Is it possible to drink potato juice if you have cancer and why do it?
The nutritional value of potatoes is not its only advantage. It contains a large number of biologically active substances, supports antioxidant protection in the body, and helps cope with many diseases: from problems with the gastrointestinal tract to the initial stage of hypertension.
Chemical composition of potato juice
Young raw potatoes and freshly squeezed juice from them contain a large amount of micro- and macroelements, fiber, organic acids and easily digestible carbohydrates. Tubers contain many vitamins:
- C - 20 mg per 100 g;
- B6 - 0.14–0.3 mg;
- B9 - 19–57 mcg;
- PP - 2.36 mg;
- K - 16 μg;
- B5 - 0.3 mg;
- B1 - 0.12 mg;
- B2 - 0.07 mg.
The predominant mineral salts in the composition are:
- potassium - 420–568 mg (potatoes are the champion in terms of its content);
- silicon - 50 mg;
- chromium - 10 mcg;
- molybdenum - 8 mcg;
- manganese - 130–440 mcg;
- iron - 0.3–4.9 mg;
- lithium - 77 mcg;
- zinc - 180–490 mcg;
- magnesium - 11–28 mg;
- boron - 115 mcg;
- copper - 33–194 mcg;
- phosphorus - 40–89 mg;
- rubidium - 500 mcg.
Potatoes contain carotenoids, sterols, and organic acids.
Calorie content, BJU and nutritional value of potato juice
The nutritional value of 100 ml of the drink is 77 kcal.
- 2 g proteins;
- 0.3 g fat;
- 20 g carbohydrates.
Useful properties of potato juice
Juice (especially from young tubers) is rich in organic acids, in particular malic, citric and oxalic, and easily digestible natural sugars, pectins, phenolic substances, and fiber.
Important! Small, unripe and sprouted potatoes contain large amounts of solanine, which is toxic in large doses. Symptoms of poisoning: nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, palpitations, muscle cramps, loss of consciousness.
The freshly squeezed drink has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial, hypotensive and antacid effects.
Eating fresh potatoes on an empty stomach neutralizes increased acidity. stomach. The enveloping effect is provided starch and hemicellulose - the juice protects the gastrointestinal tract from the aggressive action of bacteria and hydrochloric acid, relieves heartburn and belching, helps with chronic constipation and peptic ulcers.
The secretory function of the liver and kidneys is activated, swelling is eliminated. With constant consumption of juice, blood pressure decreases due to the acetylcholine content in the tubers. The drink speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss.
For what health problems should you drink potato juice?
The drink is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, duodenitis, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach and duodenal ulcers. It is effective when treatment type 2 diabetes mellitus, liver and biliary tract diseases, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, pathologies of the bladder.
Lotions with potato juice help heal wounds and lighten the skin.
Features of use in folk medicine
Most recipes that include potato juice indicate a maximum dose, but it is better to start treatment with the minimum and gradually increase it to the recommended dose. This approach will avoid undesirable consequences and reduce dyspeptic symptoms in people with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract.
Features of nutrition in cancer diseases
In case of cancer, potato juice can only be used as a supportive and restorative agent after a course of chemotherapy or during rehabilitation after surgical treatment.
Attention! It turned out that potato glycoalkaloids (chaconine and solanine) suppress the growth of cancer cells. However, all studies have so far been carried out in vitro (“in vitro”), so the juice can be used only in the absence of contraindications as an adjuvant and with the permission of a doctor.
It is important to start drinking the drink in minimal doses: ½ tsp. per day, gradually increasing to the required dosage over a month.
Rules for using potatoes for cancer
Potatoes for oncology are not the main treatment, but only supportive therapy. The use of juice from it must be approved by the attending physician.
For pancreatic cancer
For pancreatic cancer, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice twice a day, 1.5 hours before meals, in a volume of 200 ml.
For uterine fibroids
For fibroids, it is recommended to use ½ tbsp. freshly squeezed juice half an hour before the first meal. The course of treatment lasts several months depending on how you feel.
For stomach cancer
Before treatment, it is important to avoid spices, meat, fish, salted and smoked foods. Drink 150 ml of juice twice a day, an hour before meals.To enhance effectiveness, after 5 minutes you can additionally drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir.
For other types of cancer
For other types of oncology, it is recommended to use the juice as maintenance therapy in a volume of 100 ml once a day.
Recipes and schemes for using potato juice for cancer
The drink is used immediately after preparation, allowing it to sit for a couple of minutes. With longer aging, some of the substances will oxidize and the juice will lose beneficial features.
Since its taste is not very pleasant, it can be diluted with carrot or celery juice in a 1:1 ratio.
How to use potato flowers
Potato flowers may be effective against colon cancer, but this has not been proven, although there are positive reviews: the study was conducted in vitro, and the growth of cancer cells is most strongly suppressed by the extract from immature tubers due to their high content of glycoalkaloids.
Potato flowers can be collected on the sixth day after the buds open. They are used for water and alcohol tinctures. To obtain an infusion, 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers are brewed in 1 liter of hot water and allowed to brew in a thermos for 3 hours, then filtered and consumed ½ tbsp. three times a day.
An alcoholic tincture is prepared from freshly picked flowers and vodka (1:10). The inflorescences are twisted in a meat grinder and poured with alcohol, and allowed to brew in a dark place for 1 month. Take 2-4 drops twice a day.
Possible harm and contraindications
In addition to the benefits, potatoes can also cause harm. It is not recommended to drink juice from it if you have low stomach acidity, flatulence, or type 1 diabetes.
When consumed in large quantities, the drink can cause dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and flatulence.
Potatoes are considered to be the record holder for the content of vitamins and mineral salts. Freshly squeezed juice removes inflammation, alleviates the course of many diseases, improves metabolism, and coats the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The vegetable has potential in the treatment of oncology, but more research is still required. The drink can only be consumed with the permission of a doctor.