How to prepare oat seeds for sowing, plant them correctly and grow a rich harvest

At the beginning of the 21st century, the area occupied by oats in the world decreased significantly. However, in the Russian Federation the situation is gradually stabilizing. Domestic manufacturers have again intensified this area thanks to sanctions. They gave impetus to the development of Russian livestock farming, and as a result, there was an increased need for complete feed. Over the past 10 years, Russia has held 1st place in the world in terms of gross oat harvest. We will tell you in detail how to prepare oat seeds for sowing and grow a rich harvest.

Application of oats

This cereal grown primarily for grain. But its value also lies in the fact that it produces high-quality green mass, so it can be harvested for the winter as hay and used to enrich the soil and control weeds.

As a cereal

About 70 varieties of oats are intended to produce high-protein, nutritious grains rich in vitamins and microelements. It can be edible and fodder.

Oats are valuable for human nutrition, as they contain slow carbohydrates that give a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Oats are indispensable in the diet of sick and weakened people, children and athletes.

How to prepare oat seeds for sowing, plant them correctly and grow a rich harvest

This grain is given to farm animals and birds as their main feed.. It is inexpensive and has a long shelf life. It is used as a monoculture in feeding, as it contains all the necessary nutrients.

Oats produce a rich, tender green mass that is suitable as feed ruminant animals in winter, so farmers store it for hay.

As a green manure

Oats are indispensable on fallow lands, during the development of virgin lands, for enriching the soil with microelements and minerals. In this case, it is planted in early autumn, and at the first snow, in the stage of growing green mass, it is plowed into the soil. In spring, such a field is ready for sowing any crops, especially grains and vegetables.

As green manure oats can be planted from spring to autumn 2-3 times per season. When a height of 20-25 cm is obtained, the plants are cut and plowed or left on the soil surface.

If you sow in early spring, then in May, after cutting off the green manure, the field is suitable for any crop - the weeds will be crushed by the powerful root system of oats.

Where do oats grow?

This valuable cereal is grown everywhere – in Europe, Asia, America, Australia, Africa.

Leading manufacturers:

  • Russia;
  • Canada;
  • Poland.

Largest importers:

  • USA;
  • China;
  • Mexico.

How to prepare oat seeds for sowing, plant them correctly and grow a rich harvest

The USA also grows its own oats, but there is not enough for farmers’ needs.. Their main supplier is Canada. China is rapidly increasing the volume of purchases of this cereal from year to year; its main supplier is Australia. If Russian producers are able to supply not only the domestic market, but also the foreign one, China will purchase oats from us. The Russian Federation is in 9th place in the list of exporters of this crop.

Reference. In our country, the area of ​​cultivation of the crop ranges from the central regions to the Far East, from the polar territories to the North Caucasus.

Types of seed oats

According to the nature of the grain and the structure of the sowing panicle oats happen:

  • spreading;
  • naked;
  • single-maned

The State Register of varieties approved for use includes more than 100.

Oats are grown on feed and food grain, green mass, hay, like green manure.


The main feature of these varieties is that their growing season lasts 2/3 of the year.. Winter oats are distinguished by early and rapid germination; harvesting ends in mid-summer.

The best varieties, their characteristics and average yield are presented in the table:

Name Characteristic Productivity, c/ha
Adamo White grains, long ripening period 40
Antey Height – up to 1.0 m, crumbling less than 3%, rich green mass 60
Belarusian naked Fine-grained, high in protein, resistant to many diseases, food grade 50
Show jumping Height – up to 1 m, large grains, drought-resistant 40
a lion Height – up to 0.6 m, scaly spikelets 60
Lefty Ultra-early, high protein grains 40
Hello Spikelets with a waxy coating, high resistance to smut disease 60
Trotter Early ripening, scaly, waxy spikelets 45
Strigunok Membranous, scaly, waxy spikelets 60
Mascot High nutritional value, elongated and thickened grains 75

How to prepare oat seeds for sowing, plant them correctly and grow a rich harvest


Most often this is fodder oats, not demanding on heat, with a wide geography.

