How to store tomatoes so that they turn red: we accelerate ripening and keep the vegetable fresh for a long time

Every novice gardener is interested in the question of how to properly harvest still green tomatoes so that they ripen quickly at home. After all, planting and growing tomatoes is only half the battle. In the article you will find a detailed description of the process of collecting, ripening and preserving tomatoes.

Another problem is how to keep ripe tomatoes fresh for as long as possible. After reading the article, you will learn simple ways to easily keep this vegetable fresh for several months.

Why pick unripe tomatoes?

How to store tomatoes so that they turn red: we accelerate ripening and keep the vegetable fresh for a long time

It is not necessary to wait for the tomatoes on the bushes to fully ripen. It is possible and even necessary to collect fruits that are not yet ripe.


  • the largest green fruits are removed to relieve the bush - they will no longer grow, but they can break branches;
  • green fruits are removed to increase productivity - after removing the tomato, the bush will give all its nutrients to the appearance and development of new fruits;
  • with the onset of the first frost and the temperature dropping to +10°C at night, tomatoes are harvested green - warm days may not be enough for the fruits on the bush to fully ripen, and the entire crop may die from the cold;
  • dampness can make plants sick late blight - first the bushes are affected, and then the fruits become covered with black spots (such tomatoes cannot be eaten);
  • many housewives preserve green tomatoes.How to store tomatoes so that they turn red: we accelerate ripening and keep the vegetable fresh for a long time

Picking the fruits correctly

Which tomato can already be picked is determined by color. Choose tomatoes from light green to light orange. The darker the green, the longer it will take to ripen. The size of the fruit must correspond to the variety.

The fruits are cut with scissors along with the stalk so as not to damage the skin. This way you will extend the shelf life of tomatoes and protect them from premature rotting. It is important to harvest tomatoes in dry, but not hot weather.

Which varieties to choose for long-term storage

In specialty stores you can easily find seeds of almost any variety of tomatoes. For open ground, choose mid- and early-ripening varieties, and for greenhouse planting - with late ripening.

How to store tomatoes so that they turn red: we accelerate ripening and keep the vegetable fresh for a long time

Which varieties and hybrids last the longest?

Yellow tomatoes New Year's, Vasilisa, Zhanna, Snowfall, Gift of Autumn, Orange Ball, Lounger F1, Rio are perfectly stored.

If you prefer red fruits, then choose Ekaterina, Zazimok, Empire, Stone flower, Intuition.

For exotic lovers, black tomatoes are suitable: Black Crimea, Black Truffle, Black a pineapple, Black chocolate.

Reference. Regardless of the variety, tomatoes grown in open ground store better than those grown in a greenhouse.

When to pick tomatoes for ripening

Tomatoes growing in open ground are harvested before the first frost. If the fruit begins to turn brown near the inflorescence, this means that it will no longer grow, you can safely pick it. If the weather is too damp and rainy already in August, it is worth collecting all the green fruits. From excess moisture they begin to rot.

If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, you can remove the fruits for ripening later. Depending on weather conditions and variety, harvesting begins at the end of June and continues until the beginning of October.But when the temperature in the greenhouse drops below +9°C, you need to collect all the fruits.

Conditions for ripening and storing green tomatoes

For better results in preserving tomatoes Certain conditions must be met. Let's look at detailed instructions on where and how to keep tomatoes, as well as unusual methods and tips for preserving the harvest.

Where is the best place to store harvested unripe tomatoes?

How to store tomatoes so that they turn red: we accelerate ripening and keep the vegetable fresh for a long time

For quick ripening, the best place is a dark and warm room with a moderate level of humidity. It should be well ventilated. The optimal temperature is +…+25°C, the higher it is, the faster the tomatoes will ripen.

There are several options for storage:

  1. Small boxes are covered with paper (not newspaper), spread the tomatoes in a maximum of 3 layers. Each subsequent layer is also covered with paper. Instead of paper, you can sprinkle the fruits with straw or sawdust.
  2. Previously, unripe tomatoes were stored in felt boots. This is also a valid option, but you will have to go through them every 2-3 days, keeping track of the ripe ones and those that have begun to deteriorate.
  3. Storage in banks. The jars are first sterilized, 2 tbsp are poured into the bottom. l. dry mustard. Unripe tomatoes are laid out in layers. Each layer is also sprinkled with mustard. Roll up with a metal lid. Place the jars for storage in a dark, cool place: a basement or cellar is ideal. Tomatoes will remain fresh for up to 4-5 months.
  4. In a small apartment you can spread fabric under the bed and scatter unripe tomato berries on it, covering them with another cloth.How to store tomatoes so that they turn red: we accelerate ripening and keep the vegetable fresh for a long time

