The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds for women: therapeutic effect and rules for using pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds – a rich source of nutrients and vitamins for the female body. When consumed correctly, they help maintain health and youth, promote weight loss and have a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetus during pregnancy. We will tell you further how to eat this healthy product correctly.
Composition of pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain many vitamins, macro- and microelements. The naturalness of the product allows it to be consumed even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The seeds contain mineral salts, pectin, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, and dietary fiber.
The mineral composition is also rich:
- magnesium;
- copper;
- iron;
- zinc;
- phosphorus;
- manganese;
- potassium;
- selenium;
- cobalt;
- silicon;
- iodine.
Let's look at how things stand with the vitamin composition:
Vitamin | What is it useful for? |
A | Supporting visual acuity and health is the main function of the vitamin. With its deficiency, visual acuity decreases; during the cold season, the eyes become inflamed, quickly get tired and turn red. Vitamin A is also a source of youth and female beauty. |
B1, or thiamine | Normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and digestive system, strengthens blood vessels and the nervous system |
B2, or riboflavin | Participates in nutrition and oxygenation of body cells. Indispensable for maintaining healthy teeth, hair, nails and skin |
B3, or PP, nicotinic acid, niacin | Gives the body strength and energy.Useful for irritability and sleep disorders |
B4, or choline | Reduces cholesterol levels, strengthens the circulatory system. Stabilizes blood pressure, prevents thrombosis |
B5, or pantothenic acid | Stabilizes sugar levels and blood pressure. Strengthens the cardiovascular system. Slows down the aging process |
B6, or pyridoxine | Useful for mental and physical stress. Removes excess fluid from the body, reduces swelling. Helps in the fight against excess weight |
B9, or folic acid | Fights anemia, depression, irritability and loss of energy |
WITH | Strengthens the immune system |
D | Beneficial for the liver, participates in the absorption of calcium, reduces the risk of tumors |
E | Normalizes blood clotting, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Antioxidant. Useful in old age |
Contents of KBJU (per 100 g):
- 541 kcal;
- proteins – 24.5 g;
- fats – 45.8 g;
- carbohydrates – 20 g.
Indications for use
What symptoms indicate that it’s time to introduce pumpkin seeds into your diet? There are several of them:
- fatigue;
- causeless irritability;
- deterioration of the skin, pallor and gray tint;
- weakened immunity;
- sudden mood swings;
- blood pressure surges;
- redness of the eyes.
Pumpkin seeds are useful in treating the following conditions and diseases:
- avitaminosis;
- insomnia;
- depression;
- heartburn;
- nausea;
- gastrointestinal diseases, including gastritis;
- kidney diseases;
- diabetes;
- poor blood clotting;
- metabolic disease.
Attention! Pumpkin seeds alone will not cope with diseases. Their use must be combined with the main treatment.
Therapeutic effect for the female body
The female body is more sensitive to food than the male body. Let's look at what and how pumpkin seeds affect:
- Mood. They produce the hormone of joy and prevent frequent mood swings. Allows you to cope with depression.
- Leather. Copes with unhealthy complexion, flaking and cracking. The skin acquires a healthy glow and smoothness.
- Dream. Normalize sleep, relieve nervous tension.
- Gastrointestinal tract. Prevents bloating, increased gas formation, heartburn and nausea.
- Blood. Improve coagulation, strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle.
- Youth. Thanks to antioxidants, they slow down aging. Have a beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails.
- Carrying a child. Strengthens the mother's immunity, reduces the risk of stomach pain, constipation, and vomiting.
- Figure. Helps get rid of puffiness and extra pounds.
- Period of menstruation. Relieve pain in the abdomen and lower back, improve appetite.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding
Pumpkin seeds are useful during pregnancy at any stage. In the first trimester, the seeds will relieve nausea, heartburn and stomach pain. Throughout pregnancy, the seeds will strengthen the immune system of the expectant mother.
During lactation, 100 g of seeds per day will be beneficial. With mother's milk, the baby will receive iron, calcium, iodine and vitamins. The baby's digestive system, as a rule, tolerates the use of pumpkin seeds by a nursing woman.
Uses of pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are widely used in a wide variety of fields; their most famous use is in cooking. Let's find out how pumpkin seeds are used in cosmetology and folk medicine.
