Perennial onion with a pleasant smell “Dzhusai”

Jusai onion, which is also called fragrant or Chinese, comes from eastern countries. The culture is popular all over the world. Gardeners grow it for its greens, which not only have an excellent taste and bright, pleasant aroma, but are also rich in vitamins and minerals.


Perennial onion with a pleasant smell Jusai

Jusai belongs to the Branched Onion (fragrant) species. It is widely used in cooking: it is consumed fresh, added to salads, pickled, canned, dried, frozen, used as a seasoning for meat and fish, and even the inflorescences are used in winemaking.

Also, Jusai, due to its chemical composition and beneficial properties, is used in medicine.

Origin and development

Modern China and Mongolia are considered to be the birthplace of this onion, but over time it has spread throughout the world. The State Register of Russia includes several varieties of fragrant onions - Fragrant, Vostochny, Aprior, Benefit, Piquant and Dzhusai itself. The latter was included in the register in 2003, the originator is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kuban State Agrarian University named after. I. T. Trubilina.”

Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins and beneficial properties

The calorie content of onions is 40-41 kcal per 100 g. Jusai contains:

  • carbohydrates – 8.2-8.4 g;
  • proteins – 1.4-1.5 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • dietary fiber – 0.8-0.9 g;
  • beta-carotene – 1 mg;
  • vitamin C – 4.8 mg;
  • vitamin B5 – 0.1 mg;
  • vitamin E – 0.02 mg;
  • vitamin B3 – 0.28 mg;
  • vitamin B6 – 0.13 mg;
  • potassium – 120-123 mg;
  • sodium – 27-29 mg;
  • calcium – 18-22 mg;
  • magnesium – 8.5-9.5 mg;
  • iron – 0.26-0.28 mg;
  • zinc – 0.12-0.15 mg;
  • manganese – 0.08 mg;
  • selenium – 0.5 mg;
  • copper – 0.06 mg.

The plant is useful to include in your diet for people suffering from heart disease, neurasthenia, and gastritis. Onion effectively fights colds and respiratory diseases, has bile- and diuretic properties, and its juice has a beneficial effect on skin regeneration and helps relieve inflammation from insect bites.

Ripening time and yield

This is a late-ripening onion - 45-48 days pass between the spring growth of leaves and the first cutting.

The marketable yield of Jusai is 4-4.5 kg per 1 sq. m.

Reference. During the season, onions can be cut 2-3 times, the last cutting is carried out two months before frost.

Disease resistance

Provided that agrotechnical requirements are met, onions are resistant to diseases, but in some cases they are affected by powdery mildew and pests such as onion moths, onion flies, and nematodes.

Characteristics of the bulb, description of appearance, taste

Perennial onion with a pleasant smell Jusai

Jusai onion forms narrow (1.5-2 cm in diameter) false bulbs. It has long (25-30 cm) and narrow (5-7 mm) flat leaves of bright green color, covered with a thin layer of waxy coating. During the flowering period, small white flowers with a spicy aroma appear on the plants.

The bulbs do not have a distinct taste; most often the above-ground parts of the plants - leaves and arrows - are used for food. They have a delicate texture, mildly spicy taste and garlic aroma.

For which regions is it best suited and what are the climate requirements?

The variety is undemanding to climatic conditions, tolerates drought and light frosts well, and is therefore suitable for cultivation in all regions.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of Jusai include:

  • unpretentiousness to care and growing conditions;
  • pleasant taste;
  • versatility of use;
  • resistance to drought, frost, diseases and pest attacks;
  • high yield.

There are no shortcomings in the variety.

What is the difference from other varieties

A comparison of varieties of fragrant onions is presented in the table:

Variety Maturation class Productivity, kg per 1 sq. m. Taste
Jusay Late ripening 4-4,5 Mildly spicy with garlic flavor
Aprior Mid-season 2,4 Mildly spicy, mildly garlicky
Fragrant Early ripening 4,8 Mildly spicy, garlicky
Spicy Mid-season 2,7 Semi-hot, slightly garlicky

Features of planting and growing

In order for the cultivation of Jusai to bring a positive result, follow the basic principles of preparing planting material, the timing and scheme of its planting.

