How to freeze corn on the cob at home: storage options and tips from experienced housewives

Corn is a seasonal plant, after harvest it can be bought mainly in canned or dried. Experienced housewives recommend freezing it on the cob, as this method retains most of the beneficial qualities. Frozen cereal, like fresh cereal, has a calorie content of approximately 90 kcal per 100 g. The vast majority of the composition is water - 70–75%. Carbohydrates make up 20–23%, proteins 3–3.5%, and fats up to 1% of weight. About 2% of the mass of grains also comes from dietary fiber.

Due to the content of vitamins, macro- and microelements, the use of frozen corn helps improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, digestive organs, nervous and endocrine systems. As part of a varied diet, it improves the appearance, health of skin and hair, and stabilizes metabolic processes. Let's look at how to freeze corn on the cob at home

Is it possible to freeze corn on the cob?

Frozen corn on the cob is a simple winter preparation that will help preserve the product for a long time. After defrosting and cooking, you can enjoy tasty and juicy cereal, just like in the summer.

Will the taste and beneficial properties be lost?

Freezing corn on the cob helps preserve not only its beneficial properties, but also the taste of the fresh plant. Cereal grains contain B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, potassium and calcium.Consumption of the product has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system as a whole.

Frozen vegetables, fruits and berries retain nutrients better than their canned counterparts. In addition, it is very tempting to be able to enjoy products in winter that seem to have just been picked from the garden.

How to freeze corn on the cob at home: storage options and tips from experienced housewives

Preparing corn

Before freezing, the cobs need to be properly prepared:

  • remove cover leaves;
  • remove the stigma (brown hairs);
  • cut off the tip with unripe grains by 2-3 cm;
  • remove all damaged areas using a sharp knife.

Rinse each cob under running water, dry with a towel or leave to dry at room temperature.

Correct selection of cobs

The main thing when harvesting corn is to choose high-quality specimens. Fresh cobs should be frozen. If the crop has been stored for a long time, the sugar contained in the cereal turns into a starchy substance, which causes the taste to deteriorate.

Choose cobs of medium maturity. Unripe and overripe varieties will not give the taste that children and adults like so much. There should be no visible damage, dark spots or traces of insects on the cobs.

Which varieties are best?

Sugar varieties are excellent for freezing; the ripeness should be milky-waxy. When the pale yellow soft kernel of corn is pressed to release white, sweet juice, the corn is ripe.How to freeze corn on the cob at home: storage options and tips from experienced housewives

Reviews from housewives about the nutritional qualities of corn after freezing are contradictory. But the cause of failures is not always associated with a violation of procurement technology. Most varieties of sweet corn are not intended to be stored by any means other than canning.

Only 5 varieties can preserve the pleasant taste of grains after freezing:

  • Mercur;
  • Nika 353;
  • Tsukerka;
  • Chell;
  • Fun.

The nuances of freezing cobs

You can freeze cobs in different ways. But in any case, more space will be required in the freezer than when preparing grains. However, the result is worth it.


When frozen raw, the advantages are:

  • beneficial substances are preserved as much as possible;
  • In the cold season, you can boil the cobs of corn and enjoy it straight from the head.

The disadvantages include the fact that the cobs need to be fully cooked for 30–40 minutes after defrosting.


If frozen boiled cobs, then the product can be eaten immediately after defrosting. A kind of “hardening” of boiled corn before freezing will preserve all its beneficial properties, taste and appearance. But it will take more time to prepare the product.

Step-by-step instructions for processing, packaging and freezing

Processing using the dry method and “hardening” will differ. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but nevertheless allows you to preserve the beneficial substances and aroma of the vegetable.

Dry method

Pack the pre-prepared cobs into bags of 2-4 pieces (removing the air from them and fastening them with a zip fastener) or wrap each head individually with cling film. In this form, place the cobs in the freezer. In winter, all you have to do is take the corn out of the refrigerator, throw it into boiling water and cook for 20-30 minutes. We recommend putting in one bag the number of cobs that you use at a time. Repeated freezing is not advisable.

