Who is it indicated for and what are the benefits of lemon for a woman’s body?

Lemon is perhaps the most popular fruit of the citrus family, despite its sour taste. Its aroma pleasantly complements tea and coffee, and the pulp, juice and zest are widely used in cooking. Traditional medicine considers this citrus to be the best natural antiseptic. Its ability to whiten age spots and freckles has been used in cosmetology. For the female body, the benefit of the fetus lies in its vitamin and mineral composition.

Chemical composition and properties of lemon

Citrus fruits have a rich range of beneficial substances. Lemon – record holder for vitamin content. 100 g of this fruit contains almost half the daily requirement of vitamin C and a large list of micro- and macroelements.

Who is it indicated for and what are the benefits of lemon for a woman’s body?

Composition per 100 g of product (mg):

  • B vitamins – 9.5;
  • ascorbic acid – 182;
  • vitamin E – 0.4;
  • nicotinic acid (PP) – 0.5;
  • potassium – 298;
  • calcium – 160;
  • magnesium – 23;
  • sodium – 8;
  • sulfur – 10;
  • phosphorus – 28.

In addition, the fruit contains aluminum, boron, iron, iodine, manganese, copper and many other useful trace elements.

Reference. Most of the beneficial substances are contained not in the juice and pulp, but in the zest.

Calorie content and BZHU

The glycemic index of the fruit is 25 units, therefore it is not contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.

Calorie content is also low: per 100 g of product – 29 kcal in pulp and 47 – in peel with zest. This level suggests that lemon is not only safe for overweight women, but is also indicated for weight loss.

Nutritional value (per 100 g):

  • proteins – 2.6 g;
  • fats – 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 25.3 g.

The pulp of the fruit has a high content of omega-3 polyunsaturated acids. The zest is rich in phytosterols, fiber, and pectin.

What are the benefits of lemon for a woman's body?

Lemon’s ability to boost immunity and resist colds is well known.. It protects the heart and blood vessels, improves digestion, and helps in the treatment of joint pathologies.

With the participation of lemon, the female body copes better with inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area - cystitis, vaginitis, painful menstruation.

Who is it indicated for and what are the benefits of lemon for a woman’s body?

Medicinal properties for various diseases

What does lemon help with? During epidemics of influenza or ARVI, citrus increases the body's protective functions. When you have a cold, taking 2-3 lozenges daily helps to cope with the disease faster thanks to the vitamin and mineral complex.

For gout, lemon destroys and removes excess salt, reducing swelling and reducing the severity of pain.

The antibacterial properties of the fruit are manifested in the treatment of sore throat.. The juice from half the fruit, diluted with a glass of warm water, is enough for 2-3 rinses. They are carried out every hour for three days.

Important! Thanks to its low glycemic index and low sugar content, lemon reduces glucose and cholesterol levels and helps fight excess weight. But for diabetes mellitus, it is used only with the permission of the attending physician and in limited quantities.

Harm and contraindications

Lemon should not be consumed if you have an allergic reaction to citrus fruits.. During the period of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract, it aggravates the condition. If you have high blood pressure, it is also better to refrain from using it.

For dental diseases (caries, periodontal disease) use only lemon water. They drink it through a cocktail straw, since the vitamin C contained in fresh fruit destroys tooth enamel.

Interesting things on the site:

How to grow lemon at home on a windowsill

How to properly plant lemon at home

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Lemon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, lemon relieves symptoms of toxicosis, eliminating nausea. Helps reduce swelling, especially in late pregnancy. Protects the expectant mother from colds, which are dangerous for the formation of a healthy child.

Who is it indicated for and what are the benefits of lemon for a woman’s body?

Nausea that occurs during pregnancy causes many unpleasant moments. To get rid of it, just eat a couple of slices of citrus. They stimulate the production of gastric juice and pancreatic enzyme, due to which nausea goes away within a few minutes and does not return for a long time.

Lemon is beneficial for breastfeeding because it saturates the body with valuable substances. and gives strength. But only if the baby has no allergic reactions. The mother starts taking it with one slice and, if no rashes occur, introduces citrus into her diet. Mild tea with lemon is especially beneficial. It improves lactation, digestion and improves immunity.

What are the benefits of citrus for beauty?

Eating lemon not only helps keep your internal organs in order., but also promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails. Warm baths with added juice strengthen and smooth the nail plates and soften the cuticle.


If after washing your hair, rinse your hair with water and lemon juice., no need for air conditioning.Both curls and straight hair will be voluminous, shiny and easy to comb.

A mask of the juice of one lemon and 4 tbsp. l. yogurt, applied for 10-15 minutes, Effectively eliminates dandruff and itchy scalp.


For home use very useful masks for whitening freckles and age spots. Lemon juice mixed with water cleanses and disinfects the skin well, preventing the appearance of acne.

Freezing lemon water in ice cube trays makes an effective toner.. It is enough to wipe your face with a cube of this ice after washing, and the skin will become smooth, elastic and radiant.

To get rid of acne, wipe your face daily with a slice of lemon.. This same method helps even out your tan.

For weight loss

Lemon promotes weight loss, because the elements included in its composition break down carbohydrates and sugars, preventing them from being absorbed excessively. Thanks to lemon, digestion is normalized: appetite is reduced and the intestines are cleansed. Lemon water is effective as part of many diets.

Important! You should not lose weight with lemon during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and when fighting extreme obesity.

Application in cosmetology

Preparations containing lemon are used in the treatment acne, whitening and skin cleansing. Citrus scrubs, due to their acid, remove dead and dead cells well. Lotions with lemon cleanse, tone the skin, and get rid of spider veins.

Who is it indicated for and what are the benefits of lemon for a woman’s body?

Most cosmetic products Designed for oily and problem skin. They have an antiseptic effect, accelerate the healing of acne, and tighten pores.

Anti-aging drugs restore skin tone and smooth out wrinkles.

Lotions, creams and body scrubs help fight with cellulite and stretch marks.

Read also:

Delicious and healthy carrot jam with lemon

A medicinal mixture of honey, lemon and celery root

How to choose, store and use it correctly

It’s easy to choose a good, high-quality lemon: it has elastic, smooth skin, bright yellow color, characteristic odor. If the lemon leaves sticky marks on your hands when pressed, it means it has not been treated with chemicals.

Who is it indicated for and what are the benefits of lemon for a woman’s body?

Lemons are stored for 1.5-2 months in a dark, cool place. To do this, they are washed, wiped dry and placed in a container with a lid. For better preservation, the fruits are individually wrapped in paper. The optimal temperature for storing lemons is +6…+8°C.

In what form and quantity is it available?

The optimal daily dose is 1-2 fruits. The best way to use it is lemon water. It is prepared from half a fresh citrus and a glass of water. Use on an empty stomach.

Dishes from meat, fish, and vegetables are prepared using zest, pulp or juice. It is added to salads, baked goods, and drinks.

Important! Excessive consumption of lemon leads to heartburn, dermatoses, and increased blood pressure.


Lemon is good for women's health. It is used in the treatment of genitourinary diseases, colds, and bacterial infections. With the help of citrus, excess weight is lost. For healthy skin, nails, and hair, creams, masks, lotions and scrubs are used. But if you have acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should refrain from eating lemons.

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