Onions can be grown by dividing the rhizomes or from seedlings, after sowing the seeds.

Preparing for landing

Seeds for seedlings require preliminary preparation:

  • soak for 8 hours in water heated to +40°C, constantly maintaining this temperature;
  • After the specified time, leave the seeds in slightly warm water for 48 hours.

The soil is dug up in the fall and fertilized, adding 10 liters of humus, 20 g of potassium fertilizers, 200 g of ash, 30 g of superphosphate per 1 square meter. m. At the beginning of spring, they dig again and add 5 g of ammonium nitrate per square meter. m.

Soil requirements

Jusai grows well in any soil except sandy soil. In this case, the onion grows tasteless, and its shelf life is significantly reduced.

Light, fertile soil with weak or neutral acidity, good moisture and air permeability is ideal. The best option is black soil, but peat bogs and loams are also acceptable.

Dates, scheme and rules of planting

The process of growing seedlings from seeds:Perennial onion with a pleasant smell Jusai

  1. Prepare the soil mixture by mixing equal parts of garden soil, peat and sand.
  2. Disinfect it by spilling it with a solution of potassium permanganate or heating it in the oven at +180°C for half an hour.
  3. Pour the prepared soil mixture into the selected container.
  4. Make furrows in the ground for sowing and place seeds in them every 3 cm.
  5. Cover the seeds with soil and lightly moisten it.
  6. Cover the container with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect and put it in a well-lit, cool place.

The seedlings are grown for about two months, and when 3-4 leaves are formed on the sprouts, they are transplanted into open ground. Most often this is done in March-April, when the air temperature is +2°C, according to the following scheme:

  1. Make furrows in the area at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other.
  2. Water the soil generously.
  3. Make planting holes in the furrows every 20 cm.
  4. Place the sprouts in the holes, sprinkle them with soil without compacting it, and water generously.

If we are talking about dividing the bush, then it is done in spring or autumn, choosing the most developed, strong and healthy bulbs.

The operating algorithm is as follows:

  1. Dig up an onion rosette that is at least 3 years old.
  2. Divide it into several parts so that each has several developed and strong bulbs.
  3. Make furrows 5-8 cm deep in the soil and water the soil generously.
  4. Place the plots at a distance of approximately 20-30 cm from each other.
  5. Water the planted plants generously with warm, settled water.

In some areas, seeds are planted immediately in open ground, maintaining a distance between rows of 20-30 cm, deepening the planting material by 1-1.5 cm and sprinkling soil and humus on top. This is done in early to mid-March.

Reference. The seedless method is rarely used due to poor germination.

Features of cultivation

It is better to plant Jusai on the western or eastern side of the site - this way the plants will have enough light for good development, but direct sunlight will not dry out the soil and burn the leaves.

It is not recommended to plant onions after potatoes and cabbage; the best predecessors for them are legumes and pumpkin crops.

Experienced gardeners change the place where they grow onions every five years.

Nuances of care

Dzhusai is unpretentious, but requires minimal care, consisting of watering and fertilizing.

Watering mode

In the first year of planting, onions are watered rarely, only as needed - this promotes better rooting of plants.

In the second year, they water more often - at least 10 times per season, the water consumption is 30-50 liters per 1 square meter. m. If there is a lack of moisture, the feathers become rough and lose their juiciness.

Loosening the soil and weeding

The soil between the rows is weeded weekly, getting rid of weeds that take nutrients from the soil and retain water on the surface, preventing its access to the roots. All this negatively affects the development of onions and reduces its immunity.

Simultaneously with weeding, the soil is loosened to a depth of 5-8 cm. This procedure enriches the soil with oxygen and nutrients, improves air exchange, and enhances the growth and development of root processes.

