Very bright and surprisingly tasty “Little Chanterelle” pepper for preparations, delicious dishes and fresh consumption
Chanterelle pepper is a hybrid, which means it is resistant to weather changes and major diseases. Gardeners speak of the vegetable as tasty and very juicy. Orange peppers are used in salads and side dishes.
Let's take a closer look at the description of the Chanterelle variety and how to grow a rich harvest on your plot.
What kind of pepper is this
The f1 hybrid is grown in a greenhouse, hotbed or open ground. It is unpretentious in care, so even a novice gardener can get an excellent harvest.
As befits a hybrid, Chanterelle is different stable yield, resistance to pests and diseases. The vegetable got its name from its bright orange color. Purchase seeds only from trusted stores.
Early ripening hybrid: ripens on average 120 days from planting. The bushes are low, about 70 cm in height. Peppers are planted on hilly and sunny beds: in such conditions the crop will show the best results.
Interesting! Chanterelle is an amazing hybrid. Many people grow it at home on a balcony or windowsill. The main thing is to prepare the soil and a suitable container in advance.
Fruit characteristics and yield
Cone-shaped, glossy surface, orange color. The weight of the fruit varies from 30 to 50 g, there are few seeds. The walls are dense, up to 7 mm thick. The flesh is fleshy, the aroma is sweet.Due to its small size and juicy taste, Chanterelle is excellent for whole-fruit canning and stuffing. From 1 m2 They collect about 3 kg of beautiful and sweet vegetables.
Important! After harvesting, peppers are stored in the refrigerator or cellar. The hybrid remains elastic for a long time and does not lose its taste and commercial qualities.
Preparation for cultivation
You can grow crops only in well-prepared and nutritious beds. To do this, in the fall, they choose a place for future planting and clear the ground of debris and weeds.
Pepper feels comfortable in well-fertilized soil, so after digging, fertilizers containing phosphorus, magnesium and calcium (for example, potassium salt or superphosphate) are added to the soil. With the arrival of spring, the beds are dug up again and row spacing is created. The recommended planting pattern for Chanterelle is 30x50.
Important! To improve the quality of the soil, a mixture of dry wood ash and lime is added to the beds. Liming reduces the acidity of the soil and saturates it with nutrients.
The hybrid seeds have already been pre-processed by the manufacturer, however, some gardeners carry out another disinfection using a solution of potassium permanganate. This is necessary to increase seed germination and provide additional protection from pests and diseases.
Growing seedlings
Hybrid seedlings are prepared in early March. To do this, purchase seedling containers and soil in advance. Peat tablets, flower pots, and thick plastic bags are used as containers. Before planting, the container is thoroughly washed with soda and wiped with a dry, clean towel. As soil, use disinfected soil from the garden or ready-made store-bought mixtures. Peat, humus, compost or wood ash are added to the soil.
Important! According to its structure, loose and light soil is chosen so that the roots receive oxygen. Also, there should be no weeds, debris, or larvae in the soil.
Caring for seedlings consists of several procedures. First of all, this is regular watering. It is recommended to moisten the soil using a pipette, directing the water directly under the root. This will prevent the appearance of fungi and dangerous microbes. 15–20 days after planting, the peppers are fertilized with liquid organic matter (for example, bird droppings). For healthy development, seedlings are placed in a warm and sunny place. If there is a lack of light, use phytolamps or fluorescent devices.
As soon as the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves, they are dived (transplanted into a larger container). This is an integral stage of care, since as the bushes grow, they require more space, moisture and nutrients. Picking requires new container and soil. The sprouts are carefully removed using a small spatula and placed in a container. The stem is sprinkled with earth and watered abundantly.
About other varieties of pepper:
Juicy and productive Red Bull pepper
Planting in open ground and further care
Seedlings are sent to the greenhouse in mid-May, to open ground - 2-3 weeks later.. 10 days before planting, the bushes are watered pointwise to avoid waterlogging. Holes are prepared in the beds into which the sprouts are placed and sprinkled with loose soil on top.
It is recommended to replant peppers on a cloudy and windless day to avoid sunburn on the plant.
Further care consists of the following procedures:
. Bell pepper loves water, however, it is not recommended to over-moisten the soil: this leads to the occurrence of diseases. Irrigate the beds in the morning or evening when there is no sun. Otherwise, the water will quickly evaporate and the earth will crack. About 1 liter of warm water is consumed for 1 bush. The procedure is carried out once every 5 days.
