Proper feeding of winter wheat in spring: fertilizers and application rates
Grain yield is the most important indicator of food security in Russia. Winter wheat occupies significant sown areas. To increase and control yields, it is important to apply mineral fertilizers in a timely manner. This is one of the main expenses of farms. Meeting deadlines and correct dosage of fertilizers can reduce costs, increase the yield and quality of wheat grain.
What is wheat fed with?
To grow 1 ton of wheat you need:
- 24-35 kg nitrogen;
- 10-15 kg of phosphorus;
- 20-26 kg potassium;
- 5 kg of calcium and magnesium.
Laboratory tests show that the soil does not contain such an amount of minerals in digestible form. There is only one way out - to introduce them artificially. Let's look at the most common fertilizers.
UAN – urea-ammonium mixture
CAS – liquid nitrogen fertilizer prolonged action - used in Russia since the 80s. XX century It consists of an aqueous solution of ammonium nitrate and urea in a 1:1 ratio. There are 3 brands on the market:
- KAS-28 with a mass fraction of nitrogen 28%. Crystallizes at -17°C.
- UAN-30 with a nitrogen content of 30%. Crystallizes at -9°C.
- KAS-32 – 32% nitrogen. Crystallization at 0°C.
In the northern regions and the middle zone, KAS-28 is preferable due to return frosts, in the southern regions - KAS-32.
Prolongation is ensured by the fact that the mixture contains three forms of nitrogen compounds:
- nitrate, which is absorbed immediately;
- ammonium, which turns into nitrate;
- amide, which transforms into ammonium form under the influence of temperature and bacteria.
The gradual transformation of compounds ensures long-lasting action. The rate of transformation depends on the ambient temperature, since it is determined by the activity of soil bacteria.
Reference. Thanks to its liquid form, UAN can be used together with biostimulants, sulfur, microelements, and herbicides.
UAN application rates:
- Early spring fertilizing is carried out based on the density of plantings:
- with a plant density of 200-300 pcs. per 1 sq. m fertilizer consumption is 50-80 kg of nitrogen per 1 ha;
- with a density of 300-350 pcs. per 1 sq. m – 40-50 kg of nitrogen per 1 ha.
- During the booting period - 30-40 kg of nitrogen per 1 ha.
The amount of nitrogen in 100 liters of solution can be calculated based on the UAN brand.
Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) is a popular fertilizer that contains up to 34% nitrogen and 14% sulfur. It is used in 80% of farms, since the combination of nitrogen and sulfur is a very effective spring fertilizer.
As a rule, it is a dry granular substance of a yellowish color, sometimes produced in the form of a powder with various mineral additives (magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc.).
In spring, the norm for feeding winter wheat with saltpeter is 200-300 kg per 1 ha.
"Nutrivant Universal"
Complex mineral fertilizer contains 19% nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, as well as additional elements: magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, molybdenum. It is a concentrated liquid solution. Made in Israel.
The composition is balanced for the full growth and development of plants. When sprayed, the product is fixed on the leaves, is not washed off by rain and is effective for 30 days. Has significant advantages:
- environmentally friendly fertilizer;
- compatible with any fertilizers;
- dissolves well in water and is evenly distributed over the leaves;
- increases yield by 14-16%.
For grains, fertilizer is mixed with a 5% urea solution. In the spring it is applied twice: during tillering and during the booting period, 2-3 kg or 200-250 liters of working solution per 1 ha.
Ammonium sulfate
Ammonium sulfate is a mineral fertilizer popular in the spring. Contains 21% nitrogen and 24% sulfur. It is a white crystalline free-flowing powder. On acidic soils, use together with lime.
Sulfur is an important element involved in the synthesis of proteins, fats and vitamins, i.e. it directly affects the quality of grain.
When feeding winter wheat, 280-380 kg per 1 ha is consumed during resumption of growth and 48 kg per 1 ha at the beginning of heading.
Housing and communal services
The use of liquid complex nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers is becoming increasingly popular:
- they increase productivity;
- easily absorbed through leaves and roots;
- eliminate imbalances in plant nutrition;
- prevent the development of fungal infections;
- evenly distributed over the surface;
- can be mixed with aqueous solutions and other fertilizers.
LCS is a product obtained by neutralizing phosphoric acid with ammonia. It is a gray or greenish solution. It contains 11% nitrogen and 37% phosphorus.
In conditions of a long and cold spring, liquid fertilizers make it possible to quickly eliminate the nutritional deficiency of wheat through foliar feeding. The procedure is carried out twice per season.
Concentrated fertilizer is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and used in an amount of 100-150 liters per 1 ha of working solution in the tillering phase. During the exit into the tube, the feeding is reduced by 1.5-2 times.
Winter wheat yield increases by 9-14%
Read also:
Fertilizing winter wheat
The plan for spring feeding of wheat with nitrogen fertilizers is drawn up on the basis of an agrochemical analysis of the soil and the condition of the plants after wintering.
Many people prefer cheaper ammonium nitrate.
Farms that rely on modern intensive varieties of wheat choose complex fertilizers to fully provide the plants with all microelements.
It is advisable to feed winter wheat in two stages.
In early spring
Early spring fertilizing allows you to create the number of plants for a good harvest, ensure friendly tillering, and high-quality and timely resumption of vegetation.
It is advisable to use fertilizers that contain the nitrate form of nitrogen to quickly enter the growth phase of wheat.
The first fertilizing involves adding from 35 to 75 kg of nitrogen per 1 hectare of crops. This ensures the growth and uniform tillering of seedlings.
At the beginning of heading
The introduction of nitrogen fertilizers during the period of the beginning of the emergence into the tube allows you to influence the number of grains in the ear.
UAN, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium sulfate are suitable for feeding. Norms – from 20-45 kg of nitrogen per 1 ha.
When applying fertilizers it is important:
- correctly calculate the rate based on the active substance;
- take into account the weather - when it rains, a significant part of the nitrogen is washed into the deep layers of the soil;
- condition of the crops - if the seedlings are bright green and dense, the application rate is reduced by a third.
To evenly distribute fertilizer across the field, it is necessary to prepare and calibrate the equipment.
Fertilizer technology
For applying fertilizers to fields with winter wheat use mounted equipment, attached to a tractor or car.
Root feeding
Solid fertilizers are applied using seeders of the RTT-4, 2A, 1-RMG-4 brands. Fertilizers are transported to the seeders by semi-trailers, trailers or in the backs of cars. Liquid fertilizers are applied using sprayers RZHU-3.6, RZhT-8.
Attention! The use of aviation is ineffective and harmful to the environment.
To prepare liquid fertilizers on farms, you can purchase mortar units - stationary and mobile mixers, which are produced for these purposes.
Correct and timely feeding of winter wheat in the spring ensures high and stable grain yields. The quality of grain improves, the gluten content increases, plants quickly resume growth and optimally use soil moisture.
Fertilizing periods are usually very short, so it is necessary to use all available mechanized means for applying fertilizers.