Why do summer residents love the Altai Orange tomato so much, reviews of its productivity and secrets of care

Those who want to enjoy the delicious taste of tomatoes are invited to get acquainted with the Altai Orange vegetable crop. In addition, the variety claims to be large-fruited and high-yielding. You don’t have to be an ace in garden beds to grow such a miracle.

It is enough just to water and fertilize in a timely manner, and the tomato will respond to such simple care with juicy tomatoes rich in vitamins, amino acids and other useful elements that are so necessary for the health of each of us.

Description of the variety

Why do summer residents love the Altai orange tomato so much, reviews of its productivity and secrets of careThe Altai orange tomato is an indeterminate, mid-season, large-fruited variety that can be grown in the southern regions, the middle zone and Altai.

The plant reaches a height of 1.4-1.7 m. It is formed by pinching the tops of the shoots, otherwise the crop will consume nutrients only for growth. Formation into 1 stem promotes faster ripening of fruits.

The height of the plant indicates the need for staking. The tomato foliage is large and dark emerald in color. There are 5 inflorescences in a brush. The lower racemes grow after the second permanent leaves, each subsequent one appears after two leaves.

About 3.5 months pass from the appearance of the first shoots to the ripening of the fruits.. The largest fruits ripen on the lower clusters, their weight reaches 450 g. In the upper part of the plant, the weight of the fruit is no more than 250 g, when formed into 1 stem - up to 650 g.

Productivity is high. One bush produces up to 4.5 kg of vegetables, and from 1 sq. m harvest 10-12 kg.

The fruits are fleshy, contain in the pulp amino acids, lycopene, beta-carotene, which helps improve immunity. The taste is sweet, there are 3-6 seed chambers. The color of a ripe tomato is orange or, as gardeners say, orange. When ripe, the fruits do not crack. Excellent transport over long distances.

Other varieties of tomatoes:

Bright early tomato with large fruits - the “King of the Market” tomato

Large and easy-to-care tomato “Family f1”

Time-tested and beloved by many summer residents, the Dubrava tomato

Why do summer residents love the Altai orange tomato so much, reviews of its productivity and secrets of careThe series of this species includes subspecies: Altai red and pink. The main difference between them is, of course, the color of ripe vegetables. The taste and other qualities are almost the same.

Reviews of the Altai red tomato indicate the popularity of the crop among gardeners. Everyone involved in its cultivation notes that regular watering, periodic fertilizing and timely loosening are enough to obtain a stable harvest. The effectiveness of using drip irrigation is also highlighted.

Characteristics and description of the Altai pink tomato variety includes additions in the form cold resistance and later fruit ripening compared to its “brothers”. Experts and amateurs exchange opinions and report that with proper care, the results meet expectations.

The photo (above) shows the rich color of the fruit Altai pink and orange.

How to grow seedlings

Before sowing seeds, they must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate, washed with clean water and dried. Treatment with a growth stimulator will significantly increase their germination.The soil for seedlings consists of soil mixed with humus or peat. You can also add a small portion of superphosphate and wood ash here.

After making small depressions in the soil, begin sowing the seeds.. The container is suitable both general (wooden boxes) and individual (peat pots, plastic glasses).

Reference. It is more convenient to sow seeds in individual containers. This method allows you to avoid subsequent picking.

After sowing, the seeds are covered with peat and sprayed with warm water.. The containers are covered with film. In the room where the seedlings are located, the permissible air temperature is at least 25°C.

When the first shoots appear, the film is removed. It is important not to allow the soil to dry out; it must be kept moist.

If the seeds were sown in a common wooden box, then the sprouted seedlings need picking. They dive after the formation of two full-fledged leaves, after which the sprouts are planted in separate containers.

When the seedlings reach 50 days, they are ready to continue further development. in a greenhouse or open ground.

This tomato can be grown by sowing seeds directly into the soil.. But this method is only possible in the southern regions. This approach has a significant drawback: the chance of rejecting weak seedlings is reduced. Growing tomatoes through seedlings is a more effective method and leads to high qualitative and quantitative indicators.

Why do summer residents love the Altai orange tomato so much, reviews of its productivity and secrets of care

How to grow tomatoes

Tomatoes are planted in holes at a distance of 50 cm from each other with a row spacing of 80 cm. Place one tablespoon of superphosphate mixed with potassium salts in each well. A sunny area, protected from drafts, is a good choice for a permanent location.Tomatoes are planted in open ground at a stable air temperature of +15°C.

Reference. Areas where carrots, cabbage, and legumes previously grew are well suited for growing tomatoes.

Water the crop with warm, settled water as the soil dries out.. In greenhouses this is done in the morning, in the garden - in the evening. Underwatering and overwatering are equally harmful to the plant. Excess moisture causes roots to rot, and if there is a lack of moisture, vegetables do not form well.

Reference. Cold water has a detrimental effect on this tomato crop: the development of its root system stops.

After watering, the soil is loosened and weeds with roots are removed..

They do not feed often, 3-4 times throughout the season.. Complete complex fertilizers or organic matter are applied. Bird droppings or mullein infusion are used as organic matter. The tomato responds well to both root and foliar feeding, for example, spraying with superphosphate diluted in water.

