Step-by-step technology for growing zucchini in a greenhouse: follow the rules and enjoy the results
From a biological point of view, zucchini is a type of pumpkin. The vegetable is rich in vitamins A, E, C, vitamins B and PP, mineral salts and microelements. Wherein zucchini - just a godsend for those who are watching their figure, because it contains only 23 kcal per 100 g.
This common and unpretentious garden crop is cultivated in almost every garden plot. But few people grow zucchini indoors. But in vain. This method gives a significant increase in the yield of useful fruits and accelerates ripening. The material will discuss the intricacies of growing zucchini in a greenhouse and in a greenhouse.
Zucchini in a greenhouse: construction requirements
Growing and caring for zucchini in a greenhouse is not much different from cultivation of crops in open ground. However, some features need to be taken into account.
The main thing is the need for regular ventilation to maintain an optimal microclimate inside. To ensure proper air circulation, greenhouses and greenhouses are equipped with vents.
Both modern polycarbonate greenhouses and conventional film shelters are suitable for cultivating crops indoors. To grow zucchini in winter, more solid buildings with heating, glazing and a foundation are used. To heat the winter greenhouse, special stoves and electric boilers are used.
Zucchini varieties recommended for greenhouses
If the greenhouse is small, then early ripening compact varieties of the crop are chosen for planting. They do not grow too much, are distinguished by high yields and an excellent delicate taste.
Interesting fact. Not only the fruits, but also the flowers of zucchini are edible. In southern Europe they are fried, baked, cooked in soups and added to salads.
Varieties recommended for planting indoors include Roller, Anchor, the hybrid variety Belogor, and varieties zucchini, such as Zebra and Tsukesha. Let's talk about them in more detail:
- Belogor is a high-yielding, early-ripening variety with medium-sized fruits. It is distinguished by dense, tender pulp. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.
- Video clip – bush culture. The average fruit weight is 1 kg. The pulp is loose and juicy. The variety is resistant to temperature changes.
- Anchor – bush variety. Compact plants with short internodes. The crust is thin. The pulp is light yellow, dense, tender. Fruits removed from the garden are stored for no more than 30 days.
- Zebra. This variety owes its name to the color of the fruit (alternating light and dark green stripes). Excellent for canning.
- Tsukesha - another bush variety. Feature: white spots on the leaves. The fruits are elongated, weighing up to 900 g. The bark is thin, the pulp is juicy, with an excellent taste.
Season selection and temperature conditions
Zucchini is grown under cover all year round. Considering that the harvest collected in the fall from open ground is perfectly stored for 2-3 months, in winter, zucchini begins to be grown in mid-winter - early spring. During this period, there are already few fresh vegetables in the diet, and vitamin fruits will come in handy.Cultivating zucchini in greenhouse conditions is a good option for a family business.
Cultivation begins with planting seeds for seedlings. The best time is the beginning of March: proper care of plants will allow you to harvest an early harvest of delicate, vitamin-rich fruits in April.
When cultivated in a greenhouse/greenhouse, a constant temperature is maintained. During the day at +23°C, and at night the air should not cool below +14. The soil in the building is also well heated to +20…+25°C.
Growing zucchini in a polycarbonate greenhouse
Cultivating squash in greenhouses is not a troublesome process. But it also has its own characteristics. The harvest will please you only if the soil is properly prepared, the plants are properly cared for, and an optimal microclimate is maintained in a polycarbonate greenhouse.
Advice. Like any other vegetable crop, zucchini does not like to grow in the same place for several years in a row. Therefore, plantings are alternated with bulbs, cabbage, legumes, carrots, tomatoes, and potatoes.
Step 1. Preparing the soil
The squash crop loves “biofuel.” Natural heat warms up the soil and plant root system well. It is also an excellent fertilizer that improves the growth of young plants. It is not difficult to prepare a warm bed for a greenhouse or greenhouse.
For this you will need:
- rotted mullein or pig manure;
- straw.
To obtain a nutrient mixture, mullein is mixed with straw in equal parts. Water well with warm water, cover with film and leave for several days.
The resulting mixture is placed evenly at the base of the bed.. A layer of nutritious soil is poured on top and seedlings are placed. This “biofuel” releases carbon dioxide, which warms the soil and root system of the bush.In a warm bed, plants grow faster, set fruit better and ripen faster.
Step 2. Preparing seeds and embedding them in the substrate
The key to getting an early harvest is careful preparation of seed material. First, the seeds are carefully examined. Damaged specimens and seeds with signs of disease are removed.
Then the zucchini seeds are soaked, disinfected, germinated and hardened. Soaking will help identify empty seeds (they will float when immersed in water). Disinfection will protect young plants from diseases. Germination will allow you to get earlier and more friendly shoots. The procedure is carried out by wrapping the seeds in a damp cloth or wet sawdust.
For hardening, the sprouted seeds are transferred to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After 2-3 days, remove from the refrigerator and begin planting.
Prepared wells are pre-watered with warm water.. The seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of no more than 7 cm. The top is sprinkled with soil. Maintain a distance of approximately 70 cm between plants.
Growing through seedlings will help you get the finished product at an earlier date. It is better to plant seeds in individual pots or cups measuring at least 10x10 cm. A nutritious mixture of peat and humus (in equal parts) is used as soil; you can add a little sawdust.
