Planting and growing

Growing turnips is only half the battle. It is important to dig up the harvest on time and create the right conditions for long-term storage. The timing is affected by the weather, variety and climatic features of a particular region. Collection and processing methods...

The fight against excess weight for modern people, especially women, often turns into problem number one. Special diets are being developed, fasting days and even fasting are being arranged. One of the popular diets has become...

Sweet cherries and cherries have similar fruits, but differ in taste and biochemical composition. Sweet cherries are more suitable for fresh consumption, as they have a sweet taste without sourness, but unsaturated...

Gardeners are making every effort to grow a decent harvest of cabbage. But sometimes they encounter a problem - blackening of the leaves inside the head of cabbage. This can happen in the garden, during the growth of a vegetable, ...

Producing cabbage seeds independently allows gardeners to save money, preserve rare crop varieties, and grow plants already adapted to the natural conditions of the region. The quality of the harvest depends on the seeds - when obtaining them independently, the summer resident ...

Cauliflower is no less popular among housewives than white cabbage.Often the first one is preferred due to its high content of proteins, vitamins C, group B and minerals. In order to harvest on time, it is important to know...

Kohlrabi is a relative of white cabbage, belonging to the same biological species. It is easy to care for and tolerates cold climates well. This biennial plant is distinguished by its early ripening and the ability to obtain up to 3 ...

The buckwheat diet will help you lose excess weight in a few days. It is irreplaceable when you urgently need to lose a couple of kilograms. A mono-diet additionally cleanses the body. Despite its high efficiency, this diet is suitable...

Figs grow on trees of the ficus genus. This product has a unique taste that depends on the color of the fruit and processing. Not all people have tried dried figs, although doctors strongly recommend including...