How to easily lose extra pounds with a sauerkraut diet

Economical, easy, and filling. These are the undeniable advantages of a sauerkraut diet and the dream of everyone who is losing weight. Here it is - a proven method that will help you get rid of extra pounds without extra effort and consolidate the results for a long time.

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut while losing weight?

Nutritionists call this dish one of the most effective for weight loss. Even one fasting day on cabbage will help you lose about 1.5 kg. Along with the rich composition and beneficial properties this makes it an ideal diet dish.

How to easily lose extra pounds with a sauerkraut diet

Calorie content and BZHU

The calorie content of sauerkraut is 20 kcal per 100 g. This is so small that the body will receive fewer calories from consuming the dish than it will spend on digesting it.

Energy value:

  • proteins – 1.5 g (~5 kcal, 25%);
  • fats – 0.1 g (~1 kcal, 3%);
  • carbohydrates – 4 g (~14 kcal, 72%).

Although low in calories, sauerkraut contains a relatively large amount of protein.

Composition and properties

The dish is rich in vitamins and microelements:

  • A – 1 µg;
  • B6 – 0.1-0.14 mg;
  • B1 – 0.03 mg;
  • B2 – 0.04-0.07 mg;
  • B9 – 24 mcg;
  • C – 14.7 mg;
  • E – 0.1 mg;
  • K – 13, mcg;
  • potassium – 185 mg;
  • calcium – 48 mg;
  • iron – 0.6 mg;
  • zinc – 0.4 mg
  • manganese – 0.2 mg;
  • selenium – 0.6 mcg;
  • sodium – 661.

Record low calorie content with a large number of beneficial properties can reduce weight by several kilograms without strict dietary restrictions. The dish satisfies hunger well.

Reference. In terms of the number of minerals and vitamins, sauerkraut is many times superior to fresh cabbage. A large amount of fiber (2.9 g) removes harmful substances from the body.

Benefits and harms in the fight against extra pounds


  1. Contains almost the entire set of elements for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, unlike many restrictive diets, sour cabbage does not deplete, but, on the contrary, enriches the body with vitamins. This is especially valuable in winter.
  2. Useful for diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  3. Regulates fat metabolism.
  4. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  5. Removes toxins.
  6. Prevents the development of allergies.
  7. Lactic acid bacteria enrich the intestinal microflora, promote rapid digestion of food, and accelerate metabolism.
  8. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces blood sugar levels.
  9. Increases immunity, eliminates vitamin deficiency.
  10. Increases blood clotting.

The list of harmful properties of sauerkraut is much smaller:

  1. Causes flatulence and bloating.
  2. It provokes the release of hydrochloric acid and can cause gastritis.
  3. Excessive consumption of sauerkraut (especially if the product contains a lot of salt) causes fluid retention and swelling.

Advantages and disadvantages of the sauerkraut diet

Sauerkraut will help you lose a few extra pounds in a matter of days, while providing your body with vitamins and strengthening your immune system.

There are very few carbohydrates, practically no fat, but in terms of vitamin C content, sauerkraut is ahead of even citrus fruits. This diet is especially useful if excess weight is caused by fluid retention in the body. Thanks to the acids that are formed during the fermentation process, the dish has a mild diuretic effect and relieves swelling.Even without particularly limiting your diet, you will lose 2-3 kg in just a couple of days.

How to easily lose extra pounds with a sauerkraut diet


The mono-diet should not last more than 3 days, otherwise indigestion, flatulence and bloating will occur.

Acids, which are contained in large quantities in the dish, can harm even a healthy stomach if you eat exclusively this product for too long. In addition, despite the abundance of vitamins, cabbage contains few nutrients, and a long-term diet based on it is classified as harsh.


It is considered a low-calorie way to lose weight, but does not involve fasting. Provides rapid weight loss, and with continued adherence to the diet, the results last a long time. Using sauerkraut, you can arrange both a strict mono-diet and a soft combined diet.

The essence and principle of operation

The mechanism of action is based on a combination of low calorie content, the ability to improve digestion and the content of a significant number of substances that accelerate the consumption of fat reserves. During fermentation, tartronic and lactic acids are formed, which prevent the accumulation of fat.

Dietary fiber cleanses the body. Fiber is practically not digested, but actively absorbs water and, like a brush, removes toxins from the intestinal walls. By increasing in volume, fiber creates a feeling of fullness for a long time.

This is interesting:

What is fermented cabbage, what is it good for and how is it prepared.

How to prepare crumbled green cabbage leaves for the winter.

The benefits and harms of broccoli for women.


The diet is not used for:

  • kidney diseases,
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers,
  • gastritis,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • hypertension,
  • heartburn and increased acidity,
  • menstrual irregularities,
  • breastfeeding.

Sample menu

How to easily lose extra pounds with a sauerkraut diet

This can be either a strict mono-diet, when the menu consists exclusively of sauerkraut, or simpler options, in which the diet is more varied, but the main product - sauerkraut - is always present.

Let's write down the approximate diet of a combined weekly diet.

Day 1:

  • breakfast: a piece of wholemeal bread, 2 boiled eggs, tea without sugar;
  • first snack: dried fruits, a portion of sauerkraut with added herbs;
  • lunch: cabbage soup with sauerkraut and beef, vegetable salad with sauerkraut and seaweed;
  • second snack: kefir;
  • dinner: sauerkraut, boiled fish, herbal tea.