- Fertilizers. Alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. Chanterelle pepper reacts positively to superphosphate, ash, and ammonium nitrate. Fertilize the bushes before watering, once every 10–15 days.
- Bush formation. The plant produces many small fruits, so it is necessary to remove weak shoots in a timely manner. Thanks to its formation, the bush spends its energy not on the growth of green mass, but on the development of the fruits themselves.
- Loosening the soil. Carry out before each watering. This makes the soil lighter and airier and prevents the appearance of pests.
Features of cultivation and possible difficulties
During the growing process, special attention is paid to weeding the beds.. Larvae and insect pests are removed along with the weeds. Weeds suck all the nutritious juices out of the pepper, causing the fruits to wither and lose their taste. Weeds should be pulled out before they develop a strong root system, otherwise it will be much more difficult to remove them. It is better to carry out the procedure after rain, since it is easier to get grass from damp soil.
With a deficiency of minerals, plant development deteriorates. For example, with a lack of nitrogen, the bush develops slowly, the stems become thin and weak, and the leaves acquire a pale green color. Feeling the need for phosphorus, the leaves turn purple-brown and the fruits dry out. The application of mineral fertilizers will correct the situation.
Typical diseases and pests
Although the hybrid has a high immunity to disease, occasionally the bushes are affected by powdery mildew or root rot. The cause of the disease lies in improper care, contaminated seeds or soil. Powdery mildew appears as a white coating on the leaves, which becomes larger over time. Prevention of its occurrence is spraying based on iodine and whey. Previkur is used for treatment.
Root rot occurs due to increased soil acidity or violations of the rules for growing seedlings. The plant becomes lethargic and yellow-brown dents appear on the stem. The root collar darkens and soon turns black. As a preventive measure, the soil in the greenhouse is disinfected and the bushes are regularly fed with organic substances. Root rot is treated with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate solution.
Among the pests found in garden beds are nematodes—miniature underground worms.. Because of them, the stems curl and the leaves turn yellow and dry. To protect peppers, follow the rules of crop rotation and regularly weed. If the pest has already been noticed in the beds, the drug “HOM” is used to combat it.
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Advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid
Bell pepper Chanterelle has a beautiful and bright color - orange vegetables look attractive on the table and are used to prepare various dishes. The fruits are used to prepare stews, casseroles, snacks, canned and fermented dishes.
High content of fiber, vitamins and other beneficial components makes pepper indispensable for preparing dietary dishes.Chanterelle requires a minimum of time and effort to care for; the bushes do not need to be tied up or pinched. The harvest is perfectly stored after harvesting: just place it in a cool and well-ventilated place.
Important! Pepper contains vitamins A, E and C, as well as acids and beneficial essential oils. Thanks to such a useful composition, regular consumption of the vegetable improves immunity and serves as a preventive measure for many diseases.
The disadvantages of the hybrid include low yield. Chanterelle is great for growing in small garden plots, but nothing more. Otherwise, the vegetable performs well.
Reviews about the hybrid are mostly positive, but some summer residents were disappointed with the result.
Roman, Moscow: “I grow Chanterelle sweet peppers only in a greenhouse. The bushes are compact and easy to care for. The fruits have a pleasant taste and small size; they make tasty and healthy preparations for the winter. I recommend for cultivation".
Polina, Anapa: “I planted peppers for the first time. She took care of it as it should be: she watered it and fertilized it with organic matter, and did not forget about weeding. However, the hybrid developed slowly and the fruit set poorly. I think the reason is that the summer was too rainy. The harvest turned out to be meager, I’ll try to grow Chanterelle again next year.”.
Lilya, Ufa: “Pepper Chanterelle, in my opinion, has average taste. However, the appearance is excellent, it looks very beautiful both in the beds and on the table. It's easy to grow".
The bright and tasty bell pepper Chanterelle performs well both fresh and after cooking. It is recommended to plant the vegetable after cabbage, onions or legumes.Pepper loves sunlight and warmth, so special attention is paid to the planting site.
The crop is easy to care for: it is enough to regularly water, fertilize and weed the beds. To obtain a rich harvest, the seedling method is used. The vegetable is harvested in August, when the fruits turn orange and become elastic. Pepper is versatile in cooking: its tasty pulp goes harmoniously with vegetable, meat and fish dishes.