What are the benefits of kaffir lime leaves and how to use them in cooking and aromatherapy

Fresh and dried kaffir lime leaves are prized for their tart, citrusy, herbal, woody aroma and extraordinary health benefits. They are part of the famous Indian curry dish and Thai Tom Yum soup. An aromatic tea is prepared from the leaves, which has a beneficial effect on psycho-emotional health, the digestive and genitourinary systems. Read about the benefits and harms of kaffir lime and its use in cooking in our article.

Kaffir lime leaves

Kaffir lime, Kaffir, Lima, Papeda quillum, Kaffir lime, Porcupine citrus - all these are the names of one Kaffir lime plant native to India. This is a medium-sized tree with thorny branches and small green lumpy fruits, reminiscent of the fruits of an ordinary lime. The plant has white fragrant flowers.

Of particular value are green leaves with a refreshing citrus aroma and zero calorie content. They retain freshness and smell for about six months in a closed container. They are easily recognized by their emerald green color and bicuspid leaf blade, creating the illusion of double leaves fused together.

The leaf blade resembles an hourglass in appearance. The tip is pointed, attached to the bottom with a widened end. Length - 2-10 cm.

The photo shows kaffir lime leaves.

What are the benefits of kaffir lime leaves and how to use them in cooking and aromatherapy

Taste and aroma

The range of citrus aroma is wide - the leaves smell of lemon, tangerine, and lime at the same time. The flavor combinations are similar. If you chop them, the taste will reveal better.

Composition and beneficial properties

The leaves contain organic compounds, ascorbic acid, calcium, vitamin A, B2, essential oils and antioxidants.

These substances have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • the aromatic compound limonene is responsible for the bright aroma and improves digestion, reduces the risk of bile reflux into the stomach;
  • the aldehyde citronel is responsible for the taste of the leaves and has an antimicrobial effect;
  • antioxidants bind and remove free radicals, reduce the negative effects of oxidative processes, prevent the development of cancer of the oral cavity, cervix and liver;
  • kaffir lime leaves suppress the activity of streptococci, which create a biofilm on the surface of the teeth that destroys enamel and bone tissue;
  • the extract relieves inflammation in arthritis and gout, removes excess fluid from tissues;
  • the product normalizes blood pressure, relieves spasms, tones and rejuvenates the body;
  • in India and Thailand, greens are used to normalize sleep and calm the central nervous system;
  • oil obtained by steam distillation is used in the treatment of acne, oily seborrhea, to even out the complexion, lighten age spots, and reduce cellulite;
  • tea from the leaves improves appetite, speeds up metabolism, treats colds, reduces fever, restores sexual function, lowers sugar levels;
  • Kaffir lime prevents premature graying, cleanses hair from chemicals contained in cosmetics, and gets rid of dandruff.

Use in cooking

What are the benefits of kaffir lime leaves and how to use them in cooking and aromatherapy

Kaffir lime leaves are common in Pan-Asian and Indian cuisines. They are placed in soups, salads, curries, and cereal side dishes.

How to process

The leaves have a dense structure, so before putting them in a dish, they are prepared:

  1. Wash and remove coarse bitter streaks.
  2. Fold 3-4 leaves of the same size or roll them into a tube and chop them with a sharp knife.

What dishes are they added to?

To prepare soups and sauces, whole greens are used and caught from the finished dish. This is what they do with laurel, for example.

Fragrant leaves:

  • put dry or fresh into Tom Yam and Indian curry, coconut milk soups, creamy sauces;
  • include a bouquet garni with ginger and lemongrass;
  • added to water when cooking rice;
  • combine with galangal root, chili pepper, shallots, basil, cardamom, cumin, mint, turmeric, tamarind;
  • added to fish and seafood dishes;
  • put in marinades for cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, lamb and pork.

