What are the benefits of celery root and how to use it correctly
Celery root contains a large amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements that are beneficial to humans. The root vegetable is used in cooking, folk medicine, and for weight loss. Read on in the article about all its properties, benefits for the body and taste characteristics.
Characteristics and features of celery root
Celery is a vegetable imported from the Mediterranean. Years of selective breeding have been spent making all parts of the plant edible - leaves, stem and root.
Initially, the root part was thin and thread-like. Now it is a round-shaped root vegetable with dense, juicy pulp. It grows up to 20 cm in diameter and weighs up to 900 g. The spicy pulp tastes sweetish with bitterness.
Root celery is cultivated from seedlings; 150 days pass until ripening. It is easy to care for and resistant to diseases and pests. Celery root produces beautiful, lush, aromatic leaves. They are suitable for consumption, but they are not picked, as this slows down the growth of the root crop. During cultivation, the lateral roots are removed with a sharp knife, and in August the soil is raked away from the root crop, exposing it - this is how it gains juiciness. The crop is harvested in the fall, carefully digging out one root at a time with a pitchfork so as not to damage the root crop. Only celery without dents, scratches or rot is stored until spring.
Composition and properties
100 g of celery root contains 1.5 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat, 9.2 g of carbohydrates.The calorie content of the vegetable - 42 kcal - makes it a suitable ingredient for the diet table. 100 g of plant root contains 1.8 g of fiber and 88 g of water. This balanced combination helps remove toxins and waste from the body.
Vitamins and nutrients
All parts of celery are rich in vitamins, useful elements and acids. But the root is a concentrate of all useful substances:
- vitamins B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP, beta-carotene, niacin;
- omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, myristic, stearic, palmitic, linoleic, oxalic, oleic and glutamic acids;
- macroelements - sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, chlorine;
- microelements – iron, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, fluorine, chromium, iodine.
Flavonoids, purines and essential oils give celery dishes a pleasant taste and aroma.
Why is it useful?
Celery root benefits health, saturates the body with vitamins and other valuable substances. Useful properties of celery:
- reduces signs of anemia;
- reduces blood sugar levels;
- increases the elasticity of capillaries;
- reduces blood pressure;
- has a laxative and diuretic effect;
- speeds up metabolism;
- normalizes water-alkaline balance;
- neutralizes stress, relieves irritability;
- increases skin elasticity, restores the structure of hair and nails.
How to use celery root
The root vegetable is not only eaten in various combinations, it is used for treatment, it has become the basis of the celery diet as a product with a negative calorie content.
In cooking
There are different uses for celery root in cooking. But before the root vegetable is eaten, it is prepared.
The washed root vegetable is placed on its side on a cutting board and the lower and upper parts are cut off. Now he is stable.It is placed vertically and the peel is cut off in thin strips from top to bottom. After complete cleaning, cut into cubes, bars, and slices. Immediately wash in water with lemon or orange juice to prevent the root from darkening.
Reference. If the root is chopped to a minimum size during cooking, the aroma will be so rich that it will overpower the smell of all other ingredients.
How to prepare celery root:
- grated and used fresh in salads form;
- prepare a puree soup based on the root;
- stewed together with other vegetables - carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes;
- fried with chicken or beef;
- make sauces with onions, apples, olives based on butter or vegetable oil;
- make juice;
- dried celery root in crushed form is used as a seasoning for soups and side dishes;
- added to brine during preservation.
In folk medicine
Celery root is used as a cosmetic, medicinal product and for the prevention of various diseases. They are used in the form of infusions, tinctures, decoctions, juices, and make ointments and face masks.
An infusion of the root is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. l. chopped vegetables are infused in 250 ml of cold water. After 2 hours the product is ready for use.
Celery infusion is taken:
- For insomnia, depression and neuroses - 1 tsp. 3 times a day, regardless of meals, until symptoms go away. It calms the nervous system and improves sleep.
- When treating gastritis and stomach ulcers - 2 tbsp. l. before every meal. The affected mucous membrane heals faster.
- For the treatment of allergic skin rashes, dermatitis and psoriasis - 1/3 glass before each meal.
Celery decoction is used:
- For diabetes to lower blood sugar levels.20 g of root is poured into 250 ml of water, simmered over low heat for 20 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes, filtered and drunk 3 tbsp. l. before every meal for a month.
