Does milk with onions help with cough and how to use it correctly

Treatment of cough with traditional methods is accompanied by some risk in the absence of an accurate diagnosis and causes of the disease. For colds and flu The onion-milk composition is considered an effective means of removing bacterial mucus from the bronchi and trachea. In addition, this healing composition is actively used in cases where drug therapy is impossible or undesirable.

Does milk with onions help cough?

Onions with milk as a remedy for cough treatment It is not without reason that it is used for colds, especially when the throat is sore and the nasopharynx is very irritated.

The action of the bow is aimed at treatment and expectorant effect, and milk gently removes phlegm and mucus from the lungs.

Does milk with onions help with cough and how to use it correctly

Operating principle

The onion-milk composition acts as an immunostimulant. Milk is used to quickly remove mucus accumulated in the bronchi without causing painful hoarseness. The base of the drink acts gently, without causing even more swelling or cramping.

When coughing, it is recommended to drink plenty of hot liquid. Milk is great for this as it is a natural remedy that is used to cleanse the lungs. The beneficial minerals in its composition support the functions of white blood cells and other cells that have been damaged as a result of the disease.

Onions are used as a natural antibiotic due to the content of phytoncides that kill bacteria and viruses. The essential oils in its composition also create an inhalation effect when inhaled through the sinuses.After absorption into the blood, the composition gently cleanses the bronchi and respiratory tract, preventing the formation of congestion.


Does milk with onions help with cough and how to use it correctly

The folk recipe solves not only the problem of cough, but also speeds up the healing process.

Complex action has a number of advantages:

  • removal of toxins from the body due to the diuretic effect;
  • accelerated production of antibodies due to the vitamin and mineral composition that renews reserves of building substances;
  • accelerated removal of sputum and mucus from the pulmonary tract due to the antimicrobial composition;
  • cleansing the circulatory system, liver and lymph;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • lowering temperature, improving nasal breathing, eliminating headaches and eye pain.

The products are contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system (in the acute stage), children under three years of age, and patients with allergies to components. In some cases, the appointment may be approved by a doctor after an individual consultation.


The effect of treatment in this way depends on the disease and its stage. For mild colds, the effect is achieved in 1-2 days. If you have respiratory diseases, especially in the initial stages, when the cough is dry, it will take about 3-5 days. The irritating effect of onions on the walls of the bronchi is more effective the earlier treatment is started.

In the future, expectoration with regular use of the drug will occur at an accelerated pace. A thick, wet, itchy cough will completely disappear in 1-2 weeks - for example, with acute bronchitis, pneumonia and other infections.

The effectiveness of the product has been proven by the results of action already on the first day of administration. The composition begins to act instantly, weakening the course of the disease (symptoms).

Important! To enhance the effect, add garlic juice to the onion-milk mixture.If treatment is neglected, it is better to refuse such a remedy so as not to provoke spasms and, as a result, attacks of suffocation due to copious sputum production (for pregnant women, children).

How to properly prepare milk with onions for cough

Does milk with onions help with cough and how to use it correctly

There is no universal recipe. Each housewife chooses the method that is more convenient. In any case, the ingredients are brought to a boil in one container so that the active substances from the onion pass into the milk.

The onion can be boiled whole, cut into rings, finely chopped or grated. Depending on this, the boiling time will vary. When using mashed gruel, it is advisable to brew the mixture in a thermos.

Do not forget that the shelf life of the composition does not reach even two days. To make the product more effective, it is prepared before each use - 100 ml is enough for two doses with an interval of two hours.

Important! At the beginning of treatment, the drug is drunk as often as possible, gradually reducing the frequency to 2-3 times a day. To eliminate a sudden cough, drink the whole portion (100 g) before going to bed. If symptoms of the disease appear in the morning, the procedure is continued.

Onions boiled in milk

Any pasteurized milk will work for this recipe. Moreover, the fatter it is, the better. Fats are a natural lubricant for inflamed tissues.

The bulbs should not be too large, limp or darkened with signs of spoilage (moisture, mold, bad smell).

Their preparation takes:Does milk with onions help with cough and how to use it correctly

  • 30-40 min. (until completely softened) - for whole onions;
  • 10-15 min. - for shredded;
  • 1-2 min. - for ground ones (followed by infusion in a thermos for about 2 hours).

For every liter of milk take four medium onions. For a single dose, one onion (50-60 g) is needed per 100 ml of milk.

Cooking begins with choosing a vessel for boiling. Usually an enamel pan or other non-metallic container is used. The milk is brought to a boil over low gas, after adding onion to it. During the boiling process, the mixture is constantly stirred, maintaining the above time intervals.

