Blackcurrant variety Ordinary Miracle: features, rules of planting, care and propagation
Despite the fact that black currant is considered an unpretentious plant, problems sometimes arise with its cultivation in some regions of our country. For example, relatively recently it did not take root well in the northern regions due to harsh winters with severe frosts. However, Russian breeders have developed varieties that are characterized by increased frost resistance.
Many of them grow in Siberia, but at the same time they produce small berries and a small harvest. The recently bred black currant Ordinary Miracle is free of this drawback - it has large and tasty berries. Read on to learn about the features of planting and caring for it.
Description of the blackcurrant variety Ordinary Miracle
The frost-resistant blackcurrant variety Ordinary Miracle was bred by Siberian breeders in 1963. In 2004, the crop was included in the State Register of Russia.
The shrub can withstand frosts down to -40°C, which is especially important when grown in Siberia and other northern regions.
Berries are formed already in the second year after planting plants. They have a sweet-sour taste and rich aroma. They are distinguished by a high content of vitamin C and K, iodine and iron.
The Ordinary Miracle variety is easy to care for, drought-resistant and does not require frequent watering.
Note! Of all the varieties of currants, black currants are considered the most healthy and fragrant.
The berries of the Ordinary Miracle have a dense skin.They are suitable for fresh consumption, making desserts and sauces. Do not crack or soften when frozen.
Plant characteristics
Description of currants An ordinary miracle will delight even experienced gardeners.
This is interesting! The Ordinary Miracle currant taste rating reaches 4.6 points out of 5.
The bush is not spreading, with straight branches. The maximum height of the plant is 2 m. The powerful root system grows in depth and breadth. The shoots are yellow and gray, eventually becoming bright green on the outside and white on the inside. The bright green leaves have a smooth shiny surface on one side and a rough surface with pubescence and veins on the other. Sheet plate with 3-5 divisions. The buds are oval, brown. Pale yellow flowers are collected in brushes of 13 pieces. The brushes reach 11 cm in length. Each of them produces 12 berries.
The berries are large. The weight of each varies from 1.5 to 2 g, and the diameter reaches 2 cm. The shell is black with a glossy sheen and a waxy coating. Inside there is amber dense and juicy pulp. The taste is sweet, sugary. The aroma is pronounced.
High. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew, septoria, anthracnose, spherotek, and leaf spot. The common miracle is rarely affected by aphids and bud mites.
Productivity and ripening time
Productivity is high. From 1 bush they harvest from 9 to 12 kg, depending on the region. The variety is mid-late - the berries ripen in the second half of July.
Growing conditions
Suitable for cultivation in all regions. The highest yields are in areas with a temperate climate.
This is interesting:
The best ways to dry blackcurrants at home.
A step-by-step guide to fermenting currant leaves for tea at home.
How and when to collect currant and raspberry leaves for drying for the winter.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The blackcurrant variety Ordinary Miracle is popular among gardeners. It has many advantages:
- no need for support;
- high immunity;
- sweet taste and rich aroma;
- large, dense berries;
- frost resistance;
- drought resistance;
- decorativeness of bushes;
- resistance to aphids and bud mites;
- high productivity;
- good transportability.
The disadvantage of this variety is that when overripe and exposed to high temperatures for a long time, the berries crack.
It is recommended to plant Ordinary Miracle seedlings in September. In this case, the plants will have time to take root before the onset of frost, but the buds will not wake up ahead of time.
Spring planting is sometimes practiced. In this case, work is carried out before the plants’ buds wake up.
Selection of seedlings
In order for the plant to take root and produce a bountiful harvest in the future, it is important to choose high-quality planting material:
- Rhizome. Color – light brown. The main root and a large number of threads must be present. The minimum length of the main root is 15 cm.
- No defects: dried buds, spots, formations and damage on the shoots.
- Bush height – from 40 to 100 cm.
It is recommended to buy currant seedlings from professional nurseries. This will increase the likelihood of obtaining high-quality planting material of the desired variety.
Note! Postal delivery does not affect the quality of planting material.
Selecting a location and preparing a seedling
To make the plant feel comfortable and produce a bountiful harvest, choose a suitable site for it:
- Groundwater should not lie too close to the surface. If there is no such place in the garden, you will have to make a mound 35-40 cm high.
- Wind protection. Currants are planted near fences, houses and other structures.
- Sunny area. Currant is a light-loving plant. The highest yields are achieved with good lighting.
Currants do not develop well in heavy clay and acidic soils. In the first case, you will have to add sand to the hole, and in the second, dry lime.
The seedling must be prepared to stimulate its growth and reduce the likelihood of infection with various diseases:
- Disinfection. Prepare a solution from 5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. potassium permanganate and immerse the currant root system in it for 4 hours.
- Growth stimulation. 200 g of “Kornevin” are diluted in 5 liters of water and the seedling is soaked for a day.
- Root trimming. If the roots of the plant are too long, they are cut off by a third.
Planting process
Instructions for planting currant seedlings:
- Dig a hole 55 cm wide and 40 cm deep. The soil around the hole is weeded.
- The soil removed from the hole is cleared of weeds and mixed with 0.5 buckets of humus and 1 tbsp. ash. The bucket of the resulting mixture is poured back into the hole and a mound is formed in the center of the recess.
- The seedling is placed in the center of the hole directly on the mound, carefully distributing the roots around the hill.
- Sprinkle with soil so that the root collar of the seedling is covered by 3 cm.