Hardening method

The blanching method is called a kind of hardening of the product. The sequence of actions for this method is as follows:How to freeze corn on the cob at home: storage options and tips from experienced housewives

  1. Prepare two pans - with boiling water and cold water (you can add ice cubes).
  2. Place the prepared cobs in hot water for 5 minutes. During cooking, all heads of cabbage should be completely immersed in water. They can be turned over if necessary.
  3. Then place in a pan of cold water for 3 minutes.
  4. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times.
  5. Place the cobs on a thin, lint-free towel and wait until they dry thoroughly.
  6. Next, wrap each fruit separately in cling film and place in the freezer.

Shelf life

The speed at which corn on the cob freezes depends on the refrigerator. On average, it freezes in 2-3 hours. If you are packing several cobs in one bag, you can put them on a dish and place them in a chamber for a day, and then package them. This way you don't end up with a big frozen ball.

Frozen vegetables usually have a shelf life of one year, but corn is an exception and can be stored in the freezer for no more than 6-8 months, whether it has been blanched or not.

Advice! Do not delay eating corn on the cob. It is advisable to eat up the reserves before the next harvest arrives: the longer the grain is stored, the less pronounced the taste and aroma of the grains becomes, and the harder their structure becomes.

Optimal conditions

The grains easily absorb foreign aromas. Since only vegetables are not always stored in the freezer, but also meat or fish, you need to isolate the cob from air, trying to achieve maximum tightness of the packaging.

How to defrost corn on the cob

The best way to defrost corn is by placing it in the refrigerator. This way the process will occur gradually, but the correct temperature regime will be maintained, which will not allow bacteria to develop. You can defrost the cobs in the microwave, but to do this you need to wrap them in a towel so that the grains do not dry out and remain soft and juicy.

It is recommended to partially defrost corn on the cob that has not been previously blanched and only then send it to cook in a pan. It is not a good idea to reheat frozen food by simply leaving it at room temperature, as bacteria may develop in it.

Attention! Do not place frozen corn in hot water and assume that it will melt during cooking. This will make the grains unpalatable.

Further use

After defrosting, the raw cobs are boiled in boiling water for 20–30 minutes. Corn that has been pre-blanched should be kept in boiling water for several minutes.How to freeze corn on the cob at home: storage options and tips from experienced housewives

Thawed corn can not only be boiled, but also cooked in the oven. To do this, mix butter (20 g per 1 cob) with herbs and spices (to taste). Coat the heads with the resulting marinade, wrap them in foil and place them in an oven preheated to +180˚C for 40 minutes.

Corn goes well with many foods, so it can be added to almost any treat. Salads and snacks with tender grains will always decorate the holiday table and daily meals.

Tips and tricks

To make eating frozen corn enjoyable, follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Late varieties of the crop, harvested at the stage of milk maturity, remain fresh longer.The skin on the grains is not so rough, but strong enough not to burst during processing.
  2. Do not leave cereals in the refrigerator without a bag or container. Without packaging, the shelf life of cobs will be reduced by a third.
  3. Corn that has been frozen comes to readiness when cooked much faster than fresh corn.
  4. Ensure that the packaging is completely sealed, otherwise the grains will certainly absorb foreign odors during storage.
  5. Do not cook cobs while frozen. If you throw them directly into boiling water, the skin of the grains will become too tough. Wait until they are completely thawed.
  6. Thawed heads of cabbage can not only be boiled, but also baked in the oven.

Read also:

Why is bollworm on corn dangerous?

Sweet corn: choosing the best variety and growing it correctly.

How corn is grown and harvested for silage.


The seasonality of corn ripening does not allow you to enjoy this tasty cereal all year round. Preservation does not preserve all the beneficial substances and vitamins of the product. Freezing cobs is a great way to completely preserve the taste and beneficial composition. This method requires young, ripe ears of sugar varieties.

You can choose any of two methods of cryopreservation - the dry method and using hardening (blanching). Dry is less labor-intensive, but after defrosting, the cobs will have to be cooked. After hardening, just keep it in boiling water for a few minutes.

After defrosting the corn cobs taken out of the freezer in the refrigerator or in the microwave, all you have to do is cook them. Corn cooked after freezing will have the same taste and aroma as freshly picked from the garden.

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