The benefits and harms of pickled cucumbers for the body
Benefits and possible harm pickled cucumbers largely depend on the method of preparation: not every marinade has a positive effect on health. For some people, such a snack is strictly contraindicated, but for others it helps to lose weight.
How marinade affects the composition of vegetables and whether pickled cucumbers are beneficial, you will learn from our article.
Composition and properties of pickled cucumbers
Pickling is, first of all, a way to preserve the harvest: hardly anyone prepares such preparations for the sake of dietary nutrition. Nevertheless, pickled cucumbers rich in vitamins and microelements. They have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and have some other beneficial properties.
Benefits and harms
Cucumber pickle relieves the body's condition after excessive alcohol consumption. Pickled cucumbers are able to remove alcohol from the body, improving general condition. For such purposes, not only the brine is useful, but also the vegetables themselves. Cucumbers remove harmful substances from the body without washing away useful ones.
Note! If you serve pickled cucumbers as a snack with strong alcohol, the risk of alcohol poisoning is minimized.
Valuable properties of pickled cucumbers:
- Pickled vegetables are useful for those who have a biological predisposition to tumors. Preparing for the winter reduces the risk of cancer - this is due to the presence of antioxidants.
- Vegetables help normalize blood pressure and also reduce dangerous cholesterol levels.
- In addition to their diuretic effect, canned cucumbers have laxative properties. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume vegetables for diarrhea, but for constipation they are an excellent remedy.
- Pickled vegetables help normalize the nervous system: if you are irritable or anxious, they will help you calm down and fall asleep. But do not forget about the diuretic effect of cucumbers - it is better not to eat them immediately before bed.
However, not everyone can benefit from such a product:
- Excessive consumption causes stomach pain in those who suffer from chronic gastritis or stomach ulcers. Increased stomach acidity is a contraindication to eating pickled cucumbers in large quantities.
- You should use pickles with caution if you have stomatitis or irritation of the oral mucosa. The product contains a lot of vinegar, which can cause irritation and pain. The same applies to weakened tooth enamel.
- Salt retains fluid in the body, so cucumbers are prohibited for people with kidney disease. If you are a big fan, then cook cucumbers in a sweet marinade, and add aspirin instead of vinegar.
- Pickled vegetables are not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases.
Calorie content and BZHU
Those who carefully monitor their diet will be interested in the calorie content and BJU content per 100 g of product:
- calorie content - 16 kcal;
- proteins - 0.8 g;
- fats - 0.1 g;
- carbohydrates - 2.5 g.
The main component of pickled cucumber, like fresh cucumber, is water. For those on a diet, pickled cucumber is not dangerous. However, it should be borne in mind that pickles increase appetite.
How the composition of cucumbers changes during pickling
There is no significant difference in composition between fresh and pickled vegetables: water takes up 90% of the total composition.
Vitamin B1 will be lost if the necessary storage conditions are violated. Sunlight is the enemy of healthy pickled cucumbers.
What vitamins and minerals are contained in pickled cucumbers?
Let's look at the vitamin and mineral composition of pickled cucumbers:
Name | Why does the body need it? |
Vitamin A | The main task is to strengthen and maintain the health of the visual organs. With a lack of this vitamin, visual acuity decreases, especially in the evening, and a feeling of sand or fog appears in the eyes. The vitamin strengthens the immune system and helps in the fight for the beauty and health of the skin. |
Vitamin E | Increases immunity, prevents the appearance and development of tumors. Normalizes high blood pressure. Participates in the process of tissue regeneration. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Improves the quality of blood. |
Vitamin B1 | Has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, prevents bloating and gas formation. Accelerates hair growth, strengthening it along its entire length. |
Vitamin B2 | Activates brain function, improves concentration, fights headaches due to fatigue. Dry skin, peeling and cracked corners of the lips are signs of a deficiency of this vitamin. |
Vitamin PP | Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle. Improves the respiration of cells and tissues of the body. |
Vitamin C | The main function is to strengthen the immune system. Also maintains the beauty and strength of hair, nails, and skin. Strengthens blood vessels, making them more elastic. |
Vitamin B4 | Improves digestion and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Useful for nervous tension and excessive excitability. |
Vitamin B9 | Fights insomnia and depressed mood. Improves brain function and memory. Plays a key role in the formation of the fetus and the normal course of pregnancy. |
Vitamin K | Improves intestinal microflora. Increases the elasticity of capillaries and blood vessels. Helps restore the female body after childbirth. |
In addition to the above vitamins, pickled cucumbers contain the following minerals and trace elements:
- iron;
- phosphorus;
- potassium;
- sodium;
- calcium;
- magnesium.
