How to properly grow parsley on a windowsill and get a harvest all year round

Parsley is one of the most popular herbs used in cooking. Those who want to have fresh herbs on hand all year round grow them at home on the windowsill. In order for parsley to grow well at home, it is important to follow the rules of planting and care.

Is it possible to grow parsley on a windowsill?

Growing parsley on a windowsill is not particularly difficult. The plant will need to provide certain conditions regarding lighting and temperature conditions.

When planting in winter, care must be taken to increase the length of daylight hours using artificial lighting.

How to properly grow parsley on a windowsill and get a harvest all year round

Parsley is grown at home in two ways:

  • from seeds;
  • from the roots.

The first method requires more time and effort, the second is simple and accessible even to novice gardeners.

The plant is unpretentious and produces lush greenery in the first year of cultivation, and root vegetables in the second.

To cut the first sprigs of parsley, it will take 1.5 months from the moment of planting by seeds or 30 days when grown from roots.

Suitable varieties

How to properly grow parsley on a windowsill and get a harvest all year round

Early greens grow best in a flower pot.

Varieties common parsley, most suitable for growing on a windowsill:

  • Appetizing;
  • Beads;
  • Gloria;
  • Ditty;
  • Natalka;
  • Morning freshness.

Reference. Curly parsley is less aromatic and tasty. However, it has interesting-looking leaves that are suitable for decorating dishes.Astra, Vorozheya, and Emerald lace are successfully grown on the windowsill. Plants of these varieties are undemanding to growing conditions.


To grow parsley at home you will need:

  • special containers;
  • suitable soil.

Providing the necessary conditions and following sowing rules is the key to an excellent harvest.


Parsley needs light, fertile soil, moisture and light. The pots are placed in slightly shaded places, the plants are protected from drafts.

It is preferable to grow greens in a room that is regularly ventilated. A window sill is suitable for growing. You can leave pots on the balcony if the temperature does not drop below 0⁰C.

Reference. In the cold season, it is advisable to grow parsley on a south window; over time, you will need to move the pots to the east or west. In spring and summer, plants are protected from direct sunlight.


How to properly grow parsley on a windowsill and get a harvest all year round

A spacious, deep container is suitable for planting. Plants form a powerful root system. The pot or box should be taller than 15 cm with drainage holes and a tray for draining water.

Important. On the eve of planting, the container is disinfected. A solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for this purpose.

One plant is grown in one pot. You can plant several pieces in a large standard container.

First, the bottom of the pot is covered with expanded clay - a layer of at least 2 cm, then the container is filled with soil.


Parsley is grown in nutritious, light and loose soil with an acidity level of 6.5 to 7.0 - neutral or slightly acidic.

It is advisable to prepare a soil mixture of peat, humus and garden soil, watered with a solution of potassium permanganate (proportion 1:1:2).

Reference. The finished mixture is limed if it needs to be deoxidized.Fertilizers - phosphorus and potassium - will also be required.

Planting material

Before planting in a pot, the seed is prepared. The seeds are germinated for several days, left warm on damp gauze. Then they are dried. Half an hour before sowing, the seeds are pickled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Growing parsley from roots is easier than from seeds. Before the soil in the garden freezes, root crops with cuttings are dug out of it. It is acceptable to grow from roots purchased in a store.

Reference. Undamaged root crops with a diameter of 2-4 mm are suitable for planting. The larger they are, the better the leaves will form.

How to grow parsley on a windowsill

How to properly grow parsley on a windowsill and get a harvest all year round

To grow greens on a windowsill, you will need to meet several important conditions:

  • the planting pot is first kept in a cool place (on the balcony), moderately watering the soil as it dries;
  • when the petioles begin to grow, the container is moved to the windowsill;
  • water approximately once every 7 days;
  • pots with plants are regularly rotated to ensure their symmetrical, uniform growth - once every 1-2 days;
  • on cloudy days, planting is provided with artificial lighting;
  • apply special fertilizers before cutting greenery if the plants are depleted.

Reference. In winter, they make several “forcings” of parsley. First, smaller root crops are planted, and after 30 days, larger ones are planted. With the onset of spring, the pots can be moved to the loggia.


Planting parsley from seed material is done as follows:

  1. The bottom of the pot is laid out with a 2 cm layer of expanded clay and the container is filled with soil.
  2. Seeds are planted to a depth of 5 mm. Sprinkle 1 cm of soil on top.

To plant root crops, prepare a container 15-20 cm deep and suitable soil. Then the parsley is transplanted tightly into pre-moistened soil and watered again.

Read also:

How to grow cucumbers on a windowsill in winter.

How to choose a variety and properly grow indoor peppers on a windowsill.