- For liver diseases to accelerate cell recovery. Cut 20 g of celery into slices, pour in 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and filter. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals for 14 days.
- In case of frostbite as an antiseptic, the affected tissues are restored faster. Boil 200 g of dried root in 1 liter of water for 20 minutes, cool to a comfortable temperature and keep the limb in the broth until the liquid cools. For frostbite on the face, a gauze napkin is immersed in the broth, then kept on the frostbitten area until it cools. Then dip the affected area in cold water, dry it and apply goose fat. The procedure is carried out every evening until the wound heals.
Root tincture treats:
- Prostatitis – pain when urinating goes away. 2 tbsp. l. chopped celery root mixed with 1 tbsp. l. celery seeds, pour 1 liter of vodka, leave in a dark place for 7 days, then filter. Take 30 g 2 times a day until the medicine runs out.
- Boils, abscesses, skin inflammations. Half a glass of crushed root is mixed with 0.5 tsp. salt and 0.5 cups of 9% vinegar and leave for 5-6 hours. Soak gauze swabs in the infusion and apply them to the affected skin.
To prepare the juice, grate the root vegetable and squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth. Celery root juice helps:
- For rheumatic pain and gout. It removes uric acid from the joints. Drink the product half an hour before meals, 2-3 tsp. within a month, even when the pain goes away.
- Warn oncological diseases, as it contains antitumor substances - phthalides and polyacetylenes. Drink fresh juice once a day outside of meals. The admission period is not limited.
- For difficulties with bowel movements. Drink 1/3 glass of juice on an empty stomach. For chronic constipation, use 1 tbsp. l. before each meal for 1 month.
- For diseases of the bladder and kidneys. To relieve inflammation, drink 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day before meals for 1 month.
- For osteochondrosis. Promotes the removal of salts and normalizes water-alkaline balance, pain goes away. Take 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day.
When eaten raw, celery root helps:
- For constipation. Fiber, which the vegetable is rich in, removes toxins and maintains the muscle tissue of the digestive tract in an active state.
- For sexual problems. Celery contains the sex hormone androsterone, which increases potency in men. Being a powerful aphrodisiac, celery root restores female libido.
- Remove signs of chapping and give your facial skin a fresh look. To do this, make a mask: grind celery root to a paste to make 1 tbsp. l., mix it with full-fat cottage cheese (1 tbsp.) and warm milk (1 tbsp. l.). Apply to the face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
In dried form, celery root is used as a scrub for the face and body. The scrub renews the top layer of skin and removes impurities. To prepare, grind ginger, nutmeg, cilantro (1 teaspoon of each ingredient), add 1 tbsp. l. chopped dried celery root and 2 tbsp. l. honey Apply with massage movements to the skin of the face and neck and wash off after 10 minutes.
Ointment from the root treats cuts, wounds, and ulcers that take a long time to heal. 2 tbsp. l. crushed root is ground with 3 tbsp. l. interior lard.The ointment is applied to the problem area of the skin daily until healing.
Important! All folk remedies are an addition to drug therapy prescribed by a doctor. Before using celery medicines, consult a specialist.
For weight loss
The secret to losing weight with celery is the negative calorie content of the vegetable and the presence of coarse fibers. The body requires a lot of energy to digest celery. To produce it, the body breaks down its own fat deposits, and the weight goes off.
The coarse fiber contained in celery root enters the intestines almost undigested and, like a whisk, cleanses it. Toxins leave, weight becomes less.
The aromatic root contains a lot of potassium and sodium, so dishes with the vegetable do not require salt. Food on a celery diet is tasty and not bland.
As a result of the diet, 3-7 kg are lost, the waist becomes thin, the hair is shiny, the skin is elastic. Those who suffer from allergies, psoriasis and diseases of the genitourinary system can lose weight on a celery diet.
There are several types of diet. The first is strict: for 3 days they eat only celery and water. Celery in any form is eaten until satiation. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
A more gentle three-day diet on celery root soup. Before starting a diet, consult a doctor. To prepare the soup you will need:
- root – 200 g;
- stems – 300 g;
- tomatoes – 650 g;
- cabbage – 600 g;
- green beans – 300 g;
- bell pepper – 3 pcs.;
- carrots – 2 pcs.;
- bulbs – 5 pcs.