We speed up the ripening process of tomatoes

Let's look at the most popular and effective ways to speed up the ripening process of tomatoes:

  1. It has been scientifically proven that ethylene gas helps tomatoes (and many other vegetables) ripen.The fruits themselves also produce this gas. To increase its concentration, the fruits are covered with cloth or straw.
  2. Bright sunlight and high temperatures will help tomatoes ripen faster.
  3. In any place where the harvest is stored, place 1-2 already ripe red fruits or a ripe banana. Thus, the “ripening enzymes” will spread among unripe fruits faster.
  4. If you need your tomatoes to ripen urgently, you can resort to this unusual method - inject each tomato with vodka (0.5 cm³) in the area of ​​the stalk. The concentration of ethylene will increase and the reddening process will accelerate several times. It is not safe to give such tomatoes to children.

How to keep tomatoes fresh until winter

How to store tomatoes so that they turn red: we accelerate ripening and keep the vegetable fresh for a long time

You can enjoy the taste and aroma of fresh vegetables even at the New Year's table. To do this, follow a few simple rules.

First, carefully sort the fruits. Any signs of spoilage, dents, stains, mold - this is a reason to use the fruit for processing. Tomatoes must be dry, without damage to the skin. When storing in boxes, sorting is carried out once every 3-4 days.

Important! Do not store tomatoes in a plastic bag. Despite the convenience, this method will lead to rapid spoilage of the fruit.

The humidity in the storage area should be high - from 80-85%, and the temperature should not exceed 7-10°C. In dry air, tomatoes quickly become flabby and lose their taste.

A small amount of unripe tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator. And for making soups or pizza toppings, ripened tomatoes are cut into thin slices, placed in bags and frozen in the freezer. This way you can use these vegetables fresh until the next harvest.

Storing ripe tomatoes

Ripe tomatoes can be stored from several days to 2-3 weeks. Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties will last at room temperature for 3 weeks. Early ripening ones are best stored in a cooler place for no more than 5-7 days.

Separate ripe tomatoes from other vegetables. Such proximity will speed up the ripening process and lead to early rotting. Already ripe fruits will last for several days in the refrigerator.

3 methods for processing tomatoes that will extend their storage

There are several tricks for preserving the harvest for a longer period:

  1. Place the tomatoes in a container and fill with vegetable oil. The oil level should be 1 cm above the fruit.
  2. Prepare a solution of water, salt and vinegar in a ratio of 8:1:1 and pour it over the fruits.
  3. In sterilized jars, first place a layer of finely chopped tomatoes and add salt. Place whole fruits on top, sprinkling each layer with salt. Roll up the jars and store them in a cold place (fridge or basement).

How to slow down the ripening of tomatoes

To slow down this process at home, there is a simple rule: the colder the room where you store tomatoes, the slower they ripen. However, the room must be well ventilated, otherwise the fruits will quickly deteriorate or lose their taste.

Tips from experienced gardeners on collecting and storing tomatoes

How to store tomatoes so that they turn red: we accelerate ripening and keep the vegetable fresh for a long time

When it comes to collecting and storing tomatoes, you should rely on unusual and interesting advice from experienced gardeners:

  1. To make the fruits turn red faster while still in the garden, spray them with iodine solution - 30 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water.
  2. When storing tomatoes in the cold, their taste is lost - store them in the refrigerator only when necessary.
  3. There is no need to wash tomatoes; it is better to wipe them with a cotton swab and alcohol to kill germs.
  4. Place clean and dry fruits in a sterilized jar. The tomatoes should be packed loosely. Pour 1 tbsp into a jar. l. alcohol, close the lid. Swirl the jar a little until all the tomatoes are wet. Make a wick tube out of paper, light it and lower it into the jar. As soon as the alcohol ignites, carefully close the lid on the jar. With this method, all the oxygen from the jar will disappear. The tomatoes will keep for 4-5 months and stay fresh.


Agricultural technology involves harvesting unripe tomatoes to ease the load on the plant and increase productivity. Experienced gardeners know how to store tomatoes so that they turn red quickly at home or in the basement.

Maintaining temperature conditions, maintaining humidity levels, choosing fruits suitable for storage and timely sorting will provide the housewife with ripe tomatoes for several months.

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