Planting and growing

Gardeners grow apricots not only in the southern regions, but also in the Moscow region, the Urals, and Siberia. Regular watering and fertilizing, mulching and loosening help to get a tasty harvest. One of the methods, ...

Growing grapes is becoming an increasingly popular activity: thanks to the efforts of breeders, this southern crop is taking root even in Siberia. Grapes are an easy plant to cultivate, but their cultivation requires certain knowledge. Happens...

Yellow, red, green - all kinds of apples grow in Russian orchards. Juices and compotes are prepared from aromatic fruits, jams are made. So that the harvest is rich and tasty, in July...

Spreading currant bushes quickly lose their shape without proper attention. Thickened plantings become an ideal place for the proliferation of fungi and insects. Without pruning, side shoots grow so much that they cover the central branches from...

To get a bountiful harvest of raspberries, the gardener has to make a lot of effort. Raspberries are a capricious crop. It grows well and bears fruit only with proper care. One of the most important stages is watering...

Raspberries are among the unpretentious shrubs, but to maintain health and attractive appearance, regular pruning of the bushes is recommended. In summer, there is active growth of young shoots and a gain of green mass. Even ...

Propagating raspberries by cuttings in summer is a method of propagation that does not require financial or time expenditure and guarantees the preservation of the characteristics of the variety. For this, green cuttings obtained during thinning of plantings in June are used. Read more about...

Buckwheat is a help for the body in many situations. Low glycemic index, rich mineral composition have a positive effect on health. The product is nourishing, has a bright taste and aroma, goes well with ...

Grapes are demanding on growing conditions. In order for the shrub to grow well in any climate and regularly bear tasty fruits, it is fed. Gardeners use organic, mineral and folk fertilizers depending on the condition...