How to grow chili peppers at home on a windowsill: step-by-step instructions and secrets of experienced farmers

Chili pepper is the most popular spice among “spicy” lovers. It is used not only in cooking, but also medicine or cosmetology. The benefits of the plant were well known to the Aztecs and Mayan tribes - Europeans received the first seeds from these peoples.

Today, even a beginner can cope with growing peppers: beautiful bushes will become a good decoration for a balcony or windowsill and will certainly delight their owner with sharp, piquant fruits.

Choosing a pepper variety to grow on a windowsill

It is not difficult to grow chili peppers at home on a windowsill if you choose the right one. variety.

Exotic names of pepper: Swallow and Bluebell have different shapes, fruit colors, leaf colors and ripening periods.

Early ripening varieties ripen in 90-120 days, mid-ripening varieties in 120-140 days from the moment of planting.

The Tabasco variety has hot fruit pulp. Suitable for growing on a window, and for industrial purposes - on plantations. Pepper is valued for its early ripening.

Salute is a low-growing variety; its compact, rounded bush grows up to 20 cm. Five-centimeter fruits in the form of orange and red cones point upward and have a strong aroma.

The Aladdin variety is grown on a windowsill or in open ground. During the growing process, its fruits change from green to flint, purple and red.Pepper is distinguished by its long and abundant fruiting, as well as its early ripening.

The bell has red fruits of an unusual shape; the variety ripens in 150 days. The pungency in the fruits is unevenly distributed.

Other early ripening varieties for growing at home are also popular:

  • Dwarf;
  • Watercolor;
  • Treasure Island;
  • The firstborn of Siberia.

On a note. There are also inedible types of peppers that are grown only for decorative purposes: Red Rocket, Pepperoni, Orange, Clown, Filius Blue, Goldfinger.

How to grow chili peppers at home on a windowsill: step-by-step instructions and secrets of experienced farmers

How to get chili pepper seeds

There are two ways to obtain seed for growing peppers: purchase them at a gardening store or collect them yourself. In the first case, it is important to choose high-quality material that will guarantee good germination.

In this case, experts recommend observing the following rules:

  1. Before purchasing seeds, carefully examine their appearance: damaged or deformed, most often, do not sprout. In addition, they must be large enough - weak, diseased plants grow from small seed material.
  2. The surface of the seeds should not have yellow, orange or brown spots. If they are present, it means that high temperature was used for drying, which has a detrimental effect on the seeds.
  3. To avoid wasting time and disappointment, check the seeds for germination. To do this, put them in a container with water, add a growth stimulator there and soak them in the resulting solution for 24 hours. Then pour some soil there and wait for the roots to appear - this takes 2-3 days. If they do not grow, it means the material is of poor quality.

In order not to purchase low-quality seed, it is best to collect the seeds yourself.

For your information. The main rule in this procedure is to wait until the fruits are well ripened, and this time comes not when they are already suitable for consumption, but much later.

The time for collecting seeds is determined by the appearance of the fruit - the pods begin to dry out, and the tip acquires a brown tint. Carefully cut the pepper in half, shake out the seeds, then rub them in your hands and blow off the remaining pulp. Use gloves and goggles when doing this, as small particles coming into contact with your skin or eyes will cause severe irritation. Store seeds in a dry place.

To learn about Sichuan pepper seasoning, follow this link.

Landing time

Planting seeds for seedlings is carried out in February-March. To do this, you will need special soil, which can be easily prepared yourself or purchased ready-made at a gardening store.

The exact sowing time is calculated so that the time of germination occurs in the first month of spring, when daylight hours become longer and longer. In this case, the plants will have enough natural light to grow. And this will save the owner from unnecessary hassle with organizing lighting.

How to grow chili peppers on your windowsill at home

Hot peppers are often found in pots at home. But not everyone knows how to grow it correctly. Having learned about the main secrets of cultivation, you can easily grow this crop on your own windowsill.

Hot pepper grows well both in open ground and at home. Red fruits perfectly decorate a windowsill or garden bed.