The best varieties and their features are described in the table:

Name Characteristic Productivity, c/ha
Gait Slightly elongated grains with high nutritional value 75
Fighter Large-grained, drought-resistant, demanding care, drooping spikelets covered with small hairs 55
Friend Resistant to many diseases, large light panicle, thickened grains 70
Irtysh Frost and drought resistant, tall, erect, coarse grain 70
Merlin High maintenance, scaly spikelets 80
Horse Resistant to drought and disease, with a yellowish tint to the panicle 80
Solomon Tall, erect, fine-grained, disease and drought resistant 40

The choice of oat variety is determined weather and climatic conditions, soil acidity, farming direction. It is best to use zoned breeding varieties.

Preparing oats for planting

Seeds are sorted into first grains (giving good bushiness and large yields) and second grains (less productive). To increase germination energy and germination, they are heated in the sun at a temperature of +15...+20°C for 3-4 days using ventilation. This procedure can also be done in dryers. It is especially important in those areas where oats do not have time to fully ripen in the ear before harvesting.

How to prepare oat seeds for sowing, plant them correctly and grow a rich harvest


Dressing is carried out to destroy pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases of grain. There are two etching methods: dry and semi-dry. The first is carried out with seeds with a moisture content no higher than 14% and no later than 2-3 months before sowing. Thus, the grain receives full protection and remains viable.

If the humidity reaches 17%, pickling is carried out using a semi-dry method. 2-3 days before sowing. The grain is treated with a liquid solution containing adhesives for better envelopment.

Approved drugs:

  • “Granozan” – 1.5-2 kg/t of seeds per 8-10 liters of water;
  • against loose smut – 1 part 40% formaldehyde, 80 parts water, 30 liters of the resulting solution per 1 ton of seeds;
  • "Vitavax" - 2.5-3 kg/t of seeds.

Sowing time

The timing of sowing winter oats is immediately after harvesting, at the end of August and until the first days of October. (depending on the region). Then, before severe frosts, the plants have time to grow enough green mass.

When to plant spring oats? Spring plantings are carried out immediately after the snow melts.. This allows the grain to absorb moisture and take root better in heavy, damp soils.

How to prepare oat seeds for sowing, plant them correctly and grow a rich harvest

In the southern regions and in the foothills of the North Caucasus, sowing begins already in late February - early March. In the central regions of the Russian Federation, steppe and forest-steppe zones - in mid-April. In the Trans-Urals and Siberia - in May.

Important! First of all, the areas where the seed will ripen are planted. The work is completed in the shortest possible time - 2-3 days, to ensure an amicable return of the harvest.

The best predecessors according to the rules of crop rotation

The soil is suitable for planting after row crops, especially corn and potatoes. Oats grow well after spring and winter wheat and legumes.

It is highly undesirable to sow this crop after beets., since there is a high risk of damage by common pests. You should not plant oats in the same place for two years in a row.

This cereal is a crop that closes the crop rotation. It is not picky about soil, effectively fights weeds, and responds well to fertilizers. Oats cope with the role of the first crop on virgin lands and peat bogs.

Note! Oats produce good yields when grown first or second fallow and are considered an ideal precursor for grains and cereals.

Sowing grain

In modern agronomy, three optimal ways of sowing grain are accepted::

  • cross;
  • solid private;
  • narrow row.

The latter is considered the most progressive - with a row width of 7-8 cm. The main thing is to maintain uniform placement of seeds. Otherwise, there is a high probability of thickening of individual areas, lodging of plants and loss of a significant part of the crop or its quality.

How to prepare oat seeds for sowing, plant them correctly and grow a rich harvest

Seeding rates

Indicators depend on soil, weather, climatic and agrotechnical conditions.

Approximate seeding rates per 1 ha in kg:

  • Non-Black Earth Region, Far East – 220-280;
  • Central Black Earth Region – 200-260;
  • Volga region, Southern Urals - 180-240;
  • Western Siberia – 240-260;
  • Eastern Siberia – 200-240.

In terms of weight, the norms are indicated with large deviations, since they depend on the weight of the grain and its germination

Planting depth

The most important parameter is soil moisture. Therefore, in arid regions the depth of embedding is higher than in moderately and heavily humidified regions. Farmers grow oats even in permafrost conditions in Kolyma. At the same time, it is planted no deeper than 1.0-1.5 cm.