Preparation of dietary soup: cut 2 onions, carrots and roots into cubes, add 1.5 liters of water and cook for 20 minutes. Then add the remaining 3 onions, peppers, celery stalks and green beans, also diced.Peelless tomatoes are ground in a blender and added to the soup along with shredded cabbage. Simmer over low heat until done.
For 3 days they eat soup and fresh celery in any form. The number of servings is not limited - any amount eaten will lead to weight loss. Drink unsweetened green warm tea and water. Repeat unloading only after 14 days.
Combined diet for 7 days
They eat in 3 meals, dinner – until 18:00. If you feel acute hunger, eat fresh root/stems or drink a celery smoothie. If you feel well, you can play sports.
Menu for the week:
- Day 1. Root soup 3 times a day, unlimited portion sizes. Between meals – an apple, grapes or figs. They drink unsweetened tea, fresh juice and water.
- Day 2. Only soup, instead of fruit - fresh or boiled vegetables without peel.
- Day 3. Soup, vegetables, except potatoes and legumes, berries. Drink: celery juice with water.
- Day 4. Only soup. Yogurt for breakfast and between meals. Any drink.
- Day 5. 200 g of lean beef, fresh tomatoes for breakfast and lunch. For dinner - soup. They drink unsweetened tea, fresh juice and water.
- Day 6. Three times soup. During breaks - greens (spinach and lettuce), seasoned with olive oil.
- Day 7. Breakfast – wild rice and one raw vegetable. Lunch and dinner - soup. They drink fresh juice and water.
They leave the diet by introducing eggs, nuts and dairy products into the diet, 100 g of each, once a day. To prevent the weight from returning, do not eat beans, fried foods, baked goods and fast food. Alcohol is also prohibited. To maintain weight, dinner is replaced with a vegetable salad. The diet is repeated after 2 weeks.
How to deliciously cook celery root: the best recipes
Celery has excellent taste; all dishes with it are aromatic.Those who eat celery dishes daily or every other day note improved well-being and restoration of strength.
Celery root is compatible with many foods. No matter how celery is prepared, it will only bring benefits to the body.
Celery and carrot salad
- celery root – 1 pc.;
- carrots – 400 g;
- lemon juice – 3 tbsp. l.;
- sugar – 0.5 tsp;
- sour cream – 100 g;
- salt and ground black pepper to taste.
The celery root and carrots are washed and peeled, the carrots are cut into strips, the celery into slices, and mixed. In a separate bowl, mix sugar and lemon juice with a whisk, pour this mixture over the vegetables and set aside for a while. Prepare the dressing: season the sour cream with salt and pepper to taste. Salad with celery and carrots is dressed before serving.
Potato soup with celery
- potatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
- celery root;
- onion – 1 pc.;
- butter – 2 tbsp. l.;
- flour – 3 tsp;
- salt – 0.5 tsp.
Peel the potatoes and celery, wash and cut into 1 cm cubes. Heat half the oil in a frying pan, lay out the flour, fry it, stirring, over medium heat for 5 minutes. The onion is peeled and finely chopped. Heat the rest of the oil and add the onion. Fry over medium heat, stirring, for 5 minutes.
Boil potatoes for 15 minutes in salted water - ¼ tsp. salt per 400 ml of water. Strain and puree into a homogeneous puree.
Celery is poured with 600 ml of water, brought to a boil, salted (¼ tsp salt). Boil for 15 minutes at a low boil, add potatoes, chopped onions and flour. Add hot boiled water to bring the soup to the consistency of a thin puree. Warm up without bringing to a boil, and serve immediately, sprinkled with herbs.
Fried celery
- celery root – 400 g;
- vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
- lemon juice – 0.5 tsp;
- salt and spices to taste;
- greens for decoration.
The celery root is washed, peeled, cut as desired, placed in a container and sprinkled with lemon juice. Let stand for 10 minutes. At this time, heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add celery and fry until cooked and golden brown over medium-high heat. At the end of frying, add salt and pepper to taste.
Advice. Fried celery goes well with meat and poultry, but it is also eaten as a separate dish with pickled or fresh vegetables.
