How many carbohydrates, proteins and fats does boiled buckwheat contain per 100 grams?
Buckwheat - a unique product. Porridge prepared from this cereal in water has a low calorie content, but quickly saturates the body. If you eat it in the morning, you won’t feel hungry until lunch. You will find out how much protein, fat and carbohydrates are in boiled buckwheat from the article.
Composition of buckwheat cooked in water
The dish contains high quality plant fiber. It carefully and carefully normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
How much protein, fat and carbohydrates are in 100 grams of buckwheat:
- calorie content – 92 kcal;
- proteins – 3.38 g;
- carbohydrates – 19.94 g;
- fats – 0.62 g.
The dish contains many elements that are beneficial to the human body:
- Iron reduces the risk of developing anemia.
- Manganese strengthens bone tissue and slows down cell aging.
- Selenium fights inflammatory processes.
- Copper improves metabolism and promotes wound healing.
- Phosphorus takes part in glucose synthesis and metabolism.
- Potassium removes toxins from the body.
- Magnesium controls the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
- Iodine is responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Vitamin P (rutin) strengthens capillaries, helps to better absorb iodine, and participates in blood circulation processes.
Fat-soluble vitamins:
- E promotes normal oxygen absorption and absorption of vitamins of other groups. Resists oxidation processes occurring in the human body.
- K is involved in the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver, which serves as one of the indicators of blood clotting.
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Water-soluble vitamins:
- B1 (thiamine) promotes the conduction of nerve impulses;
- B2 (riboflavin) protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, ensures fat oxidation;
- B3 (PP, niacin) gives impetus to all biochemical processes occurring in the human body;
- B4 (choline) protects cells from damage and destruction, helps reduce bad cholesterol, improves metabolism, normalizes fat metabolism, and has a calming effect;
- B5 (pantothenic acid) strengthens the immune system, synthesizes fatty acids, hemoglobin, and participates in metabolism;
- B6 (adermine) produces red blood cells, hemoglobin, supplies body cells with glucose;
- B9 (folic acid) strengthens blood vessels and the immune system, participates in the formation and preservation of new cells.
Buckwheat contains a large amount of essential amino acids. They are not synthesized in the human body, but come with food.
Essential amino acids:
- tryptophan normalizes sleep, improves mood, performance, skin and hair condition;
- threonine takes part in the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and prevents the deposition of fats in the liver;
- leucine lowers blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system, promotes rapid wound healing, and is used by the body as a source of energy;
- lysine serves as a building material for protein, promotes the absorption of iron and zinc;
- valine is involved in building and strengthening muscles, improves brain function during active mental stress.
Nutritional value of boiled buckwheat with vegetable oil
In this case, the number of calories increases, but the benefits for the human body also increase. Vegetable oil can be added during cooking and added to the finished porridge.
The most useful oils are:
- Olive is an excellent source of omega acids;
- grape – 1 tsp. ingredient covers the daily requirement for vitamin E.
Calorie content and content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in 100 g of buckwheat with butter:
- calorie content – 142 kcal;
- proteins – 4 g;
- carbohydrates – 17.7 g;
- fats – 2.6 g.
Boiled buckwheat without oil and salt
Composition and energy value:
- calorie content – 100.9 kcal;
- proteins – 4.2 g;
- carbohydrates – 18.7 g;
- fats – 1.1 g.
Buckwheat without salt and oil contains:
- Silicon helps in the production of collagen (improves joint mobility, bone density, skin condition).
- Magnesium takes part in energy metabolism. Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.
- Phosphorus regulates the acid-base balance, resists rickets and anemia.
Buckwheat porridge is a balanced product. Krupa can be eaten regularly by adults and children. The dish is perfect for those who want to lose weight or are simply committed to a healthy lifestyle.