How many calories are in an orange and can you eat it while losing weight?
In pursuit of an ideal body, many women go on exhausting diets and deprive themselves of various foods, which often include fruits. However, some of them do not harm, but help in the fight against excess weight. One of them is orange. In combination with a low-calorie diet, it improves lipid metabolism and does not interfere with weight loss. Let's consider benefit and the harm of citrus to health.
Calorie content of orange and BZHU
Oranges are low-calorie foods. 100 g of citrus contains 0.9 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat and 8.1 g of carbohydrates. The glycemic index (GI) varies from 40 to 50 units depending on the variety.
Carbohydrates are divided into simple, high GI, and complex, low GI. The glycemic index shows how quickly a food causes blood glucose levels to rise. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed quickly, cause a sharp jump in glucose and quickly fill you up. In response to this, insulin is released, which lowers sugar levels. As a result, the feeling of hunger arises again, which threatens overeating. If less energy is expended than is received, excess glucose ends up in fat cells.
Depending on how many carbohydrates a product contains and what its GI is, the glycemic load is calculated.
For reference! GI is determined on a 100-point scale (this is the value of glucose). An index of less than 55 units is considered low, more - high.
Complex carbohydrates are digested slowly and do not cause sudden spikes in glucose. Therefore, eating an orange, unlike a cake, satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.
Composition and beneficial properties
Orange is a storehouse of nutrients. What vitamins and minerals does it contain:
- vitamins A, PP, E, C, group B;
- potassium;
- magnesium;
- zinc;
- phosphorus;
- sodium;
- iron;
- silicon;
- pectins;
- cellulose;
- phytoncides.
The main place among all elements is occupied by vitamin C. It is not synthesized independently in the body, but is required for its normal functioning. Lack of ascorbic acid causes chronic fatigue, fatigue and decreased ability to work, worsens skin tone and resistance to infections.
Oranges contain flavonoids hesperidin and naringenin, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
How many calories are in 100 g of orange?
The number of calories is affected not only by the variety, but also by the method of processing and preparing the fruit.
Whole fresh orange
Per 100 g of fresh fruit without peel there are 36–43 kcal. The indicator is average, since varieties differ in the degree of sweetness. Average weight 1 pc. — 80–90 g.
In orange juice
Calorie content of freshly squeezed orange juice (fresh juice) depends not only on the variety, but also on the degree of pressing. On average, this figure is 40 kcal per 100 g.
Advice! It is recommended to dilute the fresh juice a little with water so as not to damage the stomach walls with a large amount of acid.
Packaged juice has a slightly higher calorie content due to the sugar content: from 45 to 55 kcal per 100 g.
In canned oranges
In the case of a canned product, the calorie content depends on the amount of sugar added to the syrup.The fruit with this processing will be more caloric than fresh: on average 65 kcal per 100 g.
In dried oranges (chips) and candied fruits
To prepare something like this snack oranges or their peels (in the case of candied fruits) are boiled in concentrated sugar syrup and then dried. Contains 100 g of product 290–300 kcal.
In jam
This is a great dessert, especially in winter, with a cup of warm tea. There are practically no beneficial properties in jam: many elements are destroyed under the influence of heat treatment. Calorie content - 250–270 kcal per 100 g.
In orange oil
It has the highest calorie content - approximately 890 kcal per 100 g. Most often, orange essential oil is used for aromatherapy and cosmetic purposes, but it is not prohibited for use. Add no more than a couple of drops to drinks or salad dressing.
Is it possible to eat oranges when losing weight on a diet?
Orange is a healthy fruit that can be consumed when losing weight. It improves insulin sensitivity and provides the body with beneficial substances that are often lacking during a diet due to a reduction in many foods in the diet. Using citrus as a snack will allow you to forget about food for a while.
How to choose and store oranges correctly
To choose a quality fruit, carefully inspect it before purchasing. There should be no dents or damage on it, the optimal color of the peel is orange or yellow-orange. The orange should not be very soft or hard to the touch: it has either begun to deteriorate or is not yet ripe.
Reference! Orange season is from December to March. During this period, they are the most useful and contain a minimum of harmful substances.
Citrus fruits are not prone to self-ripening, so they are not stored for a long time at room temperature, but become soft and begin to rot. It is better to keep them in the refrigerator, in paper or cardboard containers, separately from other fruits.
Consumption norms per day
In the absence of contraindications, you are allowed to eat 2 medium fruits daily. They will completely fill the body’s daily need for vitamin C and will be an excellent snack.
Pregnant and lactating women are allowed to consume citrus fruits only after consulting a doctor. If there is no prohibition, 1 medium fruit per day will be enough.
Citrus fruits are the strongest allergen. Even if you have never been allergic to oranges, if you consume them in excess, symptoms of the disease may appear.
Doctors do not recommend eating oranges on an empty stomach: due to the large amount of acid entering inside, the mucous membrane is irritated. Vitamin C has a detrimental effect on teeth that are especially sensitive. After each consumption of an orange or freshly squeezed juice, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water.
It is forbidden to eat oranges:
- for diabetes mellitus;
- gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
- increased stomach acidity and heartburn.
For any disease, it is important to consult a specialist and only with his approval include citrus in the diet.
Fruits are one of the healthiest foods: they reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, compensate for the lack of nutrients, and support the functioning of the immune system by increasing the diversity of the diet. Despite the presence of sugar, daily consumption of oranges and natural orange juice does not contribute to weight gain.In the absence of contraindications, citrus improves intestinal microflora, reduces inflammation and contributes to the quality of the diet.