Day 2:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with water, nuts, any fruit, tea without sugar;
  • first snack: sauerkraut salad, dried apricots, rosehip infusion;
  • lunch: cabbage rolls with fresh cabbage and chicken, fresh vegetable salad;
  • second snack: low-fat cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey;
  • dinner: sauerkraut, grilled chicken breast, tea.

Day 3:

  • breakfast: omelette with vegetables, 1 slice of bread, green or herbal tea;
  • first snack: coffee, nuts, 1 unsweetened fruit;
  • lunch: salad with sauerkraut, fresh cucumbers and herbs, steamed fish;
  • second snack: a glass of kefir, a handful of dried apricots;
  • dinner: sauerkraut, 2 boiled eggs, herbal tea.

On the fourth day, the menu can be repeated or replaced at your discretion, adhering to the specified diet.

Attention! Even if your health deteriorates slightly, stop the diet and return to your normal diet. It is better to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of your health problems.


Varieties of diet based on sauerkraut:

  • cabbage and buckwheat;
  • cabbage and kefir;
  • cabbage and eggs;
  • combined nutrition.

The main condition is that sauerkraut should be made the basis of the menu, combined with other low-calorie products: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, chicken or vegetable broth, boiled fish, lean chicken breast, fruits, vegetable salads.

It is necessary to exclude fried, fatty and all types of sweets: pastries, sweet and carbonated drinks, desserts.

Attention! Drink at least 2 liters of liquid a day: water, unsweetened tea, rosehip infusions and herbs.

Diet duration

How to easily lose extra pounds with a sauerkraut diet

Based on duration, the sour cabbage diet is divided into three types.

The three-day period is the strictest. Approximate menu:

  • Day 1: 1 kg of sauerkraut;
  • Day 2: 700 g cabbage, 3-4 apples, boiled egg;
  • Day 3: 600 g cabbage, 2 apples, 150 g boiled potatoes.

Weekly – more gentle. In addition to the main component, they consume fresh vegetables and fruits, buckwheat, oatmeal, potatoes, and fermented milk products.

Menstruation is the most varied, and therefore is often recommended by nutritionists. The list of products, except for the indispensable sauerkraut, is very wide. The main rule is nothing fatty, sweet, fried or floury.

If other dishes are introduced into the diet, it is completely harmless and can be used for up to one month. To avoid gaining pounds in the future, it is enough to arrange fasting days from time to time.

Important! Doctors do not recommend sticking to a mono-diet for more than 3 days.

Fasting day on sauerkraut

This is a kind of strict one-day diet.

The menu is very simple: they eat 1.5 kg of sauerkraut per day in 5 meals. You can include unsweetened herbal tea.

How to get out of a diet correctly

After the diet, a slow metabolism persists for some time, since the body is not able to quickly switch to a high-calorie diet.Therefore, while the metabolism is being rebuilt, there is a risk of rapid increase in fat mass.

To consolidate the results achieved, exit the diet smoothly. Gradually, heavier foods are added to the diet, starting with protein products (meat, fish) and sweet fruits (there are very few of them in the diet menu).

To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle and go for morning jogging.

How many kilograms can you lose weight

Weight loss depends on the type and duration of the chosen diet:

  1. With just one fasting day on cabbage, you can lose about 1.5 kg.
  2. A three-day diet will get rid of 2-3 kg.
  3. A week will reduce the weight by 4-5 kg.
  4. A month on sauerkraut will help you lose 7 to 10 kg.

Reviews of those losing weight

Women who have tried the cabbage diet share their results and impressions:

Larisa, 34 years old: “I consider myself to be a lady who is always losing weight. As far as I remember, I was stressed from every extra piece, from diet breakdowns and overeating. But I couldn’t help myself. My appetite is stronger than mine. The cabbage diet attracted me because you don’t have to suffer too much or go hungry. Of course, I had to be patient, and I had to give up sweets. But I saved myself with dried fruits and nuts. In three weeks, without much difficulty, 6 kg did not exist. For me this is a lot. It didn’t work out like that before.”

Ilona, ​​40 years old: “I came to the cabbage diet intuitively. I fermented two pans - it turned out very tasty, and I just got hooked on it. I got involved in such a monoration and quickly realized that it was good for my figure. In addition, it is very satisfying and easy. I sat on this fasting regimen for 6 days without any effort and lost 3 kg. I recommend choosing less salted cabbage. Then the diet will be easier.”

Elena 28 years old: “I weighed 76 kg, I couldn’t get back into shape after giving birth. She had a terrible complex and was afraid to leave maternity leave. The sauerkraut diet was just some kind of discovery for me: I practically did not feel hungry. I ate cabbage with chicken breast and eggs. Of course, I refused sweets. At first I stayed on this menu for 2 weeks and lost 4 kg. A month later I repeated the diet. This time I lasted 4 weeks and lost another 5 kg. I returned to work slimmer and more confident.”


Reviews confirm that sauerkraut is easily tolerated and effectively helps in the fight against unwanted weight. This weight loss technique not only ensures rapid burning of fat tissue, but also strengthens the immune system. The main thing is to follow the rules, and the result will not be long in coming.

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