Step-by-step guide to growing cherry tomatoes: follow the rules and get a great harvest
Cherry tomatoes are a huge success among both gardeners and consumers. Experienced housewives prepare snacks and salad decorations from miniature tomatoes. Dishes made from cherry tomatoes have an attractive appearance. The vegetable remains fresh for a long time. The culture is not picky about weather conditions, and the fruits have a rich taste.
Features of growing cherry tomatoes
Growing technique cherry practically indistinguishable from ordinary tomatoes. However, there are nuances. There are several main ways to plant tomatoes.
Nuances for greenhouses
The method is suitable for those who want to get an early harvest. The greenhouse must be heated and have good lighting. If the climatic conditions in the region in early March - April are favorable, planting cherry seedlings is possible. A distance of 40-70 cm is maintained between seedlings. The greenhouse is regularly ventilated. Drying out the soil is unacceptable. The condition of the soil is improved by frequent digging and loosening.
If further transplantation is not provided, the vegetable crop is tied up.
When warm weather arrives, gardeners open greenhouses or transplant plants into open ground.
For open ground
Planting is possible only after the end of frost. The technology for growing in open ground is no different from growing other varieties of tomatoes. Seeds are sown for seedlings in March - early April.The day before planting, watering stops. When the plant takes root and gets stronger, the bush is tied up or a support is installed.
For balconies and windowsills
Self-pollinating low-growing varieties with a less developed root system are intended for growing on a loggia, balcony, or in apartment conditions. When seedlings emerge, it is important to regulate temperature and light. The best temperature for forcing seedlings is 18-20 °C.
Tomatoes need full lighting; lack of light can affect the buds. It is preferable to use rectangular or square shaped pots. Cherries grow well in iron buckets. Seedlings are sown in the standard way, seeds are selected with the inscription “indoor”.
How to grow cherry tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes are a common crop among gardeners, but even an experienced gardener may encounter difficulties in growing them.
Preparing seeds and soil
You can find ready-made soil in stores, but experienced summer residents prepare it themselves. There are two stages of soil preparation:
- Screening. The surface layer of the earth is loosened by hand to be as sure as possible of porosity. Stagnation of moisture is unacceptable - excess water can lead to mold.
- Processing at low temperatures. Freezing the soil will get rid of larvae, microorganisms and pathogens. To do this, the soil is periodically taken out into the cold.
Seed preparation:
- Warming up. For better seed germination, warming is recommended. At low temperatures, the seeds are at rest, and when it rises, the process of “awakening” accelerates. The most affordable and easiest way is to use gauze bags. A month before sowing the seedlings, the seeds are placed in a bag and kept near heating devices.
- Seed disinfection. For this purpose, a solution of potassium permanganate is used. The seeds are placed in the solution for 20-30 minutes (1 mg of potassium permanganate per 100 ml), then washed under running water.
Advice. Disinfecting seeds in brilliant green is a more effective method. From 1 ml of brilliant green and 100 ml of water, a solution for pre-sowing prevention is obtained.
Growing seedlings
When using seedling boxes, shallow planting of seeds (up to 1 cm in depth) is preferred. The holes are covered with earth and the box is covered with film or glass. Germination time depends on the variety, humidity, temperature, lighting and is usually 3-4 days.
If there is a lack of heat, the process may take 2-3 weeks. The phases of watering and drying alternate. During the day, the temperature is considered favorable: 18-20 °C, at night 14-16 °C. After the first shoots appear, the container with the seedlings is placed in the light on the windowsill.
When 3 leaves appear on the plant, the seedlings are picked. The containers are filled with a soil mixture of peat, humus, sand and black soil. Seedlings are placed in the recesses. The process ends with watering with rooting fertilizer, which contains a large amount of phosphorus for the development of the root system.
A few days before planting the plant in a permanent place, preventive treatment is carried out with drugs to protect against diseases.