How to eat buckwheat correctly when doing bodybuilding to gain weight
To gain muscle mass, you need a properly formulated diet. Grueling workouts will not bring tangible benefits if there is no “material” for building muscles. Today we’ll talk about the basics of nutrition for mass gain and the importance of buckwheat in a bodybuilder’s diet.
What is important for a bodybuilder's diet to gain muscle mass?
Athlete willing gain muscle mass, is guided by four core principles. The menu is based on them.
Meal frequency
With food, energy and substances enter the body, without which muscle tissue does not develop properly.
Muscle mass increases only when three primary nutrients are present in the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. In their absence, muscles stop growing.
For a person who does not pursue the goal of pumping up, three meals a day is enough. This kind of routine is not suitable for a bodybuilder, since long pauses between meals lead to a lack of nutrients.
He should eat with breaks of no more than 3 hours - 5-6 times a day. This mode allows the athlete's body to more easily process food and receive all the nutrients for the ongoing work of building muscle.
Calorie content of food
The basic principle of building muscle mass: always know how many calories you consume per day. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve success.
Muscles grow when calories enter the body.But only a certain part of it is spent on the development of muscle mass. Therefore, the energy value of the daily diet should exceed the amount of calories burned.
Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
A well-structured ratio of nutrients allows you to create a healthy diet for weight gain:
- amount of proteins - 30-35%;
- fats - 10-20% of the diet;
- carbohydrates make up the bulk of the menu - 50-60%.
The presence of a gap of 5-10% indicates that the exact ratio of BZHU is determined and adjusted individually depending on the characteristics of the body and goals.
A lack of water in the body is fraught with a lack of progress in working on muscle mass. The average daily intake for bodybuilders is from 2 to 4 liters, depending on the weight of the athlete.
Do not drink while eating - this interferes with the natural process digestion and absorption of nutrients, does not allow the digestive system to function fully. The liquid is consumed between meals.
Nutritional value and chemical composition of buckwheat
Calorie content is important in bodybuilding: how to determine the correct portion size - weigh the buckwheat and calculate the number of calories, based on the fact that the nutritional value of buckwheat is 346 kcal per 100 g of product.
Composition of BJU and other elements:
- proteins - 11.73 g;
- carbohydrates - 75 g;
- fats - 2.71 g;
- water - 8.41 g;
- ash - 2.2 g.
Chemical composition of buckwheat:
- vitamins — E, A, B1, B2, B3 (PP), B4, B6;
- trace elements - calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, iodine, cobalt, sulfur, nickel, titanium, chromium, molybdenum, fluorine, chlorine;
- acids - folic, pantothenic.
Is it even possible to gain muscle mass on buckwheat?
Can bodybuilders eat buckwheat? Buckwheat is a healthy carbohydrate that fills the body with energy and does not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is important for every athlete to have this cereal in their diet.
Buckwheat before training helps increase muscle strength and endurance, and ensures satiety for a long time. Buckwheat is a source of vegetable protein and essential amino acids; it increases the activity of metabolic processes and helps “burn” fat deposits.
Reference. Buckwheat seeds are rich in soluble and insoluble dietary fiber - 100 g contains 26% of the daily value of fiber.
The place of buckwheat in a bodybuilder’s diet
Cereals are included in menu bodybuilders due to its benefits, rich content of vitamins and microelements. However, it is important to know the intricacies of choosing this product, its preparation and use.
Buckwheat for athletes is chosen light or premium grade with the presence of green grains. Such cereals undergo less heat treatment and retain most of the valuable substances.
Note! On store shelves there are packages of buckwheat with the inscription “Recommended by the Association of Fitness Trainers.” Such products differ from classic ones in their higher content of nutrients. But the price of such cereals is much higher.
Buckwheat is useful not only for athletes, but also for people who do not purposefully build muscles.
Valuable properties of culture:
- slow decrease in blood sugar levels;
- improved appetite;
- purgation;
- reducing bad cholesterol levels;
- help reduce high blood pressure;
- removal of excess fluid from the body;
- Rutin contained in buckwheat helps cure hemorrhoids.
Growing buckwheat does not require the use of chemical fertilizers. Therefore, it is considered an environmentally friendly product with a high content of slow carbohydrates.
Methods of use
Any heat treatment of buckwheat destroys some of the nutrients. Athletes use a different method - they soak the cereal so that it cooks quickly:
- The cereal is placed in a deep saucepan and thoroughly washed several times until the water runs clear.
- After washing, buckwheat is soaked in clean drinking water for 2-3 hours.
- During this time, the product absorbs liquid. It is boiled for 3-4 minutes with the addition of a small amount of water.
Buckwheat prepared in this way retains its nutritional properties as much as possible. Buckwheat for muscle growth is eaten with vegetables: green beans, peas, asparagus, broccoli. In this combination, the intestines absorb cereal more effectively.
Buckwheat recipes for athletes
After training, the bodybuilder’s body’s need for protein increases (especially in the first half hour). Buckwheat porridge makes up for the lack of an important element.
We offer several buckwheat recipes for gaining weight especially for bodybuilders.
Buckwheat with meat merchant style
- buckwheat;
- lean beef;
- onion;
- carrot;
- salt;
- ground allspice;
- Bay leaf;
- water;
- greenery.
Note: all ingredients in this recipe are taken to taste, there are no strict proportions.
Cooking method:
- Chop the onion and grate the carrots.
- Cut the meat into small cubes.
- Pour a little sunflower oil into a deep frying pan and fry the onions, carrots and meat over medium heat for 10 minutes.
- Add a little water, pepper, salt, and add a bay leaf. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
- Prepare buckwheat separately - cook it in the classic way or by soaking.
- Add boiled buckwheat to the meat and mix. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 2-3 minutes.
- When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.
Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms
- buckwheat - 1 glass;
- champignons - 300 g;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- salt - to taste;
- vegetable oil.
- Rinse the buckwheat, pour two glasses of cold drinking water, add 1 tsp. salt without a slide. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, and then cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes.
- Chop the onion and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil until transparent.
- Chop the mushrooms as desired, add to the onion, lightly salt and fry over low heat for 15 minutes.
- Mix mushrooms with buckwheat.
Buckwheat with milk
- buckwheat - 1 glass;
- milk 2.5% - 0.5 l;
- salt - to taste;
- sugar - to taste.
- Rinse the cereal, soak for 2-3 hours in clean water. Add a pinch of salt.
- Place the milk on the stove over medium heat. When it starts to boil, remove from heat.
- Remove the buckwheat from the water, add warm milk and sweeten to taste.
As an example, here is a review from bodybuilder Artem Kharchenko, 24 years old: «I consider buckwheat one of the main foods for gaining muscle mass. I have been doing bodybuilding for 6 years now, and throughout this time, buckwheat has been consistently included in my sports menu. Buckwheat is universal; it is used by both vegan and meat-eating athletes. Personally, for me, this cereal tastes better with sour cream.”
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Buckwheat is a nourishing, tasty and full of useful micro- and macroelements that the human body needs.It takes a little time to prepare. The product is useful for people losing weight and is definitely included in the menu of bodybuilders. If desired, buckwheat is combined with various vegetables, mushrooms and meat.