Preparing seeds and germinating seedlings

Before planting, prepare the seed according to the following scheme:

  1. Get rid of damaged and spoiled beans. Place the seeds in a solution of table salt (10 g of substance per 1 liter of water), after a few minutes the empty grains will float, remove them.
  2. Disinfect the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Keep the material there for 15 minutes. Then rinse the seeds thoroughly with running water and dry. You can also use special preparations against plant fungi, following the directions on the package.
  3. To make the pepper bush grow stronger, first soak the seed in a nutrient solution. An infusion of wood ash (20 g per 1 liter of water) is suitable for this purpose; let it brew for a day. Growth stimulants are sold in specialized stores. Such preparations will serve as both a fertilizing agent and a disinfectant.
  4. In order for the seeds to hatch, they must be germinated. To do this, spread the seeds in one layer on a damp cloth or paper and cover with it. Make sure the fabric is always damp. The procedure helps determine the germination of peppers, remove unsuitable seeds before planting and reduce the germination time of seedlings.

Did you know? Chili pepper contains capsaicin, which activates metabolic processes in the body and promotes fat burning.

How to grow chili peppers at home on a windowsill: step-by-step instructions and secrets of experienced farmers

Seedling care

In the summer, take the plant to the balcony or loggia, and in the winter, place it on the windowsill on the sunny side. To extend the daylight hours, hang lamps above the bush.

On a note. With a lack of light, the foliage acquires a light shade, which subsequently leads to leaf fall. In this case, the duration of artificial lighting must be extended.

As they dry, water the pepper at the root.To do this, use clean water at room temperature and moisten the foliage with a sprayer.

Choosing a suitable location and creating optimal growing conditions

During the scorching sun, lightly shade the plant. In summer, take the bush out onto the balcony or loggia, but avoid drafts. When ventilating, remove the crop away from the open window. If you have old windows, seal all the cracks.

Important! For normal crop growth in winter, the air temperature must be at least +18 °C, and starting in spring, the optimal temperature will be +20...+24 °C.

Transplanting peppers into pots

When the seedlings grow to 10-15 cm, transplant the bushes into separate pots. The best container would be a wide plastic container, but not too deep.

Replant plants as follows:

  • for a drainage layer at the bottom, place small pebbles of at least 3 cm;
  • pour soil for pepper into the container;
  • prepare the holes for the plant and place the sprouts there with a lump of earth, without deepening the stem, sprinkle with soil.
  • after planting, tamp down well and water the soil around the stem;
  • Make the next watering in a week, when the root system begins to take root.

For your information. Do not over-moisten the soil until the roots have strengthened, otherwise there is a risk that they will begin to rot.

How to grow chili peppers at home on a windowsill: step-by-step instructions and secrets of experienced farmers

Selection of capacity

By placing a bush in one container, it looks attractive, but when planted together, stronger plants will drown out weaker specimens and you won’t get a beautiful composition. In muted bushes, flowering will be delayed, and the fruits will grow small and inconspicuous.

Typically, homemade chili peppers are grown in small containers. The culture does not need large containers: shallow 150-200 ml cups are suitable for seedlings, then the plant will need to be transplanted into a 3-6 liter container.

Do not use ceramic products, as the soil in such a pot will dry out quickly. When roots peek out from the bottom, this is a signal to replant the plant.

How to make delicious dill sauce read here.

Suitable substrate

Hot varieties of peppers are not particularly capricious and demanding of soil, so even ordinary soil from a garden bed will be quite suitable. However, the land may be contaminated with pests and diseases from previous crops.

To create more comfortable conditions for germinating seeds, purchase seedling substrate from a specialized store. It is better to choose peat or soil mixtures based on it.

Soil preparation

Some people prepare their own nutrient mixture for planting. To do this you will need the following components:

  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part river sand;
  • 1 part coconut fiber;
  • 1 part perlite or vermiculite.

Before planting hot pepper seeds, it is necessary to disinfect the soil by sprinkling it with Previkur fungicide, which will prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Formation and pollination of the bush

Final rooting and the beginning of growth of the bushes will begin in 15-20 days. At this time, the pepper will begin to actively form new shoots. Peppers grown on a windowsill do not require pinching.

Its fruits are small and the bush has enough strength to grow them. There is also no need to put up any supports; the stem of the pepper is powerful enough to support a lot of fruit.

