Features of storing cabbage in cling film in the cellar

Preserving cabbage for as long as possible so that the fresh vegetable does not lose its taste and beneficial properties is not so easy. The culture is capricious in storage and requires special conditions, subject to which fresh heads of cabbage will be on hand all winter. It is best preserved in rooms where there is little moisture and cool temperatures. We'll tell you in this article how to store cabbage in the cellar in winter in cling film.

Is it possible to preserve cabbage in cling film?

Cling film has recently become widely used for storing various types of products, including vegetables. Cabbage can be stored in it, but it is important to observe a number of conditions.

Features of storing cabbage in cling film in the cellar

What varieties can be stored for a long time

There are many varieties of cabbage, but not all of them can be stored for long periods of time. There are early ripening varieties that are eaten immediately as soon as the heads of cabbage are full. Mid-late and late ones are better suited for storage.

The most common varieties of white cabbage, which are planted almost throughout the country:

The best varieties red cabbage cabbage for long-term storage, according to reviews from summer residents:

  • Gako;
  • Maxila;
  • Autoro;
  • Mars MS;
  • Langedijker late;
  • Rodima et al.

What determines the safety of vegetables?

Features of storing cabbage in cling film in the cellar

In order for cabbage to be stored as long as possible and not spoil, a number of conditions must be observed:

  1. Seeds or seedlings must be healthy and tested for germination.
  2. During the growing process, watering conditions are observed: abundant moisture or rainy weather impairs keeping quality.
  3. The soil is important. Cabbage prefers fertile loams.
  4. The application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers increases shelf life and reduces the likelihood of rot. But nitrogen fertilizers and a lot of manure are harmful to the crop, because with an excess of them, the head of cabbage does not fill and remains loose.
  5. It is advisable to harvest in dry weather, when night temperatures are about 0°C, and daytime temperatures are not higher than +8°C. If the weather is damp, the heads of cabbage are dried before storing.
  6. Clean heads of cabbage that have reached full maturity, without mechanical damage, signs of disease or traces of insect pests, are suitable for storage.

Storage in cling film in the cellar

The cellar where the cabbage crop is stored must be well ventilated and dry. High humidity shortens the shelf life of heads of cabbage. It is advisable in the summer to disinfect the premises with quicklime or copper sulfate. Humidity should not exceed 90-95%.

The optimal temperature in the cellar is from 0 to +4°C. At higher temperatures, there is a risk that the heads of cabbage will crack, and if the temperature is below -1°C, the upper leaves will freeze. If all the rules are followed, the cabbage will lie in film until spring.

Preparation for storage

Features of storing cabbage in cling film in the cellar

Heads of cabbage selected for storage are carefully prepared.

The medium-sized, densest forks are selected and processed for storage:

  1. Leave 2-3 covering leaves.
  2. The stalk is cut at a level of 1-2 cm from the first covering leaves.
  3. All moisture is removed from the head of cabbage.
  4. Before wrapping the cabbage in film, it is advisable to keep it in a cool room until the cuts are dry.
  5. Package in the same room, without transferring the cabbage to a warmer environment, to prevent condensation from appearing on the surface of the leaves.

How to properly pack in film

Features of storing cabbage in cling film in the cellar

There are 2 types of stretch films: food and technical. The first is thinner, its thickness is no more than 10 microns. It stretches better and is practically harmless in composition. Stretch film has a significant tensile force, which characterizes the reverse elasticity of the material, due to which a vacuum effect is ensured during packaging.Features of storing cabbage in cling film in the cellar

The film has a sticky layer without visible traces of glue. It is applied on both sides, which is convenient when packaging products. Cling film does not allow air and moisture to pass through, and also protects against bacteria.

There are both manual and machine films. They vary in stretch and thickness. It is best to take rolls of the widest film that is commercially available. They have a width of 45-60 cm. The film consists of polyethylene, although there are varieties made of PVC and heat-shrinkable materials.

The heads of cabbage chosen for storage must be clean, free of traces of soil, dirt and dust. It is better to wipe each fork with a dry cloth before packing. Cabbage is packaged in film as follows: the head of cabbage is wrapped in 4-5 layers so as to completely prevent the penetration of moisture and air. The film should fit tightly to the surface of the cabbage without gaps.

How to store in the cellar

Some people store cabbage in bulk, while others place the cabbage heads separately. It all depends on the availability of space, because both methods will not harm the cabbage. But it is advisable to store it separately from other vegetables and fruits.Once a month, stocks are checked for rot. The heads of cabbage on which it appeared are thrown away.

Some owners change the film every 2 months, first wiping the heads of cabbage and thereby removing excess moisture from them. This reduces the risk of rot and increases the shelf life of cabbage.

Features of storing cabbage in cling film in the cellar


Cabbage in cling film, subject to all storage rules, lies in the cellar for 4-6 months without losing its taste. If you did everything correctly, you will always have fresh cabbage dishes on your table until the new harvest appears.

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