What can be replaced

It will not be possible to completely replace the product in dishes, but you can reproduce a similar aromatic composition using a combination:

  1. Lime zest, lemon thyme and bay leaf. Zest has a sharp, citrus aroma, lemon thyme gives a light citrus-herbal note, bay leaves a herbal scent with light floral notes. For ½ bay leaf take ¼ tsp. zest and thyme. The mixture is used in first courses, sauces, curries, fish and vegetables.
  2. Lime leaves, lemon or grapefruit with bay leaf and lemon thyme. This mixture is suitable for soups, potatoes and meat.

Tea recipe

Kaffir lime leaves are used to make tea with a mild citrus aroma and a slightly spicy aftertaste of ginger. They are combined with fruits, herbs, lemongrass and ginger.

Recipe for tea for a 1.5 liter French press:What are the benefits of kaffir lime leaves and how to use them in cooking and aromatherapy

  • lemongrass - 2 stalks;
  • lime leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh ginger root - 2 cm;
  • boiling water - 1.5 l.


  1. Lemongrass stems are beaten and cut into pieces.
  2. Lime leaves are washed and cut into strips.
  3. The skin of the ginger root is cut off and cut into slices.
  4. The ingredients are placed in a teapot, poured with boiling water and left for 10-15 minutes.

Where to buy and how much it costs

Kaffir lime leaves are difficult to find commercially. They are common in Southeast Asia. In Thai or Vietnamese markets they are sold fresh, dried or frozen.

The product can be ordered in online stores specializing in the supply of products from Thailand, or purchased in supermarkets. Packages of leaves are found in the vegetable, herb and herb sections or in the spices and exotic foods section. The price for 100 g of leaves ranges from 170 to 250 rubles. depending on the supplier.

How to choose the right one

Fresh leaves have an emerald color, the leaf blade is dense, not flaccid, without dark spots or damage, the aroma is pronounced.

The dried product has a less pronounced aroma, the color is green and muted.

When purchasing, pay attention to the packing date. The fresher the product, the brighter the aroma.

Terms and conditions of storage

What are the benefits of kaffir lime leaves and how to use them in cooking and aromatherapy

The shelf life of dried kaffir lime leaves is 18 months. The product is kept in a dark, cool place at a maximum temperature of +25°C, air humidity no more than 85% in a glass jar or craft bag.

Fresh leaves are frozen and stored in the freezer for about a year. Low temperature does not change their chemical composition, does not reduce their beneficial properties, taste and aroma.

Green leaves can be kept in the refrigerator in the vegetable and herb compartment for up to two weeks.

Drying leaves and application features

Lime leaves are dried in the sun to preserve the flavor and aroma. They are used not only for culinary purposes, but also added to hot baths and hung on verandas to aromatize rooms.

Dry leaves are placed in linen bags or in shoes, between bedding. This eliminates unpleasant odors.

Use in aromatherapy

What are the benefits of kaffir lime leaves and how to use them in cooking and aromatherapy

Kaffir lime oil is used in aromatherapy - in aroma lamps and evaporators. Pure essential oil is mixed with water 1:100.

The delicate citrus aroma relieves stress, anxiety, and has a slight sedative effect.

Reference. Kaffir lime leaf oil is considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

Contraindications and possible harm

Kaffir lime leaves are safe for human health and rarely cause side effects. In some cases, when plant juice gets on the skin, photodermatitis occurs under the influence of the scorching rays of the sun.

The product is contraindicated:

  • if you are allergic to citrus fruits, it can cause Quincke's edema, urticaria and itchy skin;
  • in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • children under 12 years old.

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The aromatic leaves of kaffir lime are used in cooking to add a delicate citrus aroma to dishes. They are added to soups, stews, sauces, cereals, created bouquet garni, and combined with meat, fish and seafood.

In Thai and Indian folk medicine and aromatherapy they are used to normalize blood pressure, digestion, and psycho-emotional state. Tea made from the leaves improves mood, eliminates anxiety, helps overcome insomnia, cure colds and reduce body temperature.

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