When preparing the soil mixture, wood ash (half a glass per bucket) and ammonium nitrate (6-5 g per bucket) are added as fertilizer. Containers for seedlings are filled with soil, moistened with warm, settled water and seeds are planted to a depth of 3-4 cm.
Step 3. Care of seedlings
Shoots appear in 4-5 days. Further care of the seedlings consists of regular watering and fertilization.
Water young plants about once a week, making sure that the soil does not dry out. Fertilizers are applied twice. The first is immediately after the sprouts appear. The second time - two weeks later. It is good to use ready-made complex fertilizers, for example, “Bud” or “Agricola”.
Important. Squash seedlings need a lot of light. If there is not enough sun, the plants will become very elongated and weak.
Step 4. Planting seedlings in a permanent place
Grown bushes are planted in prepared beds after the soil in the greenhouse has warmed up sufficiently (up to +20°C). The plants are removed from the containers along with the earthen ball, planted in prepared holes and watered. Bury the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves.
Landing is carried out in the morning, in cloudy, warm weather. This way the plants will take root faster. The next day the soil is loosened.
Step 5. Watering and fertilizing
Water the squash beds regularly, but not too often. It is enough to moisten the soil well once every 10 days. Water with warm, settled water at the rate of 10 liters of water per 1 m².
What to feed during flowering and fruiting? To do this, use mullein infusion or ready-made compositions intended for zucchini. Fertilizers are applied twice. The first is after the start of flowering. The second time - three weeks later. Fertilizing increases productivity, so you should not neglect it.
Step 6. Pollination of the crop
With the arrival of natural warmth, the greenhouse or greenhouse with zucchini is ventilated most of the day. To better pollinate flowers and attract insects, plantings are sprayed with sugar syrup or honey dissolved in water.
If this was not enough, the plants are pollinated by hand.To do this, pollen is carefully transferred from male flowers to female flowers using a cotton swab.
Step 7. Prevention and treatment of diseases
In greenhouse conditions, zucchini are better protected from pests and diseases. To prevent diseases, plantings are sprinkled with wood ash.
The crop is susceptible to anthracnose, ascochyta, bacteriosis - diseases that develop when grown in an excessively humid environment. For preventative purposes, water the plantings in the evening, avoiding over-humidification of the air. If signs of infection appear, immediately treat the zucchini with Trichodermin.
It is also good to use modern non-toxic products such as Narcissus, Zircon or Amulet.
Problems when growing zucchini in a greenhouse arise due to a violation of the optimal microclimate inside the structure, non-compliance with the rules of watering and fertilization.
Squash does not like it when the greenhouse or greenhouse is too hot and humid. The optimal temperature is +24-25°C during the daytime and +18°C at night. If the greenhouse is too hot, the zucchini will shed its ovaries.
Air humidity is maintained at 60–70%. To ensure that the moisture content in the air does not exceed acceptable limits, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated.
It is also important to follow the rules for watering squash beds. Excess moisture is detrimental to plants, as it leads to rot.
Attention! Watering squash beds in a greenhouse with cold water provokes the development of diseases.
How to water zucchini correctly? Plants are moistened abundantly once every 7–10 days with warm, settled water.
Sometimes it happens that squash bushes delight the eye with lush, bright green foliage, but the fruits do not set.This means that the plants have received too many nutrients and are now fattening. When applying fertilizers, it is important to follow the recommended dosages.
Step 8. Harvest
The first harvest of young juicy vegetables is harvested 35–45 days after planting the seedlings. Crops intended for long-term storage will take a little longer to mature.
The tender fruits are suitable for eating within three weeks after flowering. They are used fresh in salads instead of cucumbers.
The ripeness of the fruit is determined by its hard-to-the-touch rind. When tapping on ripe fruits, a dull sound is heard. Vegetables intended for storage are removed from the bush along with the stalk. In a cool, dry place, zucchini will keep well for 3-4 months.
Advantages of greenhouse cultivation
Why take up valuable space in a greenhouse with such an unpretentious crop as zucchini? Yes, this vegetable does not require special conditions, is unpretentious and feels great in open ground. However, cultivating vitamin fruits in a greenhouse or greenhouse has a number of advantages:
- fruits reach technical ripeness faster, while yield increases;
- vegetables delight with a more delicate, rich taste;
- the best results are obtained by using hybrids designed specifically for greenhouse conditions;
- early zucchini sells well;
- vegetables are less likely to get sick and affected by pests;
- Zucchini in a greenhouse require minimal care.
Secrets of a good harvest
To grow a good harvest in squash beds, just follow some simple rules:
- carry out manual pollination of female flowers (insects will not always help in greenhouse conditions);
- follow the rules of crop rotation (do not plant zucchini in the same place year after year);
- do not place zucchini next to pumpkin (cross-pollination reduces yield);
- provide plants with sufficient lighting and warmth;
- use high-quality seed material;
- Apply fertilizers in a timely manner and observe the measure - excessive fertilizing will lead to fattening and fruits will not set.
Read also:
How to cook canned zucchini for the winter.
How to cook pickled zucchini for the winter without sterilization.
Cultivating zucchini in a greenhouse or polycarbonate greenhouse will provide you with an early harvest of tasty and healthy vegetables. The collected fruits can be eaten fresh, used for canning or sold, turning zucchini cultivation into a family business.