Approximate figures depending on the region (in cm):

  • Non-Chernozem region: clay soils – 2-3, loams – 3-4, light soils – 5-6;
  • Central Chernozem region, Volga region, Southern Urals – 6-8;
  • Western and Eastern Siberia – 4-8;
  • Far East: loam – 4-5, sandy loam – 5-6.

When the soil is slightly heated In the first days of sowing, the seeding depth is reduced, and in subsequent days it is increased as the earth warms up.

How to prepare oat seeds for sowing, plant them correctly and grow a rich harvest

Growing technology

Oats are demanding when it comes to agricultural technology. Crop care:

  1. Rolling - for better adhesion of grain to soil.
  2. Harrowing before germination - in order to undermine weeds and loosen the soil crust.
  3. Harrowing after germination - to destroy annual plants.

During the tillering period, when the plant is resistant to herbicides, weeds are treated with drugs: “Lontrel-300” 30% – 0.15-0.65 l/ha, “Dialen” – 3 l/ha. At the same time, to prevent lodging of crops, they are treated with the retardant “TseTseTse460” at a rate of 3-4 kg/ha.

To obtain a bountiful harvest, timely control of pests and diseases oats, prevent damage to crops.

Features of growth and development

Oats sprout very quickly. First, embryonic roots are formed, which after a week reach a length of 15-20 cm.The stem is twisted when emerging above the ground; unfolding, gives the first sheet. The germination phase ends with the appearance of 3-4 leaves.

The next stage is tillering. If the feeding area is large, oats form up to 6 stalks, but this affects the quality of the grain - it turns out smaller, the panicle is weak. When a thickened node appears in the lower part of the plant, tubing begins with the simultaneous growth of a panicle. It moves quickly inside the leaf.

The sweeping is fixed with 1/3 of the panicle coming out, flowering begins within a week and lasts a maximum of 7-10 days. The grains are formed unevenly: when the first ones are already filling, the lower part of the panicle may still bloom. Fruit filling stops when the humidity is 20-25%. On average, this process lasts 25-30 days.

Diseases and pests

Oats are a tasty crop for many insects and bacteria.. Timely plant protection measures not only preserve the harvest, but also improve the quality of the grain.

How to prepare oat seeds for sowing, plant them correctly and grow a rich harvest

Common diseases of oats:

  • brown and yellow rust;
  • septoria;
  • powdery mildew;
  • stem rust;
  • red-brown spotting.

Drugs are used to fight diseases “Rex”, “Bayleton”, “Bumper”, “Impact”, “Folikur”. It is important to detect the disease in time and have time to treat the plants before the sweeping phase.


  • bread beetle;
  • bread ground beetle larvae;
  • cereal fly;
  • bread drinker

For pest control, drugs have shown the greatest effectiveness “DecisExtra”, “Karate”, “Senpai”, “BI-58”, “Almetrin”.


Oats are inferior in yield to other grain crops. On average it is 20-25 c/ha. However, modern breeding varieties with proper agricultural technology give a yield of up to 70-80 c/ha.However, many farms sow old varieties of oats. Yield indicators are influenced by cultivation goals: in many regions, oats are planted as green manure, for hay, for green fodder, without reaching technical ripeness.

Harvesting oats

When grain moisture content reaches 17-20%, direct combining is carried out. All oats are harvested in a short time - a maximum of 4-5 days. Otherwise, the grain will begin to quickly crumble, since the yield of this cereal is uniform.

At the end of harvesting, the oats are dried to a moisture content of 14% at a temperature not higher than +45°C to prevent rotting, overgrowth or fungal damage. Only after drying the grain is stored.


Oats provide food for people and grain fodder for farm animals. The cost of oat production is low, and its demand in commodity markets is stable.

Subject to the technology of preparation, sowing, care and harvesting, this cereal allows you to obtain high yields per unit area. Oats are susceptible to diseases and pests, so it is important to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the crops and, if necessary, carry out timely processing.

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