What is fermented cabbage, why is it good and how is it prepared?

The human body absorbs the required amount of nutrients only if healthy microflora is present in the intestines. Fermented products, that is, those that have undergone cold preservation in liquid, take an active part in its creation. Fermented cabbage is much easier to digest in the digestive tract thanks to live beneficial bacteria. In addition, the vegetable in this form becomes much healthier and tastier.

What is fermented cabbage

Everyone is familiar with the fermentation process - it occurs with the participation of lactic acid bacteria when fermenting vegetables, fruits or any other products. Hence, fermented cabbage is sauerkraut. Vegetables prepared in this way are considered one of the most valuable and healthy foods.

What is fermented cabbage, why is it good and how is it prepared?

How does fermentation occur?

Fermentation is a vacuum fermentation process that breaks down organic matter into simpler forms. In this case, microorganisms are formed - bacteria, yeast and fungi, which, multiplying, begin to process the sugar and starch contained in the product, and in return form lactic acid, releasing vitamins and other useful substances.

Lactic acid protects vegetables from spoilage and has a beneficial effect on digestion. As a result of lactic acid fermentation, a fermented product is obtained that is much more nutritious and healthier than the original one.It is enriched with vitamins B, K, C, omega-3 fatty acids and various types of probiotics.

Reference. Sauerkraut contains 20 times more easily digestible vitamin C than fresh cabbage.

What does cabbage taste like?

Fermented cabbage is good because the taste of the fresh vegetable is almost completely preserved with this method of canning. In addition, the resulting product is a living one, because all the beneficial bacteria contained in it do not die, as during salting and pickling. Vegetables are not exposed to either high or low temperatures.

When using ingredients such as onions, garlic, ginger in recipes, the main thing is not to overdo the quantity, since fermentation enhances the aromas several times. Fermentation results in a spicy, crispy, and delicious dish.

Benefits and harms of the product

What is fermented cabbage, why is it good and how is it prepared?

Research shows that an ideal balance of bacteria in your gut is the basis for physical, mental and emotional health. And to stabilize it, there is the most accessible and simple way - consuming fermented cabbage, as well as other similarly prepared vegetables.

What are their benefits:

  1. The content of beneficial bacteria helps process food into easily digestible molecules.
  2. Fermented cabbage is digested faster, since it is already partially digested under the influence of beneficial microflora.
  3. Mineral compounds become more bioavailable to the body. They are absorbed into the blood faster and better when compared with fresh cabbage.
  4. The body's defenses are strengthened.
  5. The microflora of the stomach and intestines is restored, especially after taking antibiotics, when beneficial microorganisms die.
  6. Fermented foods help rid the body of toxins and free radicals.

Scientific research has proven that good microflora living in a healthy intestinal environment reduces the risk of almost any form of acute or chronic disease.

In addition to the listed benefits, fermented cabbage provides other positive effects:

  • sleep improves;
  • the level of energy and vigor increases;
  • the risk of developing inflammatory processes is reduced;
  • heartburn goes away;
  • motor function of the stomach is improved;
  • Regular consumption of the product helps not only to maintain adequate body weight, but also to lose weight through many mechanisms.

Favorable microflora and other microorganisms living inside the intestines are extremely important for the health of the brain, heart, lungs, liver and digestive system.

Despite many facts about health benefits, sauerkraut can also cause harm:

  1. If salt was used during fermentation, the product will cause fluid retention in the body, which will lead to an increase in blood pressure.
  2. Vegetables prepared in this way remove iodine from the body, which is vital for the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  3. Acetic acid contained in sauerkraut has an adverse effect on gastrointestinal diseases.

Which cabbage is suitable

What is fermented cabbage, why is it good and how is it prepared?

It is not advisable to use early varieties of vegetables, since they have loose tissue and insufficient sugar content for fermentation - the product will be of poor quality. Middle and late ones are better suited for this purpose. varieties.

Recommended use:

  • mid-season — Belorusskaya, Mozharskaya, Slava Gribovskaya;
  • late ripening — Amager, Moscow late, Slavyanka.

Selection of vegetables

The heads of cabbage should be dense, with strong leaves, but without coarse venation, white color, and without purple pigment. Droopy and damaged upper leaves are not used for pickling.

The degree of maturity of a vegetable is determined by the density of the formed head, which must weigh at least 0.7 kg. It is advisable to recycle large forks. The larger they are, the less waste during processing.


