Rules for growing winter barley

Winter barley is a valuable grain crop. Barley grain has highly nutritious properties and contains a large amount of vitamins. In the article we will consider the characteristics of the crop and the rules for its cultivation.

Description and characteristics of winter barley

Winter barley is part of the cereal family. Barley grain is used in the food and feed industries. Due to its low protein content, it is a valuable crop in brewing. The growing season lasts 230-300 days.

Rules for growing winter barley

Botanical description of winter barley:

  • the root system is fibrous, goes to a depth of 1.5 m;
  • the stem is hollow, has a rounded shape and nodular ring-shaped growths along its entire length;
  • the leaves are lance-shaped, consist of a sheath and a petal, at the point of departure from the stem the leaf plates are rolled into a tube;
  • inflorescences – spike;
  • The fruit is a naked grain.

Biological features

Winter barley is less demanding on soil compositionthan other grain crops, but the successful cultivation of this crop directly depends on climatic conditions. Winter barley is the least frost- and winter-hardy among winter grain crops.

Requirements for climatic conditions:

  • does not tolerate prolonged frosts -12… -15°C;
  • sharp spring frosts are detrimental to the crop;
  • the emergence of seedlings begins at 1-2°C, the temperature for development is 6-8°C;

Winter barley drought-resistant, not demanding on moisture.

Soil requirements:

  • soil acidity should be neutral: pH=6-7.5;
  • high humus content;
  • The crop produces high yields on chestnut, podzolic and sod-gley soils;
  • the crop grows poorly on sandy and clay soils.

Required batteries:

  • to increase the frost resistance of the crop, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are added to the crop;
  • Early spring fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer increases yield.

Rules for growing winter barley

What is the difference from spring

Differences between winter varieties from spring:

  • sowing dates;
  • early ripening (10-16 days earlier);
  • low frost resistance;
  • suffers from sudden changes in temperature both in winter and spring;
  • tolerates high temperatures well.

Place in crop rotation

Favorable predecessors for winter barley:

  • pure steam;
  • winter wheat;
  • peas;
  • corn.

Interesting things about culture:

Barley varieties, their characteristics and description

Features of barley cultivation technology

Who can be fed with feed barley?

Nutritional value, chemical composition and calorie content of winter barley

Winter barley used in food and feed industries. In the first case, it is used for preparing cereals, alcoholic beverages, etc.

Reference. The calorie content of winter barley is 288 kcal per 100 g of grain.

Nutritional value (per 100 g):

  • proteins – 10.3 g;
  • fats – 2.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 56.4 g;
  • dietary fiber – 14.5 g;
  • water – 14 g.

Winter barley rich in nutrients (percentage of daily value per 100 g): vitamin PP – 32.5%, choline – 22%, vitamin B5 – 14%, vitamin B6 – 23.5%, vitamin H – 22%, vitamin E – 11.3% .

Macro- and microelements included in the culture (percentage of daily value per 100 g): silicon – 2000%, cobalt – 79%, manganese – 74%, copper – 47%, phosphorus – 44.1%, iron – 41.1%, magnesium – 37.5% , potassium – 18.1%.

Rules for growing winter barley


The effect of winter barley on the body person:

  • choline helps liver metabolism;
  • vitamin B5 normalizes intestinal function and participates in metabolism;
  • vitamin B6 has a positive effect on the human immune system and nervous system;
  • potassium normalizes blood pressure and takes part in the acid-base balance of substances;
  • magnesium normalizes heart pressure;
  • manganese is involved in the formation of bone and connective tissue.

Characteristics of winter varieties

The timing of planting directly depends on the choice of variety., growing conditions and harvest volume.


The yield of the variety is 55-60 c/ha. The maximum yield reached 96.3 c/ha. Ripening time - 266-273 days. Plant height 83-86 cm. M1000 (mass) of seeds - 43 g. Composed of 61% starch, 12.6% protein. Average winter hardiness, resistance to drought and shedding.


Canadian variety. Suitable for spring and winter sowing. Productivity 90-110 c/ha. Growing season 78 days, mid-season. Plant height 100 cm. M1000 seeds – 52 g. Seed rate – 130-140 kg/ha. It has high resistance to lodging and drought. Can grow on salty soils. Is immune to all fungal diseases.


The transgenic variety was developed by Canadian breeders and bred using nanotechnology. Productivity 95-110 c/ha. Ripening time 270-280 days. M1000 seeds – 52 g. Seed rate – 130-140 kg/ha. It has high drought resistance and can withstand frosts down to -30°C.

Rules for growing winter barley


Included in the State Register in 2018. The originator is the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Agricultural Scientific Center Donskoy". Productivity – 58.5 c/ha. M1000 seeds 37-46 g. Protein content 8.9-13.8%. Mid-season, ripening period 224-260 days. Winter hardiness at standard level. High resistance to lodging. Not resistant to helminthosporium and loose smut.


Alta is a hybrid of the ICARDA International Center for Dryland Agricultural Research population. Has a potential yield of about 60 c/ha.


The Monolith variety was created by breeders of Karabalykskaya Agricultural Production Association LLP. The yield of the variety is 69.6 c/ha. Resistant to adverse environmental factors, has high environmental plasticity.


