Melon is a woman’s best friend: what are its benefits?
Melon is a familiar delicacy for most people. But not everyone knows exactly how melon is beneficial for the body. This fruit is often “a woman’s best friend,” and there are specific reasons for this.
From the article you will learn about benefit and the dangers of melon for women and how to use it to maintain a slim figure and attractiveness.
Composition and calorie content of melon
Melon is a natural storehouse of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The fruit is low in calories, the average is 34 kcal per 100 g of product. The exact values largely depend on the variety and growing conditions.
100 g of pulp contains 0.6 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat and 7.4 g of carbohydrates.
Per 100 g of product there are:
- 5 g water;
- 6 g fiber;
- 5 g ash;
- 4 g pectin;
- 12 g organic acids.
As for the ratios of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, we get:
- 6 mcg vitamin B9;
- 20 mg ascorbic acid;
- 0.1 mg tocopherol;
- 0.04 mg thiamine and riboflavin;
- 90 mcg zinc;
- 47 mcg copper;
- 35 mcg manganese;
- 20 mcg fluoride;
- 2 mcg cobalt;
- 2 mcg iodine;
- 1 mg iron;
- 118 mg potassium;
- 32 mg sodium;
- 16 mg calcium;
- 13 mg magnesium;
- 12 mg phosphorus.
What can you eat?
Traditionally, melon is eaten raw. However, many housewives know that pumpkins can be dried and dried, and can be used to make jams, preserves and even marmalades. Are all parts of the product edible?
The juicy, sweet pulp is healthy due to its high fiber content. Pectin fibers promote active intestinal function, significantly improving peristalsis and food digestion.
The melon mono-diet and various options for fasting days are widely known. Thanks to fiber, the feeling of fullness comes quickly and lasts for a long time, and the abundance of water (about 90%) perfectly quenches thirst.
Reference. Experts do not recommend sticking to such diets for more than three days.
Do not combine melon with other foods, especially honey, milk, water and alcoholic beverages. This can lead to indigestion or intestinal upset. Eat melon 2 hours before or after your main meal and use moderation.
Melon juice is considered a very effective remedy: it is used for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. In freshly squeezed form, it tones the body in case of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, alleviates the condition of kidney diseases, and affects metabolic processes and brain activity.
The high content of vitamin C allows you to successfully fight colds and infectious diseases. Melon juice is used to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood during anemia, as well as during the recovery period after diseases of the digestive system and skin.
Important. The drink is best consumed in the morning on an empty stomach or in the intervals between main meals in small sips and through a straw.
Most see in seeds Melons are just food waste and are in a hurry to be thrown away. Meanwhile, it is an ingredient for preparing many dishes and drinks of modern cuisine. For example, melon milk is prepared from them or added to smoothies, compotes, as well as a variety of vegetable salads, cereals, muesli and yoghurts.
Important. It is not recommended to use as an addition to salty and fried foods.
Only the hard part of the pulp is eaten, but the green or yellow skin itself is removed. It contains harmful substances and is not suitable for food either raw or cooked.
Beneficial properties of melon for a woman’s body
Regular consumption of the fruit has a positive effect on the fragile female body due to the huge number of useful components.
Normalization of digestion
Coarse fibers and inulin, which interact with each other, stabilize the work gastrointestinal tract, maintaining normal microflora.
Improved bowel function
Melon pulp is an excellent laxative. That is why doctors often advise taking a closer look at it as a non-drug remedy for constipation. It is especially useful during pregnancy.
Reference. Melon fibers absorb substances entering the body and cleanse the intestines.
Reducing caloric intake
Due to the high content of pectins, melon is suitable for those who want to lose extra pounds. The fruit promotes the destruction of fat cells, provides the body with a portion of moisture, vitamins and minerals.
Cleansing the body
Traditional and official medicine advise using melon for general cleansing of the body. The reason for this unanimous opinion is its effective diuretic and mild laxative properties.
Such “cleansing” removes sand from the kidneys, cholesterol from the blood vessels, reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and slows down the aging of the body.
Improving metabolism and condition of skin and hair
Vitamins improve the condition of hair and nails, making them shiny, smooth and less brittle. The antioxidant effect of melon on the body is known.Thus, beta-carotene stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, prevents the processes of dehydration and aging.
A significant iron content accelerates hematopoiesis processes and also normalizes the functioning of the hormonal system. Magnesium, silicon, potassium, and vitamin B1 strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Sulfur and manganese stimulate brain activity.
Melon has a positive effect on the nervous system - after eating even a small piece, you will feel a surge of strength, your mood will improve, and the feeling of anxiety during stressful situations will decrease.
The invaluable benefits of melon for the body of pregnant and lactating women
Melon is beneficial for the body of expectant mothers:
- folic acid, potassium and magnesium strengthen the cardiovascular system;
- iron activates oxygen metabolism;
- silicon improves the condition of skin and hair.
If a pregnant woman suffers from insomnia, irritability and fatigue, a couple of pieces of melon a day will improve her mood.
However, melon is difficult to digest by the body. A woman should be especially attentive in the first and third trimesters.
Possible side effects and limitations:
- Excessive consumption of melon increases blood sugar levels;
- for gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to avoid melon;
- during pregnancy, the child puts pressure on the bladder, which forces the expectant mother to frequently visit the toilet, and melon has a diuretic effect;
- It is forbidden to add melon to a milkshake - this is fraught with diarrhea, which during pregnancy can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus;
- Nitrate-rich, unripe or overripe melon will cause food poisoning.
The optimal portion of melon for a pregnant woman is up to 200 g per day.
What problems does it help to cope with?
Practice has shown that melon successfully copes with the symptoms and even the causes of some health problems. It helps women maintain beauty and youth at home, thanks to which it has found wide application in the field of cosmetology.
For medicinal purposes
Official and traditional medicine experts advise taking a closer look at melon for the following purposes:
- activation of metabolism;
- combating pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract;
- relieving inflammation;
- normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood;
- improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, memory;
- cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
- increasing potency;
- enhancing the effect of medications;
- elimination of depressive conditions;
- increasing immunity.
In the collection of folk recipes you can find remedies for many ailments. For example:
- For swelling, boil 1 tbsp. l. melon seeds in 1 tbsp. milk.
- For constipation, eat about 2 kg of melon during the day - approximately 400 g of pulp per meal, in addition to your usual diet.
- If your blood sugar is high, grind the melon seeds and then ¾ tbsp. l. mix this flour with 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave until completely cooled. Consume 3 times a day before meals.
For beauty
Melon is used to create various beauty products:
- To prepare a moisturizing lotion, mix ground melon pulp and grape juice, taken in equal proportions. Apply the mixture for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This product tones and moisturizes the skin.
- A nourishing mask will help make your skin soft and velvety. To prepare, mash the melon pulp, apply the pulp to the skin as a mask, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.Repeat the procedure every 2 to 2 days.
- The lightest tonic mask is considered to be a product made from melon peel, peeled from the pulp. Just apply it to your face with the juicy part down. After 10 minutes, remove the peel and wash with warm water.
Harm and contraindications
Melon is contraindicated for diabetes, gastric or intestinal ulcers, and during lactation due to the risk of diarrhea in the baby.
It is forbidden to combine melon with alcoholic beverages, fermented milk products or curdled milk and cold water. It is not advisable to eat it as a dessert, immediately after a heavy meal.
Melon is a very tasty and healthy fruit, but it is contraindicated for gastrointestinal diseases during exacerbation and during lactation. Moderation in use is the key to obtaining a whole range of healing properties. Velvety skin, chic curls, a strong heart and blood vessels - you will achieve all this thanks to the usual product.