To ensure that the process of making fermented cabbage goes quickly and efficiently, the following activities are performed:

  1. Prepare a workplace that will take up almost the entire table.
  2. The top contaminated, green and defective leaves are removed from the head of cabbage, and the stalk is cut off. The peeled vegetable is processed on the same day.
  3. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
  4. Cut into two halves.
  5. Carefully wash containers for sauerkraut and disinfect with vinegar.

If the fermentation recipe calls for the use of carrots, apples, beets or sweet peppers, they are also peeled and washed well.

How to ferment cabbage

What is fermented cabbage, why is it good and how is it prepared?

The process of preparing the product is simple and does not require much effort and time. The result is a wonderful dish with many benefits.

What is necessary

For fermentation, the preferred temperature is around +21°C. It takes about five weeks to complete the process. It is important to isolate oxygen, as it stimulates the proliferation of fungal microorganisms, the presence of which in the workpiece is undesirable.

Important. One of the main mistakes made during fermentation is putting the cabbage into the refrigerator too early, without keeping it warm for a sufficient time. For maximum therapeutic effect, cabbage needs to go through all three stages of fermentation.

Fermentation instructions

In this process, two important points are taken into account:

  1. The vegetable is fermented without salt. Salt, acting as a preservative, inhibits the development of “good” bacteria, most of which die.
  2. Cabbage is fermented without air access under a hermetically sealed lid. This is explained by the fact that lactobacilli multiply much more actively in such an environment. During fermentation without access to air, the “good” bacteria remain alive for many days and months, even when the product is stored in the refrigerator.

Perhaps not everyone will like unleavened cabbage without salt, but before serving it can be supplemented with spices, olive oil, herbs, onions, cranberries, etc.

Fermentation method without salt

What is fermented cabbage, why is it good and how is it prepared?

Having prepared all the necessary ingredients, utensils, and cutting tools, we proceed directly to the process:

  1. The prepared cabbage is shredded or chopped, producing shavings as with regular pickling or larger, as recommended. This way, the maximum amount of nutrients is preserved.
  2. Place in a jar and tamp tightly so that there are no air formations between the layers.
  3. The jar is filled only to the “hangers”, since during fermentation the contents will increase in volume. The free space will be taken up by water, which is added to the container.
  4. The vegetable mixture is poured with filtered water and tightly closed with a lid.
    Leave in this state for 2-3 days at room temperature.
  5. If cabbage is fermented in a large vessel (ceramic pot), cover the vegetable mixture with a piece of cotton cloth, then apply a wooden pressure circle and place the pressure itself so that a layer of liquid of 3-5 cm forms above the circle.

To improve the taste of a vegetable dish, add carrots cut into circles or strips, sometimes apples, berries - lingonberries or cranberries. Spices are also used - cumin or bay leaf.

How to check readiness

When the water in the jar becomes cloudy, this means the fermentation process has started. From this moment, they try the juice and cabbage and determine whether they like the taste, whether it is sour enough, continue fermentation in a warm place, or remove it for a while. storage in the refrigerator. In this case, focus on your own taste preferences and find suitable options.

Storing fermented cabbage

The jar with its contents is moved to a cooler place - a basement or fridge. Under such conditions, the fermentation process slows down and the dish can be stored for up to several months.

Remove cabbage from the container for consumption only with a clean spoon.

How and with what to serve

Fermented cabbage is eaten both as an independent dish and as an ingredient in many recipes: salads, vinaigrettes, pies, dumplings, borscht, soups, cabbage rolls.

The product goes well with meat or potatoes. It is better to boil or bake the meat. It is recommended to do the same with potatoes.

If you season the cabbage with unrefined oil and onions sweet varieties, you get a wonderful salad that can be eaten with any other products or just with bread.

Contraindications for use

Fermented cabbage is contraindicated for people who:

  1. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.
  2. Acute and chronic catarrhal gastritis.
  3. Any kidney disease accompanied by a decrease in their functional capacity.Large amounts of organic acids present in cabbage intensify symptoms.
  4. Allergy to a fermented product.


Fermented cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals, without which the full functioning of the human body is impossible. However, a condition must be met for successful fermentation - to create a vacuum in the container. This method has many advantages, but do not forget about possible contraindications.

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