How harm and benefit change depending on the marinade recipe
There are different marinades - experienced housewives know this. The most harmful marinade is obtained when using vinegar and a large amount of salt. Fans of pickled cucumbers with a high salt content can be advised to replace salt with cilantro and use vegetable oil when pickling. A marinade of salt and vinegar has a negative effect on the genitourinary system. The mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach react painfully to such a marinade.
The workpiece will be a little softer if replace vinegar with citric acid. It will no longer retain fluid in the body, that is, you are not afraid of swelling and kidney problems. But the mucous membrane also remains under attack, since it is still an acid.
A couple of aspirin tablets allow you to keep the workpiece in its original form for a long time. In this case, you don’t need to use either vinegar or citric acid. But you must know in advance the body’s reaction to taking the drug.
The healthiest marinade consists solely of sugar, salt (or without it), peppercorns and honey. It is necessary to properly sterilize the jars and triple fill the vegetables, thereby taking maximum care of your health.
Beneficial properties for men and women
Let's consider how cucumbers affect the body of men and women.
For men
Pickled cucumbers do an excellent job of removing waste and toxins from the body. This property is especially useful for men whose professional activities involve metal processing. For those employed in hazardous industries (the chemical industry), pickles will help remove toxins from the body and neutralize its effects.
Pickled vegetables will help cope with stress and nervousness. Such conditions are common for men in leadership positions.
Men who prefer vodka during a feast are advised to snack on pickled cucumbers.
For women
Women are more accustomed to using fresh cucumbers to preserve their beauty. But pickled vegetables also do an excellent job of this task, since the vitamin composition is preserved. However, it is better not to pickle cucumbers with too much salt and vinegar. In addition to internal consumption, pickled cucumbers are also used for cosmetic purposes (only those that have been preserved without vinegar using triple pouring of boiling water).
It is no coincidence that women crave pickled cucumbers while pregnant. However, they should be consumed in moderation.. After childbirth, women often face the problem of constipation, and winter harvesting of cucumbers can solve this problem.
During weight loss
Nutritionists do not recommend basing your diet on this product.The reason is the high salt content. However, a fasting day once a week diversifies your diet. You will get a good cleansing effect from toxins. And the laxative effect will relieve bloating.
Important! Since excessive consumption of cucumbers can negatively affect the stomach, it is better to eat pickles with breadcrumbs or toasted bread in a toaster without butter.
Standards of use
Uncontrolled consumption of your favorite product is fraught with negative consequences. Adults are recommended to eat no more than 5 medium-sized pickled cucumbers per day. Children under two years of age should be protected from this product.
It is advisable for older people to reduce the number of cucumbers they eat to 3 per day.
Who are pickled cucumbers contraindicated for?
We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications:
- exacerbation of gastritis;
- stomach ulcer;
- diarrhea;
- age up to 2 years;
- heart disease;
- high blood pressure;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- joint diseases.
If you have illnesses, you should abandon pickled cucumbers in favor of other products.
Read also:
Top 8 original recipes for delicious pickled watermelons with honey in jars for the winter.
Let's sum it up
Pickled cucumbers contain more than just water. Vitamins and microelements ensure the elasticity of blood vessels, remove toxins from the body, prevent alcohol poisoning, ease hangovers, and have a diuretic and laxative effect.Pickled cucumbers will help cope with nervousness, insomnia and depressed mood, and during pregnancy they will give the expectant mother excellent health.
However, the product is not useful for everyone. The product may be harmful to people with diseases of the stomach and genitourinary system. Small children should not be fed pickled cucumbers, as their stomachs are not ready to digest such foods.