How to prepare and take basil remedies for weight loss
Leafy vegetables help control weight and get rid of extra inches on the waist and hips, even for those who lead a passive lifestyle.
Basil has dietary properties. Despite the fact that this is a spice that is usually used as an addition to the main dish, nutritionists recommend consuming it as often as possible. It suppresses appetite, provides quick and long-lasting satiety, promotes better absorption of proteins and other nutrients, and regulates insulin production. However, before using basil for weight loss, it is necessary to exclude possible contraindications for use.
Chemical composition
The obvious advantage of fresh basil for weight loss is its low calorie content. (23 kcal per 100 g). It contains practically no fat (0.6 g), but contains large quantities of protein (3.2 g) and carbohydrates (1.1 g), which the body needs to be full.
Glycemic index of basil - 5 units. This means that the product is digested slowly, gradually supplying the blood with glucose, reducing the load on the pancreas, ensuring uniform energy consumption, and preventing the accumulation of fat deposits.
Basil grown without the use of nitrates contains many valuable substances.
Vitamin content per 100 g:
- A - 264 mcg;
- beta-carotene - 3.142 mg;
- beta-cryptoxanthin - 46 mcg;
- lutein + zeaxanthin - 5650 mcg;
- B1 - 0.034 mg;
- B2 - 0.076 mg;
- B4 - 11.4 mg;
- B5 - 0.209 mg;
- B6 - 0.155 mg;
- B9 - 68 mcg;
- C - 18 mg;
- E - 0.8 mg;
- K - 414.8 mcg;
- PP - 0.902 mg;
- betaine - 0.4 mg.
Macronutrients (in 100 g):
- potassium - 295 mg;
- calcium - 177 mg;
- magnesium - 64 mg;
- sodium - 4 mg;
- sulfur - 31.5 mg;
- phosphorus - 56 mg.
Microelements (in 100 g):
- iron - 3.17 mg;
- manganese - 1.148 mg;
- copper - 385 mcg;
- selenium - 0.3 mcg;
- zinc - 0.81 mg.
The basilica contains oleic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Carbohydrate composition: fructose, glucose and galactose. There are dietary fibers and organic acids.
Benefits of basil leaves and seeds for weight loss
The seeds and leaves of basil contain useful substances that are important for weight loss in an easily digestible form. and healing of the body:
- pectin naturally cleanses the intestines of accumulated waste and toxins, improves digestion, normalizes metabolism, eliminates constipation and gas formation;
- fiber removes excess cholesterol, stimulates intestinal motility, maintains intestinal microbiocenosis and prevents the development of dysbiosis, ensures rapid satiety, suppresses hunger, so the amount of food eaten decreases and a person loses weight;
- folic acid activates the breakdown of fat deposits, stimulates metabolism, and removes toxic substances from the body;
- vitamin C is involved in metabolism, supports oxidative reactions, increases endurance and performance, and increases energy consumption;
- rutin has a pronounced antioxidant effect, improves the absorption of vitamin C, increases blood circulation, strengthens capillaries, and reduces swelling;
- proteins serve as a source of energy for muscle tissue, contribute to the normal absorption of vitamins and minerals;
- complex carbohydrates provide the human body with energy for a long time without causing fat deposits;
- fatty acids regulate the synthesis of hormones, ensure the functioning of the nervous system, and make it easier to tolerate a diet.
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Minerals take an active part in metabolism: manganese regulates the metabolism of fats, amino acids and carbohydrates, potassium is necessary for the conduction of nerve impulses, copper increases the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates.
Basil has a diuretic effect: reduces fluid content in the body, neutralizes swelling, reduces the size of the waist and hips. At the same time, it has a mild effect, removes fluid without discomfort, and does not upset the balance of sodium and calcium.
Advice. In order for basil to have the maximum effect when losing weight, nutritionists recommend reducing the load on the digestive system 4-5 days before starting the diet: limiting fatty and fried foods, processed foods, smoked foods, sweets, sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, white bread and flour.
Basil is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. and slowing down the aging process. When consumed regularly, the spice has a beneficial effect on the skin: reduces the appearance of cellulite, tones and refreshes the skin, and stimulates collagen production.
