Review of Trapezond 92 tobacco and features of its cultivation
The number of those who are trying to grow tobacco in their beds, increases every year. First of all, this is due to the fact that you cannot find better quality products than those grown in your own garden. However, summer residents have a question: which variety to use for self-breeding?
We draw your attention to Trepezond 92 tobacco. The outstanding smoking properties of this variety make the variety popular among connoisseurs. The plant is high-yielding and does not require special attention.
What type of tobacco is this?
Tobacco Trapezond 92 (Trapezond) has become widespread not only in the southern regions, but also in the middle zone. This indicates its endurance and good adaptation to unfavorable climates.
Main plus varieties – high quality of finished products.
Origin story
The place of origin of the variety is the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Immediately after its appearance, it became widely known in Turkey. Being an unpretentious and productive crop, Trebizond has taken root in many countries with different climates.
Reference. The name of the variety comes from the Turkish city of Trebizond. Its current name is Trabzon.
Tobacco is universal in use: the finished product is used not only for smoking, but also in cooking. Tobacco has the ability not only to increase the shelf life of home-canned food, but also to add richness to the taste.
In medicine it is used as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant.
Features, characteristics, description
The plant is medium-sized, erect, the stem is of medium thickness. The leaves are large, oval-shaped, light green in color with a pronounced central vein. Inflorescences are pale pink. Each seedling produces 20 to 30 leaves.
The variety is resistant to diseases such as root rot, tobacco mosaic and downy mildew.
The ripening period is early, 85-90 days pass from sowing to harvesting. The nicotine content is low - no more than 1%.
Productivity is high - from 1 sq. m collect 3.5-3.8 kg. The variety is recommended for cigars and smoking pipes.
Dried tobacco leaves acquire a reddish tint and are famous for their increased strength and low aromatization. The taste properties are rated at a high level.
Reference! Trapezond smoking tobacco is classified as skeletal, that is, it is used as a base raw material.
To improve the properties of tobacco, shadow drying is used and fermentation.
Where to buy and how much do seeds cost?
Trapezond tobacco can be purchased freely at any specialty store. Seeds are also sold in online stores. The price of seed material is reasonable and does not exceed 70 rubles per package. The final cost of the seeds depends on the manufacturer; the best price is offered by the Gavrish agricultural company - 25-35 rubles.
Features of cultivation
Planting seeds directly into the ground is possible only in the southern regions. In other cases, the crop is grown through seedlings. This is the only way the plant has time to ripen and gain the declared varietal characteristics.
Requirements for growing conditions
All tobacco plants are heat-loving, so choose an open area with plenty of light for them. Many people plant bushes along the fence without allocating them a separate bed in the garden.
Preparation of seed, soil and containers for planting
Preparation begins three days before sowing. Seed material is sown for seedlings in February.
Before this, the seeds are disinfected and germinated. To begin with, place it in a solution of tartaric acid for a day. A solution is prepared from 3 ml of tartaric acid and 100 ml of water. After a day, the seeds are laid out on a paper towel to dry. Then they are laid out on the bottom of a ceramic dish in a layer no higher than 3 cm and moistened. The room temperature during germination should not exceed 28℃. After two days, the swollen seeds can be sown in the ground.
The soil is prepared independently from garden soil, well mixed with river sand, peat and rotted manure in a ratio of 3:1:1:1. The finished mixture is disinfected with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. After disinfection, the soil is laid out in planting containers.
The containers most often used are disposable plastic cups, which are pre-treated with potassium permanganate. Small drainage holes are made at the bottom of each cup to drain excess moisture.
Before planting, the soil is moistened with warm, settled water. The seeds are buried 3-5 mm and sprinkled with soil on top. The containers are left in a bright room at room temperature.
Reference. Disinfected seed material is not affected by fungal diseases.
Seedling care
Caring for seedlings consists of daily watering and maintaining the temperature at 20℃.
Water with a shallow watering can, without flooding the sprouts, so as not to provoke the occurrence of fungal infections. After watering, the soil is loosened to improve air exchange.
As soon as four true leaves are formed on the bushes, the first fertilizing is applied.10 g of potassium salt, 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of ammonium nitrate are dissolved in 5 liters of water. This feeding will accelerate the growth of seedlings.
Transplanted into the ground 50-60 days after sowing the seeds. A week before transplantation, hardening is carried out. The seedlings are taken outside in the daytime for several hours, thereby strengthening the immunity of young plants.
Transplantation into the ground
The seedlings are planted in soil heated to +10…+12℃. Before planting, dig up the soil and add rotted compost with wood ash. A week later, the soil is dug up again and spilled with a solution of “Fitosporin” (5:10) for disinfection.