If necessary, whole onions are crushed into puree and filtered. Then the mixture is poured into a thermos and drunk throughout the day without the need to warm it up each time.

How to use

Methods and dosages of administration are individual. Basically, the treatment regimen involves frequent drinking for three days.

Does milk with onions help with cough and how to use it correctly

For adults

Before using the product, be sure to consult a doctor. Some diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, will become contraindications.

For an adult, the dosage is half a glass at a time. The course of treatment lasts no more than a week. This time is enough to eliminate the problem in diseases such as tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, and bronchitis.

Important! The more often the product is taken throughout the day, the more effective its effect. The interval between doses is 2-3 hours. The average duration of treatment is 3-5 days. If you have a strong sensitivity to tastes and smells, add jam or honey to the drink.

For pregnant women, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, such an expectorant helps replenish calcium deficiency. Therefore, you can drink milk with onions not only as a preventive measure for influenza and ARVI.

For children

The dosage for children is reduced several times - from 2 to 5 tbsp. l. from the age of three to the normal adult age of 12-15 years. The frequency of administration is also reduced. Treatment does not exceed 3-4 days. If necessary, the course is repeated with a break of 2-3 days.

For children aged one to three years, this treatment is suitable in the absence of contraindications and with the direct recommendation of a doctor. The drink is given to children for three days with the addition of honey (in the absence of allergies and gastrointestinal problems). Side effects may include colitis, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Recipe Variations

There are many options for how to properly drink milk with onions. For medicinal purposes, the dosage is reduced to a 1:1 ratio.

Milk with onions and honey

After boiling completely, milk and onions are cooled, filtered, and the mixture is left to cool to 30°C. At this temperature, the beneficial properties of honey are preserved. For 100 g of product take 1 tsp. honey

Important! When preparing the mixture, take into account that the milk is evaporated to an average volume of three quarters. The less milk there is, the more liquid will evaporate. To get 100 g of product, you need to take 200 ml of milk, one onion and 1 tbsp. l. honey

With sage

Sage has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves muscle tension and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

Dry sage herb is used to prepare the composition. A teaspoon is brewed in 100 ml of boiling water for 2 hours. Next, combine the prepared onion-milk mixture in a volume of 100 ml (filtered if desired) with the broth and drink half a glass.

With mint

The recipe with mint is similar to the recipe with sage: 100-130 ml milk, 100 ml boiling water, 1 tsp. dried raw materials, onions. Sometimes the cooking method is changed. Boil the milk for 5 minutes, add onion juice and infused broth (for speed).

With garlic

Does milk with onions help with cough and how to use it correctly

To prepare a drink for the whole day you will need 600 ml of milk, four onions, and a head of garlic. For a softer taste add jam.

Vegetables are finely chopped and boiled in milk until tender.Next, the mixture is filtered and poured into portions with the addition of jam or jam.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the naturalness of the ingredients, the drink has contraindications.

Consultation with your doctor is inevitable if:

  • failure of the endocrine system (thyroid gland);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the joints and blood vessels (atherosclerosis);
  • gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcer);
  • diseases of the excretory systems (kidneys and liver);
  • childhood (weak stomach and intestines).

The main side effects are nausea, abdominal pain, intestinal cramps, and increased blood pressure. When used together with various decoctions, inquire in advance about contraindications.

Important! The product may be contraindicated for pregnant women if there is a risk of miscarriage. But it effectively treats hacking cough, which can cause harm to the fetus.


Reviews about the product are mostly positive. The effect of treatment is noticed on the first day. The cough goes away within a day.

Elena, 33 years old: «The recipe for milk with onions was given to me by my pediatrician. First, the cough (against the background of the flu) was treated with fruit drink with honey, bromhexine and plus antibiotics. But the child slept poorly and sweated a lot, and the cough alternated between dry and wet. I managed to get rid of my cough with milk on the third day!”

Elizaveta, 50 years old: “I have been using this product for a long time, sometimes even for prevention. This is how all our grandmothers were treated. Once I even managed to overcome a severe sore throat. This may be why the treatment took less than three weeks. The tonsils returned to normal after 1.5 weeks, and the dry cough disappeared on the second day.”

Dana, 29 years old: “For me, milk with onions and honey is a constant companion of winter. As soon as my feet get cold or I’m in the cold, I definitely drink a glass.One day this product literally pulled me out of bed when I needed to do work. In addition to coughing, the product also helped eliminate hoarseness.”


Milk with onions is used as an effective folk remedy for coughs and colds. Suitable for almost everyone, without exception, but requires clarification of dosages and schedule with a doctor. The product is an excellent option for those who prefer gentle natural products.

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