
How to properly pickle cabbage so that it is crispy: recipes in jars and pans

Not every housewife can prepare tasty and crispy cabbage for the winter. In order for the final product to be of high quality, it is important to know and observe the subtleties of the process, adhere to the recommended standards of ingredients and ...

Why cucumber seedlings stretch and how to grow them correctly to avoid this

If you do not know the specifics of growing cucumber seedlings and do not comply with the required conditions, the sprouts begin to stretch. Most often this happens due to lack of light, incorrect temperature conditions and dense plantings. In this article we will talk about...

The best varieties of petiole celery: Pascal, Atlant, Utah and others

The stems are the most vitamin-rich part of celery, but in leaf and root celery they are small, fibrous and overly spicy, so they are only suitable as a spice. Petiole celery is grown for its juicy stems. To ...

Why you can’t salt and ferment cabbage in aluminum containers

Cabbage is a popular vegetable in the kitchen, which housewives readily prepare for the winter by pickling and fermenting. This tasty and healthy product contains vitamins and microelements, normalizes microflora...

We choose self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse that are disease-resistant

For cultivation in greenhouse conditions, early-ripening, disease-resistant, and self-pollinating, or parthenocarpic, cucumbers are in great demand. What pros and cons do they have and what are the nuances of caring for...

The best Dutch varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground

Dutch varieties and hybrids of cucumbers are deservedly popular. High yield, immunity to disease, excellent taste - that's all about them. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the variety of “Dutch” varieties and recommendations for growing them. ...

Timing and norms of sowing millet using the row sowing method and further care of the plantings

Millet is one of the most widely grown crops in the world. It is cultivated in Asia, Europe, Africa, and America. In terms of the content of nutrients, millet is indispensable in human nutrition. It is especially useful for people...

How to prepare and take basil remedies for weight loss

Leafy vegetables help control weight and get rid of extra inches on the waist and hips, even for those who lead a passive lifestyle. Basil has dietary properties. Even though this...

Cauliflower for the winter - you'll lick your fingers (pickling and pickling recipes)

Cauliflower is not used as often for canning as, for example, cucumbers or tomatoes. But this vegetable is not inferior in taste to more familiar preparations. Canning cauliflower for the winter - ...

Simple and tasty recipes for making sauerkraut with vinegar

Sauerkraut is a low-calorie product rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. During the fermentation process, the number of beneficial microorganisms in the vegetable increases, which normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Vinegar is added to the dish...