Planting pattern: 20 cm – distance between seedlings, 70 cm – between rows. After planting, the holes are watered generously with warm water.
Further care of tobacco
Further care of the tobacco plant comes down to standard procedures: watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening.
During the entire season, the plant is watered no more than three times, but abundantly. At least 8 liters of water are consumed for each seedling. Before watering, remove all inflorescences and shoots.
Loosening and weeding are carried out after watering on wet soil. Removing weeds has a beneficial effect on the development of seedlings, and loosening improves oxygen access to the roots.
Immediately after transplantation, the seedlings are fed with superphosphate.
The next feeding is foliar, it is carried out as soon as the inflorescences appear. The inflorescences are removed and the leaves are sprayed with an infusion of onion peels. To prepare the infusion, you will need 0.5 kg of onion peelings and 5 liters of water - cook them over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Then let it brew for a day and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:0.5. This fertilizer is used 2-3 times per season with an interval of 10-15 days.
Reference! An infusion of onion peels saturates the plant with vitamins and protects against fungal infections.
Disease and pest control
If the plant is not properly cared for, it can become infected with fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew. The seedlings become covered with a white coating and soon wither. The disease is dangerous because it spreads quickly from one plant to another.
The affected parts of the seedlings are removed, and healthy bushes are sprinkled with wood ash. During illness, stop watering, as fungal infections love moisture. Wet beds are covered with sand, otherwise the fungus will continue to grow.
Reference! Tobacco belongs to plants of the nightshade family. The same diseases and pests are dangerous for it as for potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.
Among the pests that attack seedlings are aphids, thrips and slugs. When there is a large concentration of insects, the drug "Aktara" is used, but if there are few pests, it is quite possible to get by with folk remedies. Treating plants with soapy water will protect them from aphids and slugs. The solution is prepared from a piece of laundry soap dissolved in a bucket of warm water. You can also spray the soil with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
Leaves are trimmed when they lighten and stop growing. The harvest is harvested using scissors, carefully, without damaging other leaf plates.
Collection is carried out starting from the lower leaves. If the top leaves remain the same color, there is no need to cut them off. In 2-3 days they will reach full maturity.
After harvest begin further processing of raw materials.
Further processing
The collected tobacco leaves are not ready for use. To turn raw materials into finished products, drying and fermentation are carried out.
The foliage is laid out on the floor on a piece of fabric. In this form, it is kept for a day, then one sheet is placed on top of another, creating bunches no thicker than 2 cm, and left for three days. During these three days, one leaf at a time is pulled out from the middle of the bunches and placed on the side. This is how the greens are removed from the leaves—yellowing is carried out. Green leaves cannot be fermented.
The yellowed leaves are strung on a thread and hung in a room with a temperature of 25℃ and a humidity of no more than 60%. As soon as the central vein is dry, it is removed from all leaves, and the leaves themselves are cut and placed on the battery. Further drying lasts a month. The raw materials are periodically inspected, not allowing them to dry out.
This is interesting! Until the beginning of the 18th century, tobacco smoking in Rus' was called “dry drunkenness.”
Fermentation is carried out using vodka and honey. Half a teaspoon of honey is dissolved in 1.5 tablespoons of vodka. Dried tobacco leaves are placed in a 200 ml glass jar and filled with the finished mixture.
After thorough mixing, the jar is placed in a pan of water and put on fire. As soon as the water heats up, open the jar and release steam from it. After this, the jar is closed again with a lid and kept on fire for at least two hours. Then they place the hot jar on the radiator, where it warms up for another two weeks.
At the end of the procedure, the tobacco is ready for use.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The culture has become popular all over the world due to its numerous advantages:
- ease of care;
- possibility of breeding in all regions;
- high productivity;
- disease resistance;
- strength and moderate sweetness.
The only negative is the need to yellow the foliage before fermentation.
Reviews from tobacco growers
The culture is known to most gardeners involved in growing tobacco. Almost all reviews are positive - farmers appreciate both the smoking and agrotechnical qualities of the variety.
Andrey, Tula: «I have been growing tobacco for over 10 years. I plant different varieties, including Trebizond. Compared to others, this plant adapts faster to weather changes and produces a good harvest. I didn’t notice any difficulties in caring for him. The plant is unpretentious and practically does not get sick.”
Stepan, Kursk: “I grow this variety only because of its rich and unique taste. It is moderately strong, moderately sweet, without any pronounced aroma. In a word, a real men's smoking mixture. I use it not only for stuffing pipes, but also as a seasoning for meat and side dishes.”
Tobacco Trepezond 92 is not only a high-yielding crop, but also of high quality. The smoking mixture is strong and moderately sweet. The nicotine content in tobacco does not exceed 1%, which makes it possible to use it as a seasoning for various dishes.