Tasty and bright pumpkin “Kapitoshka”: getting acquainted with the variety and reviews from gardeners about its cultivation

Pumpkin is a tasty and healthy vegetable crop, unpretentious to grow and productive. Its nutmeg varieties captivate even the most fastidious gourmets and cooks with their honey aroma. Among the most interesting varieties refers to Kapitoshka.

From the article you will learn how Kapitoshka differs from other varieties, how to grow and store this crop, what its advantages and disadvantages are, and what farmers say about it.

Description of the pumpkin variety

Kapitoshka is the most juicy and sweet of the muscat pumpkin varieties.. It has a pleasant honey aroma, for which it received the second name Honey Princess.

Distinctive features

Tasty and bright Kapitoshka pumpkin: getting to know the variety and reviews from gardeners about its cultivationIts unusual appearance due to its decorative segmented shape and bright orange color makes it a decoration for home gardens and distinguishes it from other varieties of nutmeg pumpkins.

The culture is unpretentious and does not require care, it has high immunity to the most common and dangerous diseases of melons.

Fruit characteristics

This is a climbing crop with round, slightly flattened fruits, divided into clear segments. The peel is thin. The peduncle is pentagonal, widening towards the base. The seeds are yellowish-brown in color.

The pulp is dense, sugary, bright yellow or orange in color, with a high content of carotene. The fruits have a pronounced sweet, honey taste.

The weight of a standard fruit is 3-4 kg, but can reach up to 10 kg.Ripening lasts 4-4.5 months, during which time the required amount of sweetness and vitamins is accumulated.


The variety is mid-season, has a high yield if all the rules of care and cultivation are observed. It lies well and does not lose its presentation for a long time. During storage, the pumpkin turns brown.

How to grow

Growth and productivity are influenced by the quality of planting material, correct planting and fulfillment of all care requirements.

Planting with seeds or seedlings

Tasty and bright Kapitoshka pumpkin: getting to know the variety and reviews from gardeners about its cultivation

For planting, it is preferable to choose freshly collected seeds. Suitability can be determined by placing them in a container with water for 1 hour - any seeds that float to the surface are discarded. Seeds that have mechanical damage, signs of mold, yellowness, or disease are also not suitable.

To kill pathogenic microflora, before planting, the seeds are heated for 9 hours at a temperature of 40°C, and then pickled for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The planting method depends on the climate of the area. In the southern regions, seeds are sown immediately in open ground. In the middle and central zone, as well as in the northern regions, they use seedling growing method.

Technology for planting seeds in open ground:

  • 2 weeks before sowing the seeds, the soil is fertilized with humus (1 bucket per 1 m² of soil), dug up and leveled;
  • holes 4-6 cm deep are dug at a distance of 100-150 cm from each other;
  • Each hole is watered and 2-3 seeds are placed, covered with soil and irrigated, you can cover it with film until shoots appear;
  • after emergence of shoots, the film is removed;
  • 1-2 of the strongest shoots are left, if 2 seedlings are left, then their shoots are directed in opposite directions.

The timing of sowing seeds for seedling cultivation is determined individually, based on the climate of a particular area. Necessary conditions are warming up of the open ground at the time of planting to at least 12 °C at a depth of 10 cm, the age of the seedlings should not exceed 25-30 days.

Seedling growing technology:

  • sedimentary containers are filled with a nutrient composition (preferably garden soil mixed with compost or humus);
  • place the seeds, sprinkle with soil, lightly crush, irrigate, cover with film or glass and place in a warm place;
  • during the development process, seedlings must be provided with a stable temperature of 23-25 ​​° C, moderate humidity, regular ventilation and irrigation;
  • the first shoots appear after 14-20 days, after which the shelter is removed, and the seedlings continue to be watered periodically.

Transplantation into open ground is carried out after the end of spring frosts. The sprouts must have 3 leaves - this is a prerequisite for transplantation.


Kapitoshka pumpkin is an unpretentious crop, but it loves timely care.
Tasty and bright Kapitoshka pumpkin: getting to know the variety and reviews from gardeners about its cultivationRegular watering of the plant promotes intensive development, lush flowering and rich fruiting. Water as the soil dries out, no more than twice a week. During the formation of buds and ovaries, the frequency of watering is increased.

