How to properly germinate green buckwheat at home
Healthy eating is gaining more and more popularity. A balanced diet helps get rid of many diseases and significantly improve your overall well-being. A healthy menu is not complete without sprouted grains, including green buckwheat.
Today we will talk about how to germinate green buckwheat at home for food, why to germinate it, how to eat and store it.
Why germinate green buckwheat?
It is green grains that are sprouted that have not been subjected to heat treatment before packaging. The usual brown buckwheat is not suitable for this. In addition, unprocessed grains are better absorbed by the body and contain more useful substances.
Why is it useful?
Sprouted green buckwheat has a lot of positive effects on the body. Its sprouts included in diet, saturate it with essential vitamins, microelements and amino acids.
Regular consumption of sprouts helps:
- normalize cholesterol levels;
- improve lipid (fat) metabolism;
- cleanse the vessels;
- increase physical endurance;
- remove toxins;
- restore elasticity to blood vessels;
- stabilize weight;
- reduce the risk of blood clots;
- normalize blood pressure;
- protect against atherosclerosis;
- improve the cardiovascular system;
- normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
Nutritionists recommend regularly eating buckwheat sprouts for those who have the following health problems:
- Constipation. The fiber contained in sprouted cereals improves intestinal motility, speeds up digestion and removes harmful substances.
- Diseases of the pancreas. Useful microelements normalize the production and excretion of bile.
- Tendency to frequent colds. B vitamins strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to viral infections.
- Diabetes. Sprouted cereal normalizes blood sugar levels.
- Varicose veins Vitamin P restores and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood, which reduces the risk of developing the disease several times.
- Diseases of cardio-vascular system.
Sprouted green buckwheat is also useful for healthy people, as it contributes to the normal functioning of all body functions.
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Composition and properties
Green buckwheat contains several times more useful substances than brown grains that have undergone heat treatment.
- group B;
- RR;
- E.
- selenium;
- calcium;
- manganese;
- iron;
- copper;
- magnesium;
- zinc;
- phosphorus;
- sodium;
- potassium.
In addition, this cereal contains amino acids, phytoestrogens (lignans), chiro-inositol, flavonoids and others. All these substances have antitumor, antifungal and antiviral effects.
Green sprouted buckwheat is enough high in calories – 343 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, it is completely absorbed by the body, so it is often used in the diet when dieting.
100 g of product contains:
- carbohydrates – 71.5 g;
- fat – 3.4 g;
- proteins – 13.3 g.
Cereals do not contain heavy fats that are poorly excreted by the digestive system.
How to germinate green buckwheat at home
An important condition for obtaining a high-quality product that will benefit the body is the correct choice of cereals and containers for germination.
Selection of grain and containers
It’s easy to choose a container for soaking - it should be convenient and clean. Tableware material: porcelain, ceramics, glass. You can use an enamel colander or saucepan.
When choosing cereal, first of all you need to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and expiration date. The optimal packaging date is the year of harvest, since fresh grains germinate almost 100%.
Important! Buckwheat should not contain debris, an unpleasant smell of mold or mustiness.
Healthy nutrition experts advise buying cereals only from trusted manufacturers. In this case, the packaging must contain the inscription “Suitable for germination.”
Step by step guide
Following the rules for germinating green buckwheat will help you avoid common mistakes in which it will not sprout or will turn sour.
- Sort and rinse the cereal thoroughly under running water.
- Place it in a prepared container.
- Pour in filtered water so that it covers the cereal by about 1 cm.
- Leave for at least 3 hours.
- Rinse again and drain in a colander for 40 minutes.
- Place the buckwheat in a sprouting dish in a 4-5 cm layer.
- Cover it with damp gauze folded in several layers.
The cereal will be ready to eat in 7-10 hours.
How to use
Sprouted green buckwheat can be consumed in its pure form or used as an ingredient in various dishes - cocktails, porridges, soups and salads.
Norms per day
A healthy person needs 5-7 tbsp. l. 1-2 times a day. For patients suffering from various diseases, the consumption rate is 5-7 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. On average, the dosage should be at least 100 g per day.
Methods of use in cooking
There are a lot of culinary recipes with sprouted green buckwheat. The main condition: the sprouts cannot be subjected to heat treatment.
Dried sprouts are used to make flour for a variety of baked goods - pancakes, pizza, pies.
When preparing a smoothie, you can use any fruit of your choice.
Ingredients for one serving:
- buckwheat sprouts – 70 g;
- water – 150 ml;
- honey – 1 tsp;
- pear – 1 pc.;
- kiwi – 1 pc.;
- banana – 1 pc.
- Peel the fruit.
- Rinse the cereal.
- Place all ingredients in a deep bowl.
- Grind using a blender.
If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with 1-2 tsp. Sahara.
The most successful are sweet porridges. The set of fruits may be different; in addition to those offered, avocados, persimmons, apples, berries, etc. are added.
- dates – 3 pcs.;
- sprouts – 80 g;
- banana – 1 pc.
- Remove the pits from the dates.
- Peel and cut the banana into slices.
- Place all ingredients in a convenient container.
- Grind with a blender.
Salad for two servings
The composition of this salad is a real “vitamin bomb”. It can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also on fasting days, fasting, vegetarians and raw foodists.
- cereal sprouts – 5 tbsp. l.;
- red onion – 1 pc.;
- radishes – 8 pcs.;
- green apple – 2 pcs.;
- cherry tomatoes – 8 pcs.;
- carrots – 1 pc.;
- fresh dill - 1 small bunch;
- juice of half a lemon;
- mustard seeds – 2 tbsp. l.;
- ground black pepper and salt to taste.
- Cut onions, apples, radishes and carrots into strips.
- Cut the tomatoes into quarters.
- Rinse green buckwheat.
- Fry mustard seeds in a dry frying pan.
- Mix all ingredients.
- Season the prepared salad with oil and seasonings.
Fasting day on sprouted buckwheat
Even a healthy body sometimes needs fasting days. The diet on this day may consist of various healthy foods, including green sprouted buckwheat.
You will need to sprout two cups of cereal per day. Towards the evening of the previous day, soak for 3-4 hours, drain, rinse and leave under a damp cloth overnight. In the morning, divide the finished cereal into 4-5 doses and eat it throughout the day (you can use kefir). Don't forget to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
This approach to nutrition will help cleanse blood vessels of toxins, increase vital energy levels, lose a few extra pounds, and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Important! On fasting days on green buckwheat, your health may worsen. This is one of the main signs of severe slagging in the body. Therefore, you should rid yourself of unnecessary physical activity for the whole day. Taking medications is also undesirable. If pain occurs, you should reduce the dosage of cereal or eliminate it from the menu completely.
How to store sprouted buckwheat
The product should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Before eating sprouted buckwheat, you need to rinse it again to remove mucus.
If there are too many sprouts, they can be dried in the oven at 40°C. At the same time, green buckwheat not only acquires its original taste, but also retains all its beneficial substances.
The positive effect of green buckwheat sprouts on the body is difficult to overestimate.It helps to cope with many diseases, support the body during the cold season and normalize weight. The main thing is to introduce this product into the diet gradually to eliminate individual intolerance.