
What is fusarium blight on wheat and how to fight it

Such an insidious disease as fusarium blight on wheat is familiar to many farmers. However, not everyone has an idea about the reasons for its spread, development, methods of identifying and combating it. What is fusarium in wheat? Fusarium...

What is the nature of wheat, how is it determined and what does it affect?

The quality of wheat is determined by its flour-grinding and baking properties: the higher it is, the better the flour and bread baked from it. To find out how high these indicators are, the nature of the grain is measured. Let's figure out how...

What types of wheat are there: characteristics of types and varieties

Wheat (lat. Triticum) belongs to herbaceous, mainly annual plants of the Cereals family. This common grain crop is diverse - soft, hard, winter, spring, food, wild, as well as a large number of varieties. Interest...

What is wheat gluten, how is it determined and what does it affect?

Gluten, or gluten, is a complex protein substance that is insoluble in water. In addition to wheat, it is found in barley, oats, rye and all products derived from these cereals. Gluten level is one...

Features of the production and use of wheat sprouts

Sprouted wheat is increasingly gaining popularity among healthy eating enthusiasts. These living grains, when used regularly, can saturate the body with many vitamins and microelements, giving health and energy. What are the benefits of sprouted...

What is foliar feeding of wheat and what fertilizers can be used for these purposes

To obtain a good wheat harvest, mineral fertilizers are necessary. The root system takes the necessary elements from the soil, which is why it is so important to fertilize it. But lack of moisture, low temperature and other unfavorable conditions reduce...

Everything about growing spring wheat: cultivation technology from sowing to harvesting

Wheat is one of the most important agricultural grain crops. It is used to make bread, confectionery, pasta and many other products. Production waste is used as feed. The culture belongs to the early...

The most popular types of wheat cereals with photos and names

If bread is the head of everything, then wheat is the neck on which this head rests. But the golden grain crop is included in the human diet not only as part of flour products. From her ...

What is the difference between spring and winter wheat and how to distinguish them from each other

Science describes wheat as a herbaceous plant with a height of 30 cm to 1.5 m with an inflorescence spike up to 30 cm long and many other scientific terms that few people understand. But if you give...

List of the largest wheat producers and exporters

The share of agriculture in global GDP reaches 3%, so it can be safely called an important support for the economy. Grain crops are grown massively all over the world, and wheat is considered the leader in production, because...