- The soil around the plant is compacted and watered with 3 liters of water. The exposed roots are covered with earth.
- The soil is mulched with straw, sawdust or peat.
Self-pollination of the Ordinary Miracle reaches 40%.It is recommended to plant a few more currant bushes on the site. Otherwise, the yield will be low.
Currant care
Despite the fact that black currant is an unpretentious crop, it still needs care. The basic rules are presented in the list:
- Inspection. Currants are examined during flowering. In healthy plants, the flowering is bell-shaped, while in sick plants it is separate-petalled. All double inflorescences on the plant are removed. If all flowers suffer from this problem, the currants are completely dug up.
- Watering. In dry summers, currants are watered once every 14 days. During the wet, cool period, the soil is moistened once every 4 weeks. 3 buckets of warm, settled water are poured under each plant. Watering is especially important during the period of ripening and formation of fruits, otherwise they will crack. In spring, it is not necessary to water currants. It is also worth limiting watering during flowering.
- Loosening. The soil around the currants is loosened to a depth of 10 cm every two weeks. During the loosening process, weeds are removed.
- Mulching protects the plant from cold weather, stagnation of moisture, pests and diseases. In summer, the layer of hay, sawdust, straw or peat should reach 10 cm. In preparation for winter - 30 cm.
- Feeding. They are held 3 times per season: after the snow melts, in June and September.
- Preparing for winter. It consists of removing fallen leaves and plant debris, as well as mulching the bush to a height of 20-30 cm.
Special attention should be paid to fertilizing. For currants use the following scheme:
- In spring, the plant is fed with ammonium nitrate. To prepare the fertilizer, 400 g of ammonium nitrate are diluted in 10 liters of water. 3-4 liters of product are poured under each bush. Fertilizer accelerates the process of formation of ovaries.
- In June, compost is used as top dressing. 600 g of compost are diluted in 10 liters of warm water and 5 liters of solution is poured under each bush. The product improves the taste of berries.
- In September, use a superphosphate solution: 0.5 kg per 10 liters of water. 5 liters of fertilizer are poured under one bush. This will help the currants survive the winter.
The day before applying fertilizer, the bushes must be watered. This reduces the risk of burns to the root system by nutritional compounds.
Important! Water and fertilize early in the morning or at sunset when the sun is not active. This helps avoid burns on the leaves.
We should also talk about pruning. This stage of care prevents the development of diseases and helps to achieve maximum yield. There are 3 types of pruning:
- Sanitary. Remove dry, disease-damaged and old branches.
- Rejuvenating. Branches older than 5 years are removed. This is necessary for the formation of young fruit-bearing branches.
- Formative. Small shoots are removed annually, leaving only strong shoots. A properly formed currant should eventually produce 15 fruiting branches. The shoots are shortened so that each of them has up to 5 buds.
Pruning is carried out in spring or autumn. It is important that by this time the plant has fallen into a calm state.
By purchasing one seedling of an Ordinary Miracle, over time you will be able to acquire an entire plantation. To do this, it is important to know how the plant reproduces:
- Cuttings. Young branches are shortened by 15 cm. The cut part is placed in the Kornevin solution for a month. Once the cuttings have taken root, they are planted in large flower pots and left there until spring. Then the finished seedlings are transplanted into open ground.
- By layering. At some distance from the bush, near strong, developed shoots, dig depressions up to 10 cm. The shoots are placed in them and sprinkled with soil so that the top remains open. Every 2 weeks they are watered, covered with soil and mulch, and fed with organic matter. In the fall, the cuttings that have produced shoots are separated from the mother plant and planted.
Prevention of diseases and pests
Despite the fact that the Ordinary Miracle variety is resistant to many diseases, it is better not to neglect the rules of prevention:
- Watering with boiling water. This process is called bush scalding. The procedure is carried out as soon as the snow melts, before the buds have time to swell. The water is brought to a boil and the entire bush is watered from a watering can.
- Timely application of fertilizers – another stage of prevention, since currants often get sick due to a lack of nutrients.
- In spring, currants must be sprayed with copper sulfate. This will help avoid the development of diseases.
- Sanitary pruning – another important stage in disease prevention.
Reviews from gardeners about the Ordinary Miracle variety are mostly positive. Everyone likes large, sweet berries.
Vasilisa, Moscow: “The Ordinary Miracle currant has been growing at the dacha for more than 8 years. I like the variety. It survives even the coldest winters well, although I only mulch it, but do not hill it. During flowering, it is important to additionally water, otherwise the berries will crack. The yield is not bad. A bucket of currants is collected from one bush. The berries are very sweet with a slight sourness.”
Irina, Tver: “An Ordinary Miracle has been growing on my site for 3 years now. So far there have been no problems with the plant. Although they write that it is resistant to fungal infections, I still scald the bush every spring and spray it with copper sulfate.I like the berries, but the skin is a bit dense.”
Vladimir, Ryazan: “An ordinary miracle has been growing on the site for 6 years, but it began to produce a good harvest in the last 2 years, after I planted a couple more currant bushes of other varieties. You should not hope for self-pollination of the variety. There are no other complaints, the berries are sweet and large, slightly smaller than a 2-ruble coin.”
The currant variety Ordinary Miracle grows in all regions of Russia. It is highly frost-resistant - can withstand frosts down to -40°C. The plant is resistant to drought and disease, so there are minimal problems when growing it. The only thing that the Ordinary Miracle is afraid of is stagnation of moisture.