Celery stewed with vegetables
- celery root – 600 g;
- tomatoes – 300 g;
- champignons – 300 g;
- onion – 150 g;
- vegetable oil;
- salt and pepper to taste.
The celery root is peeled, cut into cubes and boiled in salted water until half cooked. Tomatoes and mushrooms are cut into cubes, onions into half rings. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until transparent, add celery. Stir and fry for 10 minutes. Then add tomatoes and mushrooms, mix, add pepper and salt to taste.
Celery, apple and olive sauce
- celery – 1 root;
- sour cream – 5 tbsp. l.;
- apple – 1 pc.;
- olives – 20 g;
- leek - 1 stalk;
- lemon juice – 5 ml;
- sugar and salt - 0.5 tsp each.
Celery is grated and mixed with apples, cut into small cubes. Leeks and olives are cut finely. Everything is mixed and poured with sour cream, whipped with lemon juice, salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly and serve with meat dishes and side dishes.
Dried celery root
Root crops for drying are selected that are dense, light, without rot or damage, cleaned of soil, and washed in running water.Peeled root vegetables are crushed on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips or rings 5 mm thick. The finer the root is crushed, the faster it dries.
Drying methods:
- On air. Chopped celery is poured onto a sieve, baking sheet or wire rack in a thin layer and placed in a dry and well-ventilated place out of direct sunlight. Stir the cuttings in the morning and evening. Drying time – up to 20 days.
- In an electric dryer. Place the celery on the grates and set the temperature to +50°C. The grates are swapped every 1.5 hours for uniform drying. Drying time – 10 hours.
- In the oven. Place the celery on a baking sheet lined with parchment and place it in the oven, preheated to +50...+60°C, with the door slightly opened. Dry until ready.
Cabbage with beets and celery for the winter
- white cabbage – 1 kg;
- beets and celery root - 1 pc.;
- vinegar - 0.5 cups;
- allspice and hot capsicum, salt to taste;
- water – 2 glasses.
Shred the cabbage, place it in a bowl, add salt, and mash it with your hands. The washed and peeled beets are grated, mixed with cabbage, and capsicum is added.
For the marinade: washed and peeled celery root is cut into cubes, placed in water, vinegar and allspice are added, and brought to a boil. Place the cabbage and beets in a deep enamel bowl, add the marinade so that it is 2 fingers higher than the vegetables. Marinate for three days in a warm place, then put into jars, close with lids, and leave to be stored in the refrigerator for the winter.
Contraindications and possible harm
Celery contains acids and essential oils, which are contraindicated for certain conditions and diseases. Doctors do not advise eating root vegetables if:
- varicose veins;
- acute pancreatitis;
- gastritis;
- colitis;
- cholecystitis;
- hemorrhagic vasculitis;
- stones in the kidneys and urinary system;
- diseases of the thyroid gland;
- epilepsy;
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding.
If you are over 65 years of age, you should consult your doctor about whether you can eat celery.
Attention! Celery is not harmful to a healthy person if consumed in moderation. The recommended norm is 150 g per day.
Celery root accumulates harmful substances and can cause poisoning. Celery grown without chemical fertilizers and growth stimulants will not cause harm. When buying celery in a store, be sure to ask for a certificate of conformity. Only he guarantees the safety of the product. In any case, before cooking, the vegetable is soaked in water for 30 minutes.
Excess essential oils have an adverse effect on the body - they increase gas formation, which provokes an exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system. Due to an excess of essential oils, hyperstimulation of the immune system occurs, and in this condition, autoimmune diseases develop. The body perceives its own cells as foreign and destroys them. The essential component increases blood pressure, which is unacceptable for hypertensive patients.
Celery in a dose of more than 80 g per day promotes the destruction and movement of stones in urolithiasis. This is a plus for patients with sand and stones up to 0.5 cm in diameter - they leave the body on their own. Large stones cannot come out on their own. They get stuck in the urinary tract and cause renal colic, which ends in surgery.
The benefits to the body from celery root outweigh the possible harm.You should not eat celery if there are obvious contraindications. A healthy person can eat a variety of dishes from this vegetable, lose weight on a tasty diet, and use it for various diseases. It is recommended to include vegetables in the diet in the fall to strengthen the immune system.