Planting and growing

How to properly use beets for pancreatitis of the pancreas

Digestive diseases are widespread, which is associated with an increase in toxic, drug and viral exposures. Among the frequently diagnosed diseases, pancreatitis is not the least important. This is an inflammation of the pancreas tissue, which manifests itself...

Eating corn for gout: is it possible or not, how to eat it so as not to harm your health

Opinions about the benefits and harms of corn for gout are controversial. On the one hand, it contains a wide range of useful vitamins, micro- and macroelements, ensuring the coordinated functioning of internal organs and systems. Besides, ...

Miniature bushes with tomato crumbs - garden bed decoration: Caramel tomato and tips for growing it

Tomatoes appeared in Europe at the dawn of the 17th century. And now, centuries later, this vegetable has occupied an honorable niche on the table of cooks and in the garden plots of gardeners. From the variety of varieties, shapes, colors, sizes...

Why do light spots appear on tomato leaves: determine the cause and save your harvest

In addition to providing favorable conditions for growing tomatoes, you should learn to recognize possible plant diseases. The most common sign that something is wrong with your tomatoes is the appearance of different...

We use pumpkin correctly for weight loss: how to get rid of extra pounds easily and without harm to health

Pumpkin is an ideal product for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.It is used in dietary nutrition, has a diuretic effect and accelerates metabolism. There are many options for preparing it. Pumpkin has a lot...

How to drink zucchini juice: benefits and harm to the body, rules of use in folk medicine and cosmetology

Zucchini juice is one of the most environmentally friendly products in our diet. Zucchini leads among other vegetable crops in terms of immunity to the absorption of toxic chemicals from the environment. Thanks to such...

How to cook green peas at home for the winter: the best recipes and useful tips

Green peas in colorful tins always catch our attention on supermarket shelves. We have known this delicacy since childhood. New Year's Olivier and many other dishes cannot do without it. A ...

A bright and tasty decoration for garden beds - tomato Cranberry in sugar

Cranberry in sugar is not only a vitamin dish with berries, but also a high-yielding tomato variety. It is grown in vegetable gardens and greenhouses, as well as on the balcony at home. The miniature fruits are distinguished by their unusual...

The benefits and harms of canned corn: choosing and eating the product correctly

Corn (or maize) originates from southern Mexico. Thanks to the complex work of breeders, wild corn acquired its familiar appearance with many bright yellow grains. This is a very common product all over the world:...

What is good about the Kostroma tomato and why summer residents love it so much

Surprisingly, many centuries ago the tomato was mistaken for a poisonous berry. People found the taste and appearance of the vegetable questionable. And now, centuries later, tomatoes are found in every garden. Gardeners love this crop for its ease of care and excellent taste. ...

