How to properly dry parsley at home - the best ways
Parsley should be present in the diet year-round. All its parts - seeds, roots, leaves, stems - have a rich biochemical composition and serve as an additional source of phytoncides, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated acids, and dietary fiber. The plant is superior in vitamins and minerals to many vegetables and fruits.
To preserve its taste and beneficial properties, parsley is dried for the winter. However, it is important that it is grown in safe conditions without the use of pesticides. How to properly dry parsley and how to store the finished seasoning, read on.
Preparing parsley
In addition to giving the dish new taste and aromatic qualities, parsley serves as an additional source of essential oils, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, has a beneficial effect on the body, improves digestion, and helps prevent the development of many diseases.
If you buy greens, pay attention to their smell and appearance. A plant of proper quality has leaves that are fresh, rich green in color, without traces of damage by insects, and with a distinct, specific aroma.
Advice. Experts recommend, if possible, not to buy parsley in open retail outlets located near roads. Greens quickly absorb dust and other harmful substances and become toxic.
When growing independently, it is best to harvest in late September - early October, when the leaves contain valuable substances in maximum concentration. Harvest parsley in dry sunny weather, in the morning, when the dew has completely dried. Next, the greens are sorted out, yellowed and damaged branches and debris are removed.
The next stage is the preparation of raw materials. Selected leaves are thoroughly washed several times until the water is clear, laid out on cotton cloth or newsprint, and allowed to dry well. Remaining moisture is removed with a paper towel.
What is the best way to dry?
You can dry parsley for the winter in bunches or by pre-chopping it. This does not affect the taste and nutritional properties of the plant; each housewife simply chooses the most optimal and convenient option for herself. It is better to chop the root before drying.
To speed up chemical reactions and homogeneity of raw materials, the leaves are pre-cut. Next, the prepared raw materials are dried in a convenient way: in the oven, microwave, dryer or in the open air, spread out on a metal sheet or wooden board.
Small bundles are formed from the branches, tied with thread, placed with the stumps up in a paper bag, left in a warm, dry place where there is no sunlight.. It is not necessary to use paper bags, but they reliably protect the parsley from dust, foreign sediment, and bacteria.
Drying time is 2-7 days, depending on temperature and humidity. For better preservation, the leaves are additionally dried in an oven on a baking sheet or in the fresh air, covered with gauze.
For reference. Why can't you dry parsley in the sun? Firstly, the sun's rays destroy chlorophyll, the leaves lose their characteristic rich green color and become yellow. Secondly, under the influence of UV rays, essential oils evaporate, which provide the specific taste and aroma of the spice.
How to properly dry parsley at home
Drying is an important step in preparing parsley for the winter. The process reduces the moisture content of the raw materials, stops oxidative reactions, and the shelf life and taste of the seasoning depend on how correctly all the steps are performed. There are different ways to dry parsley at home.
On open air
Drying outdoors in natural light, temperature and humidity consists of three steps:
- The prepared branches or leaves of the plant are laid out in a thick layer on a wooden board or placed in a shallow container, left in a well-ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight.
- The leaves are stirred with your hands every day so that they do not dry out.
- Drying on average takes 4-5 days, depending on weather conditions. The optimal air temperature is 25-30⁰С. Readiness is determined by the appearance of the leaves. If greens are completely dried out, they become brittle.
In the oven
The oven is ideal for preparing parsley for the winter. How to do it:
- The leaves are sorted, spoiled and yellowed leaves are removed, separated from the branches or set aside in this form, washed well, and any remaining moisture is removed with a paper towel. If desired, the leaves are chopped into small pieces.
- Spread the parsley in a thin layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
- The oven is preheated.Dry the greens with the door ajar at a temperature of 40-50⁰C, periodically stirring the greens and turning the baking sheet over. If the raw material is properly dried, it does not stain your hands, and when compressed, it does not stick together, but crumbles. The process can take from 2 to 8 hours.
In the microwave
A microwave oven is used if you need to dry a small amount of greens:
- Prepare the plant: sort, wash, dry. Lay out the branches on a plate made of plastic, glass or porcelain.
- Microwave for 30 seconds until the leaves become brittle. You cannot increase the time, as the plant is highly flammable.
- The color of well-dried raw materials is green, the aroma is spicy and pronounced, the branches and leaves are brittle.
In an electric dryer
To dry parsley for the winter, use both a convection and infrared dryer. The preparation principle is quite simple and fast:
- The greens are sorted, washed, and dried with paper towels.
- The leaves are laid out on sheets, the appropriate temperature mode is selected according to the instructions, and the electrical appliance is turned on.
An electric dryer is also used to dry root parsley. The roots are prepared in advance: washed, thinly peeled, cut into strips or circles, and laid out on a sheet.
In a convection oven
An air fryer is an excellent alternative to an electric dryer. To dry the plant, lay it out on a grid, select the “drying” function, and adjust the temperature. To dry the leaves, it will take on average 20 minutes, the roots - 40-50 minutes.
How to check readiness
The readiness of raw materials is determined by organoleptic properties and appearance.Properly dried parsley retains its natural rich green color, a pronounced spicy aroma, the leaves and stems lose their elasticity, become brittle, and crumble easily when compressed.
Terms and conditions of storage
Dried parsley is placed in glass jars with tight lids, fabric bags, and sealed bags. Blank stored in a dry, well-ventilated area for 12-24 months.
This is interesting:
Instructions for preparing parsley with salt for the winter and other ways to preserve it.
You can prepare parsley for the winter in different ways - in natural conditions in the open air or using special devices (air grill, electric dryer, oven, microwave oven).
Natural drying takes longer and depends on weather conditions, but it preserves all the beneficial and tasty qualities of parsley. Artificial drying reduces harvesting time and is available at any time and in any weather.