How to properly replant viburnum in the fall
Viburnum is a bright representative of the Adoxaceae family. The shrub is valued for its decorative appearance and bitter fruits with medicinal properties. Experienced gardeners recommend replanting viburnum in the fall. We will look at why at this time in the article.
When can viburnum be transplanted to another location?
The shrub is transplanted within one area. A seedling is bought, taken from neighbors or brought directly from the forest.
Time plays a major role in planting.: Viburnum is moved to a new place in the fall or summer.
in autumn
Most varieties and varieties of viburnum are characterized by excellent frost resistance and winter hardiness, therefore suitable for replanting in the fall. Young seedlings tolerate the first winter well and produce viable shoots the following spring.
Advantages of autumn transplantation:
- The seedling is placed in well-warmed soil. It creates favorable conditions for the formation and strengthening of roots.
- Thanks to the rains, the soil in the tree trunk circle will settle well, compact and protect the plant from frost and harsh winters. Snow also works using this method.
- In late autumn, viburnum does not need watering, since rain and snowfall do this work.
- In winter the bush rests quietly, and in the spring it begins to actively develop and sprout.
Disadvantages of the method:
- severe frosts cause the death of the plant;
- Shrubs left unattended will be favored by rodents.
In summer
Viburnum can also be transplanted in summer, but the method has disadvantages:
- Need for more careful care. The seedling requires regular watering, fertilizing, and inspection for diseases and pests. The hotter and drier the summer, the worse the viburnum adapts.
- In summer the plant is in the stage of active development, so there is a risk of damaging the newly formed roots. In a new place, the seedling does not adapt well and often dies.
- When propagating a diseased parent plant young viburnum will get infections. This will negatively affect the tree itself and nearby growing crops.
When is the best time to replant viburnum? Experienced gardeners recommend doing this in the fall.. In this case, the tree will be 98% successful in its new location. It is important to follow the basic recommendations, otherwise the bush will slowly die.
How to transplant viburnum correctly
Mature viburnum is difficult to transplant. To do this, experienced gardeners recommend using the division method. It is well suited for propagating the bush at any time of the year.
Reference. There are no special features in terms of transplantation for each season. The only thing that is taken into account is the need to cover the viburnum for the winter in Siberia.
Preparation of the bush
Basic recommendations:
- Choose a healthy specimen with a well-developed root system and intact buds.
- Attentively inspect roots and shoots. Select a seedling with several dense roots and 2-3 buds.
- A sharp, clean tool (knife, shovel or ax) carefully cut the roots. The separation areas are treated with charcoal.
- Each part is placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes for disinfection. If desired, immerse in Kornevin solution for 20 minutes to stimulate root formation.
Recommended cutting height: from 20 cm. It’s good if the seedling has elastic leaves and branches.Before planting, weak and dry branches and dead roots are removed from the viburnum.
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Transplantation scheme
Before the procedure, prepare the soil and planting holes.
The recommendations are as follows:
- Viburnum loves neutral or slightly acidic soil: pH - from 5.5 to 6.5. It should be sufficiently moistened, but without stagnation of liquid. Select an area with deep groundwater: no closer than 1 m to the surface. Sandy, peat, or podzolic soil is not suitable for planting: the bush will not bear fruit on it.
- The area is well dug up and remove weeds. They refuse to apply herbicides because they suppress the growth of seedlings. Mineral and organic fertilizers are added to poor soil at the stage of forming holes.
- Prepare the hole dimensions 60x60x50 cm. Maintain a distance between the pits of 1.5 m. Add 1 bucket of humus or peat, 0.5 potassium sulfate, 1 tbsp. superphosphate, 1 tbsp. dolomite flour, 2 tbsp. l. urea. Mix thoroughly with soil, fill the hole 2/3 full, and add 30–40 liters of water.
- The seedling is placed vertically. Sprinkle with soil and compact thoroughly. The optimal depth of the root collar is 5–7 cm. Sawdust, peat, mown grass or dead wood are scattered around the trunk.
The proposed scheme is suitable for transplantation viburnum in spring, summer and autumn. We must not forget about care. The remains of the mother plant are destroyed.
Newly planted viburnum requires some care. In autumn, the seedling is covered for the winter with a special fiber or a layer of mulch. from sawdust, foliage, spruce branches.Before winter, the shrub does not require watering, fertilizing, or treatment against pests and infections.
Care begins in the spring:
- Watering. They adhere to the general rules: the soil is moistened to a depth of 40 cm. Water procedures are carried out in the evening, avoiding overflows and long breaks. Every week, up to 50–60 liters of settled water are poured under the bush.
- Feeding. The first is performed during the period of bud formation: 1.5–2 tbsp is applied under the bush. l. urea. Distribute the substance evenly, then water generously. The second - before the viburnum blooms: 500 ml of wood ash is scattered under the tree, poured well with water. The third - during the flowering period: use nitroammophoska or nitrophoska. Norm - 2 tbsp. l. under a bush The fourth - before wintering: dilute 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. superphosphate and potassium sulfate. 1 liter of mixture is poured under the bush.
- Loosening, weeding, mulching. After each watering, the ground is treated to remove weeds. The soil surface is covered with tree bark, wood chips or peat.
- Treatments for pests and diseases. Activities are permissible before flowering and after fruiting ends. Modern fungicides are used against powdery mildew, ascochyta blight, gray and fruit rot, viburnum leaf beetle, black aphids, gall midges, leaf rollers, and moths.
- Trimmings. In early spring, rejuvenating and formative pruning is carried out. Remove diseased, unfruitful shoots. In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out: deformed and diseased branches are cut out.
With proper care, viburnum begins to bear fruit in 3–5 years.. Fruiting time also depends on the growing region. So, in Siberia, fruits begin to be collected in the 6th year, and in the southern regions of Russia - in the 2nd or 3rd year.
Transplanting viburnum does not take much time.It is enough to properly prepare for the event, form holes, follow agrotechnical rules, and then do not forget about further care, since newly planted viburnum is susceptible to various diseases. Completing all activities will be rewarded with abundant fruiting.