Reference. If there is insufficient fertilizing, fruiting deteriorates.

Bushes are pruned before the end of the growing season. By removing the stepsons above the third cluster, you end up with 1-2 stems. On tall plants, pinch the crown to prevent further growth. If you remove small or deformed flowers, future fruits will be larger.

Of course, plant height 1.7 m requires staking. To do this, install wooden stakes or metal rods next to each bush. Since the fruits grow to be quite heavy, tying the clusters is also possible, otherwise the stems will begin to break from their own weight.

Diseases and pests

Why do summer residents love the Altai orange tomato so much, reviews of its productivity and secrets of careDiseases affecting the nightshade family are rare.. The species is resistant to fusarium and tobacco mosaic.However, prevention in the form of spraying with a solution of potassium permanganate will not be superfluous.

Preparations containing copper provide protection against late blight.. Tomatoes often suffer from fungal diseases such as root and blossom end rot. To prevent them from entering your garden, it is enough to periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds. It is also useful to spray the plant with non-toxic biological products, for example, Fitosporin.

When flowering, young bushes are attacked by whiteflies and spider mites. Spraying with a weak solution of potassium permanganate will help here.

The Colorado potato beetle, slugs, and mole crickets pose a serious threat to vegetable crops.. Mulching the beds with straw and fragrant herbs growing next to the tomatoes - marigolds and calendula - helps against mole crickets. They scare away the mole cricket with a pungent odor. Decoctions of celandine and onion peels help protect against other pests from the insect world.

But the most productive method in the fight against insects is regular inspection of the tomato crop for the presence of pests. Slugs and Colorado potato beetles are collected by hand, and the stems are sprayed with an aqueous solution of ammonia.

Read also:

The best varieties of yellow tomatoes for the greenhouse

Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

The nuances of growing in open ground and greenhouses

You can plant seeds in open ground only in the southern regions. This is due to the fact that the growth and development of vegetable crops depends on temperature conditions. Despite the fact that the variety is resistant to cold, such weather conditions negatively affect the development and formation of fruits.

The point is that what The Altai variety of tomatoes can withstand cold only for a short time, so to speak, changes in weather conditions. Prolonged cold spells are detrimental to it.Therefore, in the middle zone, initial cultivation in greenhouse conditions is recommended. Next, when the weather is warm, the tomatoes are planted in the garden.

Because the culture tends to grow in height, do not forget about the obligatory pinching tops, otherwise the beneficial substances will go into the growth of the plant, and not into the fruits that set.

Timely installed support for garter Helps maintain the integrity of tall bushesV.

Harvesting and application

Harvesting ripe vegetables begins in mid-summer and continues until the first frost.. They can be used both at home and on an industrial scale. Tomatoes that are not yet fully ripe can turn red on their own.

Why do summer residents love the Altai orange tomato so much, reviews of its productivity and secrets of care

Vegetables especially good fresh – in salads they will delight any gourmet not only with taste, but also with color. The preparation of tomato products – juice and ketchup – is also common. Altai Orange is not suitable for preparations in jars due to its large size.

But good for commercial purposes, as it can be stored for a long time in a cool place. This fact allows them to be sold almost all year round.

Vegetables are good for baby and diet food. Doctors recommend Red Altai tomatoes for allergy sufferers when other types of tomatoes are not suitable. Juices and purees are prepared from tomatoes for children.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomato culture from Altai combines many positive qualities, which is confirmed by many assessments of those who have planted it for more than one year:

  • resistance to major nightshade diseases;
  • ability to withstand periodic temperature changes;
  • easy care;
  • high fruiting rate;
  • rich taste of tomatoes;
  • excellent transportability;
  • large fruits;
  • color variety;
  • fruiting for a long time;
  • Possibility of use for baby and diet food.

Negative properties include:

  • mid-ripening;
  • obligatory garter;
  • mandatory stepsoning;
  • dependence of fruit formation on fertilizing.

Farmer reviews

Reviews of the Altai orange tomato indicate, first of all, excellent taste. They also note the ease of caring for the crop and its high quantitative indicator. And of course, gardeners welcome the extended fruiting period, which allows them to enjoy fresh fruits for a long time.

Why do summer residents love the Altai orange tomato so much, reviews of its productivity and secrets of careAlexandra, Yartsevo village“The tomato attracted attention with its appearance and the possibility of cultivation in open ground. I want to tell novice vegetable growers that it is better to plant through seedlings. It was transferred to the ground after the end of the spring frost period. I fertilized and watered infrequently. The fruits are very large, juicy, and sweet in taste. Due to the long fruiting period, I used them fresh throughout the season.”.

Oleg, Biysk“I’ve been growing orange tomatoes for many years. I usually plant it in 2 stems to get the maximum yield. The vegetables are tasty, sweet with a slight sourness. It’s nice to be able to harvest fresh tomatoes for a long time.”.


Altai tomatoes, which have taken root in many regions of our country, have been receiving high marks in reviews from gardeners for more than one year for their ease of care, high resistance to disease, high fruiting rate and, of course, excellent taste, loved by both adults and children.

Farmers are happy to grow them for sale, generating considerable income throughout the year.This is another undoubted plus that complements the positive characteristics of multi-colored tomatoes.

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