As soon as the bushes begin to bloom, the branches need to be slightly shaken to pollinate the buds.Turn the bushes daily with the other side facing the window for uniform development. If this is not done, the shoots will reach towards the light and the bush will begin to lean to one side.

How to grow chili peppers at home on a windowsill: step-by-step instructions and secrets of experienced farmers

Watering and fertilizing

Pay special attention to watering. If there is insufficient moisture, the plant will begin to shed its leaves and die. The water should be warm. Watering is especially necessary during the heating season. Additionally, the crop must be sprayed with warm water.

For reference. Over-wetting the soil is also unacceptable. From excess moisture, plants can get blackleg.

Once a month you need to fertilize. To do this, it is advisable to use complex fertilizers, which include potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. If the pepper lacks nutrients, the leaves will turn purple.

Diseases and pests

Chili pepper has strong immunity to various diseases and parasites due to its taste. The variety actively kills bacteria and is practically not susceptible to disease. In extremely rare cases, improper care or improper growing conditions can lead to plant disease or death.

The most dangerous enemies for culture:

  1. Spider mite. The parasite starts when the air humidity is too low. This is manifested by sudden yellowing and falling of leaves. Untimely measures taken will lead to the death of the plant. Periodic treatment with fungicides saves the crop from the parasite. For preventative purposes, the plant is washed from time to time with a warm solution of laundry soap, and the soil in the pot is sprinkled with any ground pepper. The bushes are also periodically sprayed to compensate for the lack of moisture in the surrounding air.
  2. Blackleg. The disease appears when there is an excess of moisture in the soil and is characterized by rotting of the roots. To save the plant, it is removed from the soil, the root system is washed, the affected fragments are cut off, and all roots are treated with charcoal. Then the plant is planted back, forgetting about watering for a while. It is very difficult to cure a crop from blackleg, so it is better to always water moderately.
  3. Midges can appear from neighboring crops. For preventive purposes, the plant is wiped with soapy water, and to repel parasites, ground pepper is used, as in the case of spider mites.


Secrets of growing hot peppers on the windowsill

The main secret to getting a bountiful harvest of red pepper without leaving your apartment is the right choice of crop variety.

The best option for indoor conditions would be:

  • Chile;
  • Coral;
  • Adjika.

All decorative types of hot pepper are adapted for growing in a room or on a balcony. If the aesthetic component of an indoor garden bed is important, several varieties of such peppers are planted at the same time to decorate the interior.

A bright parade of colors on the windowsill will be created by:

  • Indian summer;
  • Ogonyok;
  • Bolivia;
  • Mambo;
  • Dark olive;
  • Jellyfish.

High-quality seed material is one of the fundamental factors for a rich harvest. The growth strength and capabilities of the bush will depend on the characteristics of the seeds. It is better not to use stale planting material: the plant will not grow strong.

Important Tips

Moistening the soil before sowing is a necessary measure to create comfortable conditions for growing seeds. The moisture concentration in the soil should be approximately such that the soil does not stick to your hands, but at the same time crumbles.

On a note. The early emergence of seedlings is facilitated by high ambient temperatures (approximately +25 °C), normal humidity levels and regular ventilation.


How to grow chili peppers at home on a windowsill: step-by-step instructions and secrets of experienced farmersA somewhat non-standard way of growing beds on a home balcony or windowsill mostly has positive reviews.

Gardeners’ opinions on growing hot pepper varieties in apartment conditions:

Evdokia: “Last year I learned how to grow hot peppers from seeds at home. I was pleased with the result, the harvest grew, as in the photo of the packaging. Growing is so easy that you will get a good harvest anyway. Now I add chili to almost all my dishes, making the taste more piquant.”

Vyacheslav: “I love spicy food very much, the dishes always lacked pepper. Hot Chili helped solve this problem. Moreover, pepper is always at hand. I started growing it a couple of years ago. Now, if I want, I can always make the dish spicy. Growing hot peppers is not difficult.”


Hot chili pepper makes our dishes piquant and also enriches them with vitamins A, B and C. For one family, it will be enough to grow 3-5 bushes. The crop bears fruit well both on window sills and in open ground. All this makes pepper attractive to vegetable growers and indoor plant lovers.

You can learn more about how to grow peppers from seeds from the following video:

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