Productivity of the variety is up to 55 c/ha. Bushy variety. Tolerates frost very well. Resistant to prolonged drought without loss of grain quality and quantity.

Selena Star

The maximum productivity of the variety is 77.8 c/ha. Plant height reaches 98 cm. Growing season 277-284 days. M1000 seeds – 45-47 g. Protein content 11.5%. Average winter hardiness. Resistant to lodging and shedding. Not afraid of brown rust.


Productivity 60-87 c/ha. Plant height 100 cm. M1000 seeds – 43 g. Protein content 12%. Resistant to lodging and shedding. Not afraid of drought.


The most common varieties of winter barley: Barvinok, Mironovsky 87, Odessky 165, Babylon, Buran, Farmer.

The varieties Taina and Rosava are called “two-handed” - this means that they can be sown in autumn and spring.

Take note:

How to make malt from barley

Barley moonshine recipes

The most winter-hardy varieties

The advantage of winter barley is high productivity and early harvest. Disadvantage: frost damage. Breeders are working on this issue and every year more and more winter-hardy varieties are registered.

Rules for growing winter barley

Winter barley varieties with frost resistance:

  • Samson;
  • Zimur;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Frontier;
  • Morozko.

Cultivation areas and yields

For growing winter barley areas with mild winters, without severe frosts, are suitable:

  • Krasnodar region;
  • Stavropol region;
  • Kabardino-Balkarian Republic;
  • The Republic of Dagestan.

When growing crops in such conditions, maximum yield is achieved. This occurs due to the active use of autumn precipitation and early spring moisture by plants.

Seeding rates per 1 ha

For optimal plant development, seeding rate is 4-5 million viable seeds for 1 hectare.

Features of planting and care

For better development of seedlings and withstanding unfavorable conditions In winter, it is important to follow planting dates and rules for caring for crops.

Crop rotation

The best predecessors of winter barley – rapeseed, oats, annual grasses, grains, legumes.

When to sow

Optimal planting dates:

  • in the steppe regions of the North Caucasus - from September 1 to 20;
  • in the foothills of the North Caucasus and Crimea - from September 15 to October 5;
  • in the south of Ukraine and Moldova - from September 15 to 20;
  • in Transcaucasia and Central Asia - at the end of September - beginning of October.

Early sowing will lead to overgrowth of barley, which will affect the poor wintering of plants. Due to late sowing, the plants will be poorly developed and will not produce the expected yield.

Selecting a location

For winter barley, choose a place with fertile soils. For optimal development, the soil must be high in humus. Barley crops are protected from cold winds in winter with the help of forest strips along the perimeter of the site.

Rules for growing winter barley

Soil and seed preparation

Stages of soil preparation:

  1. Peeling after harvesting the predecessor. If the previous crop had rough stems, then to a depth of 10-12 cm. If not, then the peeling depth is 6-8 cm.
  2. Application of organic and mineral fertilizers before plowing.
  3. Plowing with harrowing to a depth of 20-22 cm 2-3 weeks before sowing.
  4. Leveling with harrowing.
  5. Application of mineral fertilizers before cultivation.
  6. On the day of sowing – cultivation with harrowing.

Seeds undergo air-thermal heating 2-3 weeks before sowing for 2-3 hours at a temperature of +45°C. Two weeks before sowing, the seeds are treated with Fundazol.

Sowing patterns and methods, depth and distance from each other

Seeders are used for sowing winter barley.

Sowing is carried out in three ways:

  • solid ordinary – 15x1.2 cm;
  • cross row – 15x1.2 cm;
  • narrow row – 8x1.2 cm.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 3-6 cm.

Crop care and soil cultivation

After sowing, rolling is carried out for soil compaction.

Stages of caring for winter barley crops:

  1. In early spring, when the soil is ready for cultivation, harrowing is carried out across the crops to a depth of 2 cm.
  2. During the tube exit phase, nitrogen fertilizing is applied, evenly scattering 40 kg/ha.
  3. Anti-lodging treatment – ​​“TUR” 4 l/ha.
  4. At the beginning of heading, treatment against pests and diseases is carried out. "Dialen" - 3 l/ha, "Fundazol" - 0.6 kg/ha.
  5. During the heading and flowering phase - fertilizing with urea, 60 kg/ha.

Rules for growing winter barley

At what temperature does winter barley grow?

In relation to cold, the crop is inferior to winter wheat and rye. Seed germination begins at a temperature of 1-2°C. The attitude towards frost varies among grains; it changes during the ripening period. Some varieties can withstand temperatures as low as -10°C immediately after sowing. Easily tolerates high temperatures.

Tips and tricks for growing winter barley

Advice from experienced farmers on growing winter barley:

  • protect crops from wind and frost in winter and early spring;
  • do not sow on saline and acidic soils;
  • to obtain large yields, grow crops on fertile soils;
  • carry out timely fertilizing of crops.


Winter barley has many beneficial properties. Barley grain is considered highly nutritious. It is used in the food and feed industries, and is of particular importance in brewing. For each application, a barley variety with suitable characteristics and properties corresponding to the climatic conditions of a particular region should be selected.

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