How to properly grow radishes on a windowsill in winter.


During the first 20 days before the first sprouts hatch, water moderately every other day. At this stage, the planting can be covered with film, but this is not necessary. Young plants require more water. Water them, avoiding waterlogging or drying out of the soil.

In winter, planting is watered moderately when the soil begins to dry out.

It is not recommended to water plants with tap water. It is too hard and can lead to the formation of a crust of elements harmful to the plant on the surface of the earth. Before watering, let the water settle for several days, or it is better to boil it. The water temperature should be room temperature.

Important. After each watering, the soil is carefully loosened.

It is better to thin out young shoots in dense plantings, leaving 4 cm between shoots. Do not forget about removing weeds.

If parsley is planted in purchased soil, the crop will need periodic feeding. The home garden is fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers.

Reference. The most common preparations for feeding parsley at home are “Growth” and “Agrolife”.

How to properly grow parsley on a windowsill and get a harvest all year round

Creating favorable conditions

During the period when seed germination occurs, the plant needs increased air humidity. To create the necessary conditions, the bed can be covered with film.When the first sprouts appear, the cover is removed and the container with the plants is moved to a cooler place.

Parsley growth is observed at temperatures not exceeding +15…+20⁰С. However, in order for the seedlings to hatch, you will need to keep the pot in warmer conditions at a temperature of +25⁰C.

In early spring and until the end of summer, there is enough sun for home planting. However, in autumn and winter, plants suffer from lack of lighting. To solve the problem, a special white spectrum lamp is placed above the pot. Fluorescent lighting fixtures are installed at a height of 50-60 cm. They will need to illuminate the bed 8 hours a day.

Possible problems, diseases and pests

Inadequate watering, along with inappropriate temperature conditions, is the main cause of infection with white spotting or powdery mildew. To combat these diseases, as well as to prevent them, use the drug “Fitosprorin” according to the instructions.

The main pest of vegetables is aphids. When it appears, the leaves are sprayed with Fitoverm.

Important. Immediately after using the drugs, the greens are not cut and not eaten. You will need to adhere to the period specified in the instructions for the funds.

Excessive indoor temperatures or lack of sunlight often lead to stretching and deformation of plants.

How to properly grow parsley on a windowsill and get a harvest all year round

Features of growing parsley hydroponically

Hydroponics is the growing of vegetables without soil, using only water and fertilizers. Plant roots reside in a substrate of organic or artificial origin. The pot with the substrate is immersed in a special solution that gives the plants the necessary nutrition.

To grow vegetables on a windowsill you will need to stock up on:

  • a hydroponic installation consisting of containers for greenery and a system supplying nutrients;
  • substrate and solution containing all the microelements necessary for normal growth and development of plants.

Greens growing hydroponically require favorable temperature conditions and good lighting.

Reference. The solution can be prepared with your own hands from water-soluble fertilizers. The salt concentration should not exceed 3 g per 1 liter of water.

The seeds are planted in a prepared substrate (1 g per 1 sq. m), then the planting is watered abundantly with water containing dissolved BioSevia series fertilizers. After watering, the pot is covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. The next batch is grown in two weeks.

Harvest and storage

When grown from seeds, you can see the first shoots after 14-20 days, and cut the first greens after another 50-70 days. If parsley is grown from roots, the harvest will be obtained after four weeks.

Branches with large leaves are cut at a height of 10 cm. You cannot cut at the root - the petioles must be left.

Advice. To keep greens longer, they are sorted. The branches cannot be washed. The harvest is placed in plastic bags. An onion cut into several pieces is also placed there. The package with parsley is sent to the refrigerator. Once every five days they take it out to sort out the contents and replace the onion.

How to properly grow parsley on a windowsill and get a harvest all year round

Tips and tricks

Advice from experienced gardeners will help increase seed germination.

They suggest placing the seed before planting in a canvas bag and keeping it under running water for 3 hours. An alternative to this manipulation is bubbling with a mandatory change of water every 2-3 hours. The parsley seed procedure is carried out within 24 hours.

The following preventive measures will protect your plantings from herbivorous mites:

  • Do not place indoor flowers, in particular roses, on the windowsill next to parsley;
  • watering the planting with a warm shower with strong pressure once a week.

You can fight emerging mites with a soap solution that is used to wash the foliage. After treatment, the solution is washed off with hot water (+50°C).

Read also:

How parsley helps with puffiness under the eyes and how it can be used.

How to make parsley ice for the face: beauty and health of the skin.

How to distinguish cilantro from parsley.


Growing parsley on a windowsill at home is quite simple. The procedure does not require a significant investment of time and effort. By following the rules of plant care, you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with fresh aromatic herbs all year round.

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