Basil normalizes blood flow, improves blood viscosity and fluidity, cleanses blood vessels and kidneys, normalizes the functions of the pancreas and gall bladder, which also promotes weight loss.
How to take basil seeds for weight loss
Basil has a pleasant aroma; its leaves and seeds are used as a seasoning. for sauces, soups, meat dishes, to add flavor to cold appetizers and vegetable salads. When losing weight, all parts of the plant are used fresh or dried; infusion, tea and lemonade are prepared from the fruits.
Seed infusion
Such drink is ideal for breakfast. It does not overload the gastrointestinal tract, fills you with energy for a long time, without converting carbohydrates into fat deposits. It is easy and quick to prepare and does not require culinary skills or financial expenses.
To prepare the drink you will need 100 ml of warm water and 1 tbsp. l. basil seeds. The seeds are poured with water and left for 10-15 minutes to swell. Consume by adding to yogurt or low-fat kefir.
Tea used to improve digestion. It will complement any diet, as it enhances the effectiveness of weight loss. Tea tones, refreshes, dulls the feeling of hunger, saturates the body with vitamins and minerals that are necessary to feel vigorous and healthy.
The recipe for making tea is simple:
- Remove basil leaves from the sprig and wash until the water runs clear.
- Place the leaves in a thermos or ceramic container and pour 500 ml of boiling water.
- Leave covered for 20 minutes.
- Drink the drink in small portions throughout the day.
If desired, add 1 tsp to the tea. honey, mint, lemon balm, lemon.
Read also:
Salad with basil leaves
- zucchini (zucchini) - 2 pcs. medium size;
- green beans - 250 g;
- bell pepper - 1 pc.;
- garlic - 1-2 cloves;
- basil leaves - 50 g;
- cherry tomato - 4-5 pcs.;
- spices - to taste;
- vegetable oil for dressing - 1 tbsp. l.;
- garden herbs to choose from - parsley, dill, lettuce.
- Boil green beans and zucchini until soft. Cut the zucchini into strips.
- Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into strips.
- Cut the cherry tomatoes into four parts, chop the garlic.
- In a salad bowl, mix basil leaves, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, green beans, season with vegetable oil and spices to taste. Garnish with finely chopped herbs.
To make lemonade you will need:
- basil - 4 sprigs;
- ginger root - 30-40 g;
- lemon - 1 pc.;
- water - 200 ml;
- dry yeast - 10 g.
Ginger and lemon have negative calorie content, activate metabolism, and enhance the beneficial and dietary properties of the spice.
How to make lemonade:
- Wash the ginger root, dry it, peel it, and grind it using a blender, grater or meat grinder.
- Squeeze lemon juice.
- In an airtight container, mix all the ingredients: water, yeast, lemon juice, grated ginger, basil leaves, stir. Leave with the lid closed for a day at room temperature. Then keep it in the refrigerator for another day.
Restrictions and contraindications
Basil for weight loss is not used in case of individual intolerance. Absolutely healthy people practice this diet.
Among the relative contraindications:
- children and old age;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the acute stage;
- increased level of gastric acidity;
- severe cholelithiasis;
- infectious diseases;
- epilepsy;
- recovery period after surgery.
With the right approach to weight loss, basil has virtually no disadvantages. The diet is based on a reduction in daily caloric intake, exclusion of fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, sweets, confectionery, alcohol, along with increased intake of fresh and dried basil, decoctions, tea and lemonade from seeds.
Nutrition remains complete and balanced, the body receives the necessary quantities of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids necessary to maintain vital processes.
Among those who have used basil leaves and seeds for weight loss, there is no consensus on its effectiveness. The dietary and beneficial properties of the product are not enough to get rid of significant excess weight. Weight loss mainly occurs due to the removal of excess fluid, cleansing the body of waste and toxins.
To correct body weight, it is necessary to follow the principles of a healthy diet: eat often and in small portions, maintain a drinking regime, combine foods wisely, choose dish options that require gentle heat treatment, and include physical activity.