In folk medicine
Traditional medicine suggests getting rid of diseases of the genitourinary system with the help of pumpkin seeds.
You will need:
- 1 cup pumpkin seeds;
- 1 cup hemp seed;
- water.
The preparation method is simple: mix the seeds, pour boiling water and grind in a blender until smooth. Consume the resulting mass twice a day, 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals.
Another traditional medicine recipe helps strengthen the immune system, restore the body's strength and female beauty.
You will need:
- 2 tbsp. l. seeds;
- 1 tsp. honey;
- 1 tsp. lemon juice;
- 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
- water.
Mix all the ingredients, add water at the very end and only if the mass is too thick. Grind in a blender until porridge. Take 3 tbsp in the morning before breakfast. l.
Against worms
Pumpkin seeds are easily eliminated from the body worms.
You will need:
- 300 g seeds;
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- 2 tbsp. l. honey
- Fry the seeds without peeling them in a frying pan.
- Grind them in a blender.
- Peel the garlic and chop.
- Mix the seed and garlic.
- Add honey to the resulting mixture.
Take the product for at least three days, 1 tbsp. l. two hours before breakfast.
In addition to worms, pumpkin seeds will help get rid of other parasites.
In cosmetology
What woman doesn't want to look well-groomed and beautiful? Radiant and clear skin is the main indicator of the overall health of the body.
If you have a lot of freckles or age spots on your face, then the following recipe will do:
- Take 1 tbsp. l. seeds, clean them.
- Pour in a small amount of water and chop.
- Add some milk. The consistency should be medium thick: not too thick and not runny.
- Add a drop of honey (optional).
Apply the whitening mask to clean skin.Leave for 20 minutes, then wash and moisturize your skin with a nourishing chamomile-based cream.
There is also a recipe for oily skin with enlarged pores:
- 1 tbsp. l. Grind the seeds (you can pre-cook the puree).
- Add white or blue clay.
- Add 1 tsp. coffee.
- At the very end, add a few drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil.
The mask is applied once a week for 25 minutes.
To combat wrinkles in the previous recipe, replace the clay with full-fat sour cream.
When losing weight
Here you don't need a blender or garlic, nor essential oil. The main thing is the desire to look slim. Make it a rule to chew 4-5 seeds every morning 30 minutes before breakfast without drinking water. This start of the day will start proper digestion.
How to use it correctly
The best way is to eat it raw and unsalted. When frying, the level of nutrients is reduced by almost half. You can chew the seeds on an empty stomach or grind them and add butter or sour cream for taste. Sour cream is not suitable if you are losing weight.
You should not eat seeds that are bitter or have an unpleasant or musty odor. You should peel the seeds by hand or buy them straight away without the peel. It is not recommended to eat them with the peel: it is quite rough and can easily injure the intestinal walls.
Reference. To improve the condition of your skin and hair, it is enough to eat 50 grains daily.
To diversify your diet, you can add pumpkin seeds to vegetable stews, porridges, salads and baked goods. It will not only be healthy, but also tasty.
Along with the invaluable benefits for women, pumpkin seeds can also cause harm.
Thus, eating stale seeds, for example, slightly rotten ones, can cause illness: the stomach will react with aching pain and nausea.
Another cause of poor health can be overeating. Remember the norm: you should consume no more than 100 g of product per day. Otherwise, you can get a stomach ulcer, accumulation of salts in the joints, and if you bite the shell with your teeth, you can damage the enamel.
Contraindications to the use of pumpkin seeds include:
- allergies and individual intolerance to the constituent components;
- difficulty breathing during respiratory diseases (can cause dryness and burning in the throat, sore throat);
- stomach and duodenal ulcers;
- colitis and gastritis during exacerbation.
You should eat this product with caution when:
- obesity;
- increased stomach acidity.
Let's sum it up
Pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals. Their composition allows you to fight various ailments: insomnia, depression, pale skin, anemia, hypertension, parasitic infections.
During pregnancy and lactation, pumpkin seeds are especially useful for women: they strengthen the body and minimize the unpleasant symptoms that accompany bearing a baby. Pumpkin seed has also found its use in cosmetology. Face masks based on it will moisturize the skin and eliminate imperfections.