To prevent the formation of an earthen crust on the surface around the plant, after each watering you should loosen the soil and remove weeds.

The bush is formed taking into account the climate conditions in which it develops. In harsh conditions, no more than two ovaries are left on one plant; in the regions of the middle and central zone, three or four fruits can be left on one vine. In southern latitudes, bushes are not formed.To prevent fruitful shoots from losing their vigor, all branches without ovaries are completely removed.

Reference. To prevent new fruits from forming above existing ones, the shoots are pinched behind the fifth leaf.

To additionally feed the bushes and prevent the soil from drying out, add peat or humus under the central stem. Pumpkin does not require fertilizing; it is enough to fertilize it with mullein diluted with water. This is done once before the leaves appear and during flowering, then two or three more times.

If the pumpkin grows on sandy loam soil, it is fertilized with a mixture of superphosphates, wood ash and humus. In loamy soil, fertilizers are added to the holes from a mixture of potassium, superphosphate, wood ash and ammonium nitrate (20 g of phosphorus and 10 g of nitrate are taken per 200 g of ash).

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Honey pumpkin varieties do not like clay soils - take this into account when choosing a planting location.

The root system of the plant must not be disturbed, so the seedlings are transplanted from a separate container into open ground along with a lump of earth.

The formation of bushes can create difficulties, since the variety is very climbing. To get large and tasty fruits, make sure that no more than three ovaries remain on the shoot.

Growing tips from experienced gardeners

A few important recommendations:

  • experienced gardeners advise taking only freshly harvested pumpkin seeds for planting;
  • if the summer is short, then the pumpkin is grown in seedlings;
  • during the ripening period, it is better to completely stop watering the plant, otherwise there is a danger of fruit rotting;
  • Do not loosen the soil too deeply to damage the roots;
  • You can pick fruits that are still green - the variety will ripen and gain sweetness at home in 1-1.5 months.

Diseases and pests

The variety is resistant to diseases, but if care rules are not followed, the pumpkin may suffer from powdery mildew, fusarium, and mosaic. To avoid this, regularly inspect the bush for signs of infection, avoid dense plantings, and remove leaves that block sunlight.

Sick plants are treated with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture; for prevention, you can sprinkle with wood ash.

For aphids, spider mites and caterpillars, use garlic infusion, a solution of soap and ash, and tincture of hot pepper.

Harvesting and application

Harvest after the plant stems begin to dry out. Pumpkins are cut, leaving tails at least 10 cm long.. When temporarily outdoors, cut pumpkins protect from sunlight. To prevent the fruits from rotting, do not allow them to come into contact with each other.Tasty and bright Kapitoshka pumpkin: getting to know the variety and reviews from gardeners about its cultivation

Pumpkin is stored in winter in cool, well-ventilated areas with low humidity, at temperatures from 5 to 15 ° C. Compliance with optimal conditions contributes to the preservation of fruits for 5-7 months.

Kapitoshka pumpkin is used to prepare pureed soups, porridges and casseroles, and as fillings for pies. Can be eaten raw in salads and juices, dry and wither. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and helps cope with insomnia and depression. It has dietary properties and is suitable for complementary feeding to infants.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Kapitoshka has many advantages:

  • sweet and juicy pulp;
  • unusual ribbed shape;
  • large fruits;
  • unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation;
  • good keeping quality, long-term retention of beneficial properties;
  • disease resistance.

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • the bushes are large, long-climbing, require a lot of space;
  • poor tolerance to direct sunlight;
  • In the temperate zone, the period of full ripening is quite long; maximum sweetness can be achieved only in late autumn.

Farmer reviews

According to farmers, cultivating pumpkin varieties is not difficult, and following simple care rules always guarantees a good harvest.

Larisa, Novorossiysk: “I really like the pumpkin: the fruits are beautiful, like in the picture, segmented. In terms of volume, they promise a lighter pumpkin. In reality, the fruits are heavy. The layer of pulp is thick and sweet. The skin is easy to clean, thin.”

Leonid, Mytishchi:“During storage it does not dry out or rot; it can last until May. There are few seeds in the variety. I left it specially to collect for landing.”


Both experienced gardeners and beginners can grow the Kapitoshka variety. A good pumpkin harvest is a guarantee of a supply of vitamins for the entire winter period. This is a treasure trove of useful microelements that have a beneficial effect on human health.

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