What is cucumber, how is it grown and eaten?

The product of modern selection, cucumber, is one of the early ripening hybrids. The culture is highly valued for its unusual taste and high yield. The fruits have the amazing property of changing shape and color as they ripen.

In this article we will talk about the distinctive features of cucumber, methods of cultivation, care rules, and taste properties. You will learn how the pulp is useful and how to prepare it.

Characteristics and description

Cucumber - what is it? Gardeners have still not come to a consensus: some claim that this is a vegetable and fruit of tropical origin, others are sure that it is a hybrid obtained by crossing a cucumber and a melon.

The cultivation of cucumber began in Central Asia. Breeders obtained a hybrid by crossing early varieties of melon and unpretentious varieties of cucumbers. The plant resembles a cucumber bush, but with larger leaves, and reaches two meters in height. It is grown in a horizontal or vertical position.

Fruit shape and taste directly depend on the stage of ripeness. Early fruits are similar to cucumbers, only with thinner skin. The size ranges from 8 to 12 cm. The color is light green, the surface has a soft edge.

Ripe fruits are shaped like a melon and grow up to 60–80 cm in length. The average weight is 6–8 kg. The skin turns yellow and becomes covered with greenish stripes. When cut open, a small number of seeds are visible inside.

The photo shows ripe cucumber fruits.

What is cucumber, how is it grown and eaten?

Reference. The peel of the fruit is thin, like an apple. Therefore, they are stored no longer than 1.5 months in the refrigerator or basement.

Taste qualities

At the early stage of ripening, cucumber is practically no different from cucumbers - neither aroma nor taste.

As the fruits ripen, they become melon-like. The sweet, juicy yellow-orange flesh exudes a delicate aroma and has a mind-blowing taste. The taste is difficult to describe in words; the pronounced taste of melon is mixed with notes of banana, orange, cucumber and honey.

How to eat it

Fruits at the stage of milky ripeness are suitable for fresh consumption. Vegetable salads are prepared from them, pickled, and salted. The product does not lose its taste properties and retains its original aroma and color.

Ripe fruits make delicious jams, compotes and candied fruits. But the tastiest and healthiest thing is to eat them fresh.

Composition and properties

Cucumber is characterized by high nutritional value and has a rich chemical composition:

  • vitamins A, C, E, PP, group B;
  • minerals: magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron.

Benefits and harms

Eating cucumber fruits has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • destroys free radicals;
  • has an antisclerotic effect;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • removes excess salts and cholesterol;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • has mild choleretic and diuretic effects.

No information is provided about the dangers of cucumber. Individual intolerance is possible. Therefore, introduce a new product into your diet with caution.

This is interesting:

How to prepare aromatic and tasty melon and orange jam for the winter.

How does melon affect the intestines: does it weaken or strengthen?


What is cucumber, how is it grown and eaten?

Cucumber varieties differ in fruit shape, color, smell and taste. There are 15 varieties in total.

Varieties for those who prefer large-fruited crops:

  • Manduria;
  • Green;
  • White;
  • Orenburgskaya;
  • Special;
  • Candy.

Fruits of unusual color are produced by the following varieties:

  • Tarot;
  • Duck Green Label;
  • Melanphlechuosus Sahio.

Smooth, slightly elongated fruits with incredibly sweet and fragrant pulp are obtained from varieties:

  • Orange banana;
  • Fisano;
  • Banana;
  • Caramel;
  • Alexandria;
  • New;
  • Pineapple.

Reference. Silver melon, or Armenian cucumber, is often called cucumber. But these cultures are different. As the cucumber ripens, it turns into a melon. The Armenian cucumber looks like a long cucumber with a ribbed green or white surface. When overripe, the fruits turn yellow and lose their taste.

Features of cultivation and care

Growing and caring for cucumber requires compliance with several conditions to achieve optimal results and a rich harvest:

  1. The culture loves the sun, so the ideal conditions for cultivation are a dry and warm climate.
  2. The soil should be fertile and loose. It is fertilized with compost, humus, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate.
  3. Another important point is soil moisture. Proper watering is provided at the initial stage of growing seedlings.

Preparing seeds and growing seedlings

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. This promotes rapid germination of the seed and makes it possible to identify defective seeds.

Seedlings are grown by sowing seeds directly into the ground or into disposable cups. It all depends on the region of residence.

Sowing in the ground is practiced in areas with a warm and mild climate.Seeds are sown in the first ten days of May with an interval of 50–100 cm to a depth of 2 cm. After 5–7 leaves are formed, the top is pricked so that the plant produces lateral shoots. Then they are sprinkled with earth to strengthen the rhizomes.

