How to properly spend a fasting day on cabbage and how much weight you can lose
To maintain your figure or get rid of excess weight, nutritionists recommend periodically arranging fasting days. To do this, use various low-calorie foods - cereals, kefir, vegetables or fruits. Cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables used for weight loss.
Is it possible to have a fasting day on cabbage?
Cabbage is a healthy vegetable rich in vitamins and fiber, which is included in the menu for diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
Important! Before organizing fasting days on this vegetable, you should consult with your doctor and nutritionist.
The operating principle of such unloading
The main rule of a fasting day on cabbage is to adhere to the recommended norms and timing. You cannot fast for more than three days in a row.
To get the most out of this diet:
- eat small portions at regular intervals;
- eat no more than 1.5 kg of vegetables per day;
- drink large amounts of liquid - tea or mineral water without carbon.
For a short-term diet, vegetables are used in various forms, each of which has its own effect on the body. The menu includes fresh, boiled, stewed and pickled cabbage.
Advantages and disadvantages
Fasting days on cabbage will not only help you get rid of a couple of extra pounds, but will also normalize the functioning of all body systems.
Fiber and beneficial substances contained in this vegetable:
- accelerate the removal of toxins and waste;
- eliminate problems with the urinary system;
- normalize bile production;
- speed up metabolism;
- restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
- reduce blood cholesterol levels;
- strengthen hair and nails;
- normalize hormonal levels;
- cleanse the intestines.
The advantages of a fasting day on cabbage include the naturalness and low cost of the product.
A short-term diet on this vegetable has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.
With this menu, the following unpleasant symptoms may appear:
- loss of performance;
- weakness;
- drowsiness;
- dizziness;
- migraine;
- flatulence;
- diarrhea;
- intestinal colic;
- obsessive feeling of hunger.
All of them pass within 1-2 days after unloading.
Choosing the type of cabbage
If a person does not have serious health problems, then for a one-day diet he can choose any variety of cabbage. If there are any chronic diseases, then they are based on the advice of the attending physician and nutritionist.
The most common type of cabbage is white cabbage. It is included in the menu for gout and gastritis with low acidity. It normalizes metabolism and accelerates the removal of excess fluid from the body.
Those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcers pay attention to Chinese cabbage. Substances contained in this vegetable:
- protect the gastric mucosa from irritation;
- relieve headaches;
- normalize the emotional background;
- help with anemia.
Red cabbage contains the highest amount of fiber and vitamin C compared to other types and varieties. It helps not only to lose weight, but also to strengthen the immune system, slow down the aging process and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Kohlrabi has a beneficial effect on the digestive system due to its high content of tartronic acid and vitamin C.
Cauliflower Even those who have been diagnosed with diabetes are included in the fasting day menu. Vitamin B7 contained in it normalizes blood glucose levels.
U broccoli There are practically no contraindications. It is consumed in any form, including drinking a decoction. It helps not only to cope with excess weight, but also to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism and remove toxic substances from the body.
Options for fasting days
There are many options for a one-day cabbage diet. The most common ones consist of fresh, stewed and pickled vegetables. The menu contains not only it, but also other low-calorie foods.
On fresh cabbage
The diet can be “hard”, containing only cabbage and water, or “light” - including soups, meat and stews.
Option with meat
Set of required products:
- fresh cabbage – 200 g;
- lean boiled meat – 400 g;
- rosehip decoction – 500 ml;
- still mineral water – 30 ml per kg of weight.
The volume of products is divided into 5 equal meals. Be sure to follow the drinking regime.
On stew
When using stewed cabbage for a fasting day, adhere to the recommended vegetable intake - no more than 1.5 kg of cabbage per day.
When cooking, you can add other vegetables to it - tomatoes, bell peppers and onions. The dish can be stewed with any vegetable oil, preferably olive oil.
On fermented
One of the most difficult options for the body. Before using it, you should consult a doctor, especially those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. You can eat no more than 1 kg of sauerkraut per day.
Sauerkraut is mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil and onions. Divide the dish into 5-6 equal parts of 165-200 g, which are eaten per day. A prerequisite is compliance with the drinking regime. When nausea occurs, this salad is eaten with black bread.
Menu options
A fasting day on cabbage will become not only healthy, but also tasty if you add fish, fruits, dairy products, and other vegetables to the menu.
With apples
In a one-day diet with cabbage and apples, fresh and stewed products are used. The daily requirement of ingredients for such unloading is: apples - 800-900 g, cabbage - 600-700 g.
Raw food salad is seasoned with a small amount of lemon juice. When preparing the stew, add some carrots and onions.
With kefir
A fasting day on cabbage and kefir is only suitable for those who do not have digestive problems (diarrhea, flatulence).
Sample menu
- cabbage salad seasoned with kefir;
- black tea with mint.
- kefir – 1 tbsp.
- boiled broccoli;
- kohlrabi salad dressed with vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack:
- cabbage salad with parsley;
- kefir – 1 tbsp.
- salad from any type of cabbage;
- green tea.
Last meal before bed: kefir – 1 tbsp.
Product norm: cabbage – 500 g, kefir – 1 l. Be sure to follow the drinking regime: drink at least 1 liter of non-carbonated mineral water per day.
Can I have coffee?
Coffee, like cabbage, has a diuretic effect, therefore, in order to prevent dehydration, nutritionists recommend drinking no more than 1-2 cups of this drink on a fasting day.
It is advisable not to add milk, cream and sugar to it.If you want to sweeten the drink, use a sweetener.
Unloading on cabbage should not be done too often, 1-2 days a week is enough. If you follow the recommendations of a nutritionist and stick to the menu, then in such a short period you can lose up to 1.5 extra pounds.
Important! To maintain the results for a long time, after a one-day diet, the menu does not include high-calorie foods. Eat small meals, drink enough fluids and lead an active lifestyle.
Contraindications and possible harm
Like any diet, cabbage has contraindications. It is prohibited to use it for weight loss if you have the following diseases and conditions:
- tendency to diarrhea;
- stomach bleeding;
- enterocolitis;
- pancreatitis;
- duodenal ulcer;
- hyperthyroidism;
- pathologies of the urinary and cardiovascular systems.
A mono-diet on this vegetable should be used with caution in old age, during the rehabilitation period after surgery and with gastritis with high acidity.
If you do not follow the norms recommended by the nutritionist, then unloading on cabbage can harm the body and lead to unpleasant consequences:
- irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
- dehydration;
- diarrhea;
- bloating;
- flatulence.
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Reviews about one-day cabbage unloading are varied. Vegetable lovers consider this method one of the easiest and most effective and use it regularly. Opponents of such a diet are sure that it gives too unpleasant side effects.
Lyudmila, 43 years old: “I’m happy to arrange “easy” cabbage days for myself.I love it in any form - raw, stewed, pickled. Every time I manage to lose up to 1 kg of excess weight. I didn’t notice any particular side effects.”
Oksana, 38 years old: “I use this method no more than once a month, as cabbage has a relaxing effect on my intestines. I’m not ready to often endure discomfort even for the sake of maintaining a normal figure.”
Dmitry, 27 years old: “I like cabbage dishes, so I calmly endure fasting days on this vegetable, which my wife sometimes arranges for us. I noticed that I felt much better after this, and my body became more toned.”
A one-day cabbage diet is an easy and effective way that helps you get rid of 1.5 extra pounds. However, before using this method of losing weight, be sure to consult a specialist.