Planting and growing

Gooseberries are a delicious berry that is eaten fresh or used for preservation. But in order to reap a rich harvest at the end of the season, you need to ensure that the plant does not get sick and...

Growing tomatoes is a labor-intensive process that requires improving the nutritional composition of the soil. Poor care of plants often leads to fungal diseases. In this article we will tell you how to treat tomatoes against late blight with iodine...

Attachments for a mini-tractor are indispensable equipment on the farm. One of the most popular devices is a potato digger. There are many varieties and models on the market. But if you make such a design yourself, the...

High humidity and elevated air temperatures favor the appearance of one of the most common and dangerous diseases on gooseberries, called powdery mildew. It is characterized by a light coating with drops of liquid on the foliage...

Not only people, but also pests love to enjoy delicious vegetables grown in their summer cottages. It can be very difficult to get rid of them, and poisoning with heavy chemicals is fraught with health risks.Then to the rescue...

For diseases of the genitourinary system, traditional medicine recipes are used as additional treatment. Dill is the most common plant used to make medicines. It has a mild diuretic effect. Besides ...

Roses are able to delight gardeners with the second and third wave of flowering. To stimulate re-bud formation, it is recommended to prune faded flowers from June to August, depending on the growing region. The purpose of the procedure is...

Housewives use ripe garden blackberries to make cakes, jams, preserves, jellies, smoothies and pies. Tasty and beautiful berries look appetizing on the holiday table and are rich in vitamins and microelements. Every year everything...

Caring for raspberries in the spring includes transplanting to a new place. Such work is not carried out annually, but every few years it is necessary. After all, changing the location allows you to rejuvenate the bush, increase its productivity...