In regions where warm weather sets in later and summer is short, preference is given to planting using seedlings. For this purpose, take peat or plastic cups and fill them with damp universal soil or special soil for vegetable crops. Place one seed in each container to a depth of 2 cm, cover with plastic wrap and leave in a well-lit place. The first shoots appear after 5–7 days. In a month, the seedlings will be ready to be planted in a greenhouse or garden.


Cucumber care consists of several points:

What is cucumber, how is it grown and eaten?

  1. Water with warm water as the soil dries, but at least twice a week in open ground and once in a greenhouse. During the period of fruit ripening, reduce watering so that the fruits turn out sweet and not watery.
  2. Weed regularly, removing excess grass and weeds. At the same time as weeding, loosen the soil.
  3. As necessary, dig in the regrown shoots.
  4. Apply fertilizers at the initial stage of growth until the ovary appears once every 2 weeks. The best fertilizers: ash, mullein and minerals. Then stop feeding.

Ripening and harvesting dates

When does the fruit ripen and when can it be harvested? The cucumber ripens quickly; the fruits begin to be collected 1.5–2 months after planting. If small cracks appear on them, from which liquid oozes, then they can be torn off.

Fruiting continues until the end of September and ends with the onset of frost. From one bush, 18–20 fruits weighing from 1 to 3 kg are collected.

Possible difficulties during cultivation

The main difficulty of growing is providing a sufficient amount of water without waterlogging the soil. Excess moisture threatens ovary rotting and bacterial diseases. Before watering the plant, lift the leaves and inspect the soil. If it is still wet, hold off on watering.

When choosing a growing method - on the ground or on a trellis - take into account the fact that mature fruits, under their own weight, are easily separated from the vines. Falling to the ground, they break and are subsequently only suitable for obtaining seeds.

Despite the fact that cucumber is a heat-loving crop, it does not tolerate excessive heat. Therefore, when grown in a greenhouse, plants often shed their ovaries at extremely high air temperatures.

Sweet fruits with a delicate peel are a favorite delicacy of pigeons, sparrows and starlings. To scare away birds, experienced gardeners install mirror-coated turntables, wind chimes and other devices.

What to cook

Cucumber is a universal product. In addition to eating fresh, it is suitable for preparing salads, pickled appetizers, desserts, preserves, jams and compotes.

We offer recipes for delicious jam and refreshing compote. You can change the ingredients as you wish, add any spices, fruits and berries.

What is cucumber, how is it grown and eaten?



  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 350 g;
  • star anise - 1 star;
  • juice and zest of 1 lemon.

Wash the fruit, cut into two halves and remove the seeds. Rinse under the tap and cut into pieces. The skin does not need to be removed; it is very soft.

Place the pulp in an enamel bowl, add star anise and cover with granulated sugar.Place on low heat and simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as signs of boiling appear, add lemon juice and zest. Stir, boil for 5 minutes and put into jars. Seal tightly and store in a cool place.



  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • citric acid – 1 pinch;
  • sugar - to taste (the fruits are very sweet);
  • distilled water – 3 l.

Wash the fruit, remove the stem and chop coarsely. Boil water and sweeten to taste. Transfer the pulp into it, add citric acid and cook for no longer than 10–15 minutes. Serve the drink chilled with a mint leaf.

Advice. Compote can be prepared for the winter. To do this, pour the boiling liquid into clean jars and seal with tin lids. Store in the cellar.


Everyone who has tried growing cucumber leaves positive feedback.

Valentina, Yelets: «Last year, my son sent cucumber seeds of the Larton F1 variety. I had never grown it before and didn’t even know about its existence. Having read the recommendations for growing, I confidently got down to business. I planted it through seedlings in open ground. The shoots looked exactly like cucumbers. The flowering was abundant and there were many ovaries. The fruit looked more like a large pear. What a surprise we were when we tasted the ripe fruit – a real honey melon, aromatic and very sweet.”

Oleg, Lipetsk: “I like to experiment and from time to time I try to grow some new plant at my dacha. Three years ago I tried to cultivate cucumber for the first time. I've heard a lot about its wonderful taste. I was more than pleased with the result; I also plan to plant it this year. I have already prepared the seedlings. The fruits are very tasty, the pulp is sweet and fragrant.Sometimes we make salads from unripe fruits, but we always wait until they are completely ripe.”

Read also:

How and when to form a melon in open ground correctly.

What is good about the Ethiopian melon and why it is worth growing it yourself.

How to cook a simple but very tasty melon jam.


A cucumber crossed with a melon, called cucumber, has not yet become widespread. The reason for this is gardeners’ distrust of little-known plants. After all, in order to grow a crop and get a harvest, you have to invest a lot of effort and patience, and the result is not always successful. But those who have tried to grow this hybrid are satisfied. If the rules of agricultural technology are observed, the crop pleases with a rich harvest.

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