which you need to apply it to the skin around the eyes with massaging movements. Keep for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Boiled potato gruel for wrinkles
Boil one potato in its skin, peel, mash well with a fork with a few tablespoons of milk and one raw egg white. Mix everything and apply to the skin of the lower eyelid for 20 minutes.This mask moisturizes and refreshes the skin, increases the elasticity of the epidermis, and protects against the harmful effects of UV rays.
Potato masks are contraindicated in the case of small cuts, wounds, ulcerative defects on the skin of the lower eyelid, dilation and fragility of small vessels in sensitive skin (rosacea), or herpes infection.
Reviews of potato eye masks are mostly positive. The products have extensive indications, are effective for lightening dark circles, neutralizing puffiness, well moisturize, nourish and tone the skin, helping to prolong youth and beauty. Negative statements are mainly due to the fact that after applying the composition there was a strong feeling of heat and redness of the skin.
Marina, 35 years old: “I have thin and sensitive skin under my eyes. I select skincare products very carefully and carefully; I prefer products with natural ingredients. The potato mask with cucumber was a pleasant discovery for me. I have been making a mask once every 3-4 days for more than six months. During this time, fine wrinkles smoothed out, the skin became firmer and more elastic, and acquired a healthy color. I recommend it to everyone for use, since not every expensive cosmetic product will lead to such a result. Tested on myself."
Ekaterina, 43 years old: “My problem is puffiness under the eyes. I found reviews on the Internet that potatoes are good at relieving swelling, lightening dark spots, and tightening the skin. I made a mask. Yes, indeed, the declared effect is present, but not for long. To achieve the desired result, you need to use potatoes regularly, which is not always convenient.I would like to highlight their advantages: the effectiveness of the mask, the cheapness and availability of the vegetable when purchased, and the disadvantages are the method of preparation. It’s easier to apply a ready-made cosmetic product.”
Olga, 52 years old: “Potato mask with oatmeal is a real salvation for aging skin. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure, and with regular use you can completely forget about beauty injections. And most importantly, potatoes are a natural and safe product for the human body and almost never cause side effects.”
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Simple and effective watermelon masks for face and hair at home.
To maintain youth and beauty, and to notice the admiring glances of others, you need to regularly and very carefully care for the thin and sensitive skin around the eyes. One of the effective remedies for preventing premature skin aging is a potato mask. In addition, the vegetable stimulates the production of collagen, makes the skin firmer and more elastic, improves its protective functions, eliminates dark circles under the eyes, nourishes, moisturizes and tones.
There are different variations of potato-based eye masks, which allows you to choose the optimal product for yourself, depending on the desired result. If you use such masks regularly, the skin around the eyes will become healthy and smooth. Stay always young and beautiful!