Top dressing

In the first year of planting, onions are fed twice:Perennial onion with a pleasant smell Jusai

  • in the spring, after the sprouts appear, use urea (1 tsp per 1 sq. m.) and spray the plants with Epin Extra solution;
  • two weeks later - treatment with Ferovit to improve photosynthesis.

In the second and subsequent years in the spring, Dzhusai is fertilized with a solution of chicken manure diluted in a ratio of 1:12, and after each cutting of feathers, complex mineral fertilizers are added to the soil.

After complete harvesting, the land is fertilized with a mixture of potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate - this helps strengthen the immunity of onions and prepares it for winter.

Disease and pest control

To reduce the risk of disease and pests:

  • use high-quality planting material;
  • monitor watering, avoiding waterlogging of the soil;
  • take into account the rules of crop rotation;
  • treat the seeds before sowing.

If signs of powdery mildew appear on the onion, it is sprayed with Profit Gold or other fungicides; insecticides help get rid of pests.

Harvest and storage

The harvest of Jusai's feathers is collected in its second year growing.

How and when to collect

The first cutting is carried out at the end of July, the last - in the second half of August. Leaves that have reached 25-30 cm in length are cut off.

In the case of harvesting the main bulbous bushes from the beds, they are carefully dug up and removed with their roots. If the soil is dry, just shake off the onion; otherwise, wash it and dry it in the open air.

Storage features and keeping quality of the variety

Cut greens are stored in the refrigerator without loss of taste and beneficial properties for 10-12 days, frozen (at a temperature of -15...-18°C) - throughout the year.

The dug up bulbs are placed in prepared containers and placed in a dry room with good ventilation and an air temperature of 0...+2°C - this way they will retain their technical qualities and are suitable for spring planting.

What difficulties may there be when growing

Possible problems when cultivating Jusai:

  • the appearance of spots or streaks resembling rust on the leaves is the result of watering with hard rather than settled water;
  • development of powdery mildew - in case of excessive watering or heavy rainfall;
  • rotting and rotting of the harvest sent for storage - the room is too warm, the maximum permissible temperature is not higher than +2°C.

Advice from experienced gardeners

Farmers recommend:Perennial onion with a pleasant smell Jusai

  1. In the first year, do not water the onions too often - for the formation of the root system, a slight drought is better than waterlogging.
  2. Place the plantings in the shade of trees - this gives the onions the necessary shading.
  3. If the seeds do not germinate or the seedlings have grown weak, then after transplanting them into open ground, cover the beds with polyethylene to maintain the necessary humidity and warmth.

Reviews about the onion variety Jusai

Those who have been growing Jusai onions for a long time speak only positively about them.

Vera, Barnaul: «Several years ago, on one of the forums, I read about Jusai and decided to plant him. I should note that it is completely unpretentious, except that it grows poorly on sandy soil. I liked the variety because it can be harvested several times a season, so in the summer there is always fresh greens on the table. It doesn't last long when fresh, so I put it into portioned bags and freeze it. It makes incredibly tasty manti – the whole family eats them with pleasure.”

Margarita, Bryansk: “I have known Jusai for a long time - our neighbor grows this onion, and every year she treated us to delicious and aromatic herbs.I’m not a very experienced gardener, so for a long time I didn’t dare to plant it myself, but a couple of years ago I took a chance and I’ll say one thing - it’s incredibly easy to grow it, I didn’t even think that there were such unpretentious crops. I like everything about onions – yield, taste, unpretentiousness. It’s just a pity that fresh herbs don’t last long.”

Read also:

Step-by-step instructions: how to grow leeks from seedlings.

The best tips on how to prepare onions for the winter.

Why is Yalta onion so good and how to distinguish it from a fake.


Jusai is a late-ripening onion suitable for cultivation in all regions. It is unpretentious to soil and light, resistant to drought, frost, diseases and pests and is capable of producing rich harvests of tasty and healthy greens even with minimal care.

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