How pumpkin is beneficial for a woman’s body and how it should be used
Pumpkin is an indispensable product for women who lead a healthy lifestyle, care about their appearance, the condition of their hair, skin, nails and keep their weight under control. Melon culture is used in folk medicine and cosmetology, and delicious dishes and fresh juices are prepared.
How pumpkin is beneficial for a woman’s body and in what form it is best to consume it, you will learn from the article.
Benefits of pumpkin for women
Pumpkin is beneficial in any form. The product is of particular value in the form of freshly squeezed juices, which help improve the functioning of the vital systems of the body. Baked and steamed pumpkin is no less useful. It has a gentler effect on the gastrointestinal tract, regulates weight and metabolism.
And pumpkin-based folk remedies will help prevent the development of varicose veins, osteochondrosis, cystitis, and eliminate signs of toxicosis during pregnancy. Read more detailed information in the sections of the material.
Content of vitamins, microelements and their effect on the female body
Pumpkin pulp contains vitamins:
- beta-carotene (vitamin A);
- thiamine (B1);
- riboflavin (B2);
- niacin (B3 or PP);
- folic acid (B9);
- ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
- cholecalciferol (vitamin D);
- alpha tocopherol (vitamin E);
- vitamin F;
- phylloquinone (vitamin K);
- carnitine (vitamin T).
- potassium;
- sodium;
- magnesium;
- calcium;
- phosphorus.
- copper;
- fluorine;
- cobalt;
- iodine;
- iron;
- manganese;
- zinc.
Pumpkin peel, like impenetrable armor, preserves the entire complex of useful components from the moment of ripening to harvest. Nature has generously rewarded the melon crop with vitamins that improve health and well-being and replenish the deficiency of vital substances.
Beta-carotene (vitamin A) has a beneficial effect on vision and its sharpness, accelerates the growth of hair and nails. That is why doctors advise women to include pumpkin juice in their diet.
Vitamin E in combination with vitamin A, they are especially useful for the female body. The substances preserve the youth of the body and skin, reduce the negative effects of free radicals, and prevent the risk of developing cancer. Vitamin E is useful for women who have entered menopause - it smoothes out discomfort, hot flashes, and restores blood circulation.
Vitamin T It is not present in all vegetables, but it is abundant in pumpkin pulp. Due to its high carnitine content, pumpkin is often used in diets to reduce excess weight. The substance helps actively break down fat cells.
Pumpkin contains a lot of carotene, which, when consumed regularly, improves skin color, makes it silky and radiant.
Healing properties for women for various diseases
Pumpkin pulp helps:
- improve the condition of urolithiasis (accelerates the removal of sand and stones from the kidneys, relieves cystitis thanks to potassium);
- remove “bad” cholesterol and cleanse the body of toxins;
- improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
- cure stomach ulcers and duodenum;
- cleanse the intestines, normalize stool;
- relieve stagnation of bile;
- cure acne.
Benefits when planning a child, pregnancy and lactation
Doctors recommend including pumpkin in the menu during pregnancy. It softens the manifestations of toxicosis, relieves swelling of tissues, and improves mood. Folic acid helps the fetus develop and grow normally. Frequent consumption of vegetables in the third trimester prevents the risk of developing gestosis.
Reference. Preeclampsia or late toxicosis is a dangerous condition that appears in late pregnancy and is accompanied by deterioration in the functioning of the kidneys, blood vessels and brain. In women, blood pressure rises sharply, and protein is found in urine tests.
Pumpkin pulp increases hemoglobin levels, therefore reducing the risk of oxygen deficiency in the fetus.
Calcium and phosphorus take part in the formation of the child’s bones and strengthen the woman’s musculoskeletal system. During gestation, this is extremely important, because the body undergoes high loads, especially on the lumbar and pelvic skeleton.
During breastfeeding, the vegetable can be gradually introduce into the diet two weeks after birth, observing the child’s reaction. Start with a small amount of pulp, boiled or baked. Pumpkin contains a lot of fiber, which can provoke a negative reaction in the form of increased gas formation from the baby’s fragile intestines.
Using pumpkin for weight loss
Pumpkin promotes active cleansing of the body, removal of waste and toxins by enhancing intestinal motility. A mixture of pumpkin juice with apple or carrot juice removes excess water from tissues, which means that the volume of your hips and waist will melt before your eyes.
The queen of melons has a calorie content of only 26 kcal per 100 g.
Carnitine (vitamin T) helps absorb fats and heavy foods and speeds up metabolism.
Nutritionists advise considering using pumpkin for fasting days. It is advisable to steam the vegetable, cook soups and porridges. And it’s hard to refuse baked pulp with honey, even if you don’t hold pumpkin in high esteem. The aromatic, sweetish pulp will saturate the body with useful components, relieve swelling, and replenish energy reserves.
Pumpkin in cosmetology
Thanks to its amazing ability to improve complexion, cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, pumpkin is often used to prepare cosmetics at home.
Mask recipes:
- For aging skin. Cut the pumpkin into pieces and turn into a paste using a blender. Mix with cold-pressed olive oil in a ratio of 2 to 1, apply to the skin of the face and neck. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply your favorite cream.
- For dehydrated skin. Boil the pumpkin and make a puree. Add equal parts egg yolk and liquid beeswax. Apply to neck and face, rinse with warm water after 30 minutes.
- For deep skin cleansing. Make a puree from the boiled pulp, add cane sugar and ground coffee. Moisten your face with water, apply the product and lightly massage the skin. Wash your face with warm water and apply nourishing cream.
Use in folk medicine
Pumpkin is quite actively used in folk healing. To prepare medicines, take the pulp, seeds and oil.
For cystitis
Women more often than men suffer from bladder inflammation - this occurs due to physiological characteristics. A decoction of pumpkin seeds will help get rid of annoying cystitis. To prepare it, take:
- 150 g of peeled raw seeds;
- 300 ml water.
Pour cold water over the seeds and place in a water bath. Cook for 2 hours, then strain. Take 100 ml once a day, for seven days after meals.
For bladder problems, take 3 tbsp. l., ground beans in a coffee grinder once a day. The course of treatment is two weeks.
For insomnia and stress
Add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of pumpkin juice, stir and drink. Take before bed for two weeks to normalize the psycho-emotional background.
For sleep disorders, use the same pumpkin juice with honey, but prepare it differently. In a water bath, bring the mixture to a boil and leave to brew for 15-20 minutes. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
For osteochondrosis
Women during menopause are most susceptible to osteochondrosis. This is due to a decrease in the synthesis of the hormone estrogen. To stop the development of the disease and improve well-being, it is recommended to use pumpkin oil to rub the affected areas.
- 1 liter of pumpkin oil;
- 1 tbsp. l. celandine, calendula, wormwood, pine buds, chamomile, thyme, yarrow, St. John's wort, peppermint.
Grind the herbs to a powder and add oil. Place in a water bath and cook for six hours. Cool, strain through cheesecloth and store in a place out of direct sunlight.
Use the rub on sore areas once a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.
For varicose veins
Mix 10 drops of cypress essential oil with 30 ml of pumpkin oil. Rub on affected limbs every day before bed for 30 days.
The benefits of pumpkin in various types
Pumpkin is useful in any form - raw, dried, dried, boiled, baked, steamed.This is a waste-free product, since the pulp, seeds, peel, and even green tops with flowers are used for food.
Raw pumpkin the most useful, because it contains all the vitamins, minerals, saturated and unsaturated acids.
With regular use:
- increases visual acuity;
- regulates blood pressure;
- improves the digestion process;
- reduces excess weight;
- has a diuretic effect;
- improves mood;
- reduces the risk of anemia;
- normalizes sleep;
- eliminates inflammation;
- strengthens the immune system;
- accelerates tissue restoration.
Boiled, baked, dried and steamed
Boiled pumpkin is good for the immune system, reduces slagging in the body, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, removes excess fluid, and moisturizes the skin.
Baked pulp improves visual functions, reduces the activity of oxidative processes, promotes weight loss, accelerates cell regeneration.
Steamed pumpkin is the most dietary product. Most of the nutrients are retained in the pulp. Potassium in its composition reduces the risk of developing vascular and heart pathologies and regulates blood pressure.
Steamed gourd cleanses the bladder and kidneys of sand and stones, and restores liver tissue.
Dried pumpkin has the same beneficial qualities as raw pumpkin, with the difference that its calorie content is higher, amounting to 68 kcal/100 g.
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds not only tasty, but also extremely healthy for women:
- normalize intestinal function, accelerating the excretion of feces;
- improve psycho-emotional state;
- accelerate wound healing;
- reduce pain in arthritis;
- relieve inflammation;
- rejuvenate;
- normalize metabolism;
- paralyze some types of intestinal parasites and accelerate their elimination;
- reduce gas formation;
- zinc accelerates hair growth;
- prevent the growth of polyps in the uterus;
- alleviate the condition during menopause;
- increase the chances of conceiving a child;
- eliminate heartburn during pregnancy, reduce symptoms of toxicosis;
- regulate sebum secretion.
Pumpkin oil
Numerous studies of the composition of pumpkin oil have helped scientists determine a number of beneficial properties for the female body:
- increasing immunity;
- laxative effect on the intestines;
- restoration of hormonal levels;
- normalization of mental and emotional state;
- regulation of the cardiovascular system, especially during menopause;
- prevention of the development of venous insufficiency (varicose veins);
- replenishment of iron deficiency.
pumpkin juice
Pumpkin juice is a real vitamin bomb. Just one glass a day and you will get a portion of nutrients. Fresh juices are often used in the treatment of the digestive tract, diabetes, hypertension, nervous exhaustion, liver, kidneys, and prostate gland. In addition, pumpkin juice is an indispensable remedy in the fight for a clean face. The vitamins in its composition get rid of acne, nourish and smooth the skin, and improve complexion.
Pumpkin juice is recommended to be taken during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. It is during this period that the formation of the vital systems of the unborn child occurs. The drink invigorates, eliminates excessive anxiety, nausea and constipation.
Reference. Their pumpkin juice stimulates the production of breast milk, replenishes vitamin deficiencies, and promotes speedy recovery during the postpartum period.
Contraindications and possible harm
Despite the fact that melon is extremely beneficial for the human body, doctors recommend refraining from using it if:
- exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
- reduced acidity of gastric juice;
- destruction of tooth enamel;
- intestinal colic;
- gastritis with low acidity.
Dessert varieties of pumpkin are contraindicated for diabetes. Doctors advise paying attention to fruits with green rind and white flesh. Such fruits have a low sugar content, taste more like potatoes, but have no less beneficial properties than the orange beauty.
Pumpkin is rightfully considered the queen of melons. Its rich chemical composition makes it extremely beneficial for the female body. If you want to lose weight, improve your complexion, normalize hormonal levels, carry a child without problems, get rid of annoying diseases